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Advantages and Disadvantages of a Wall Breathalyzer


A significant portion of Australian adults consume alcohol at least once every week. In particular, many people go to bars or clubs to indulge in alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, many people get carried away and take more than they can handle. Excessive alcohol leads to severe impairments and causes accidents on the road or at work. For that reason, using a breathalyzer to monitor the alcohol level is imperative. Breathalyzers are portable devices that estimate a person’s blood alcohol content (BAC) or intoxication level. You may use a personal breathalyzer like BACtrack to help you monitor your BAC level from going over the legal limit. Alternatively, some bars have a wall breathalyzer for public use. 

A wall breathalyzer is a BAC monitoring tool used in commercial establishments that serve alcohol like bars, restaurants, or pubs. It is helpful to patrons to check their BAC level before going or driving. Similarly, some workplaces also have wall-mounted breathalyzers to monitor the alcohol level of employees going to work. However, unlike a handheld breathalyzer, they are larger and have additional features like a coin acceptor or push-button to activate the sensors. In Australia, the legal limit for alcohol is 0.05% BAC. For instance, if you drive with a high BAC, you can face criminal charges and penalties. Also, some workplaces have a zero-alcohol tolerance policies, prohibiting any alcohol content in the body. Using a breathalyzer can help determine your BAC level which can minimise the risks brought by alcohol consumption. 

Advantages of a Wall Breathalyzer

Installing a wall breathalyzer in public premises helps promote responsible alcohol consumption. People can have access to their BAC and make informed decisions. In particular, alcohol affects the senses and motor skills, increasing the risks for casualties or injuries. An intoxicated person has reduced abilities to operate a vehicle or heavy equipment safely. For example, a wrong push of a button due to uncoordinated movements can lead to disastrous consequences. Mental and physical alertness is essential to perform tasks safely and effectively. A wall breathalyzer in public premises can offer the following benefits:

  • Accurate BAC testing – wall breathalyzers use fuel cell sensor technology to estimate the alcohol level precisely, with 3-decimal readings.
  • Easy to Use – The machine can accept coins or button push to activate the sensors and process the breath sample
  • Prevent drink driving – Checking your BAC minimises the risks of impaired driving
  • Reduce workplace accidents – Deters alcohol use. In addition, employees are not permitted to work if the breathalyzer shows a positive BAC. 
  • Low maintenance cost – No expensive monthly servicing fees or contracts. The sensor modules are replaceable, making them good as new.
  • Added revenue for business – Coin-operated breathalyzers give business owners extra income. 


Features of a Wall Breathalyzer

A wall breathalyzer for bars has a coin acceptor slot to operate the machine. For example, customers would need insert money to activate the sensors. Like a portable breathalyzer like BACtrack, the device will start a countdown timer as the sensors warm up. The breathalyzer will dispense a straw for blowing to the mouth-hole. At the end of the timer, give a long blow until you hear the end of the beep. The device analyses the breath sample and displays the BAC results on the large screen. In general, wall breathalyzers have replaceable sensor modules making them cost-efficient for long-term use. Additionally, visual and audio cues can guide in operating the device. 

Workplaces can also install a wall breathalyzer in entry points to ensure that employees are fit to work. To operate this, simply push the button and wait for the signal to blow. In addition, advanced features like downloadable test records can make for an efficient monitoring system. In particular, workplace breathalyzers can integrate software to transfer BAC data to a local computer. The BAC results include the time and date of the tests. You can store the test results or print them individually through a wireless connection or USB. Moreover, fuel cell breathalyzers maintain consistency longer and can last up to 1,000 tests before needing calibration or replacement. Therefore, they are suitable for high compliance environments like mining, transportation, construction, and other safety-critical jobs. 

Wall Breathalyzer: Disadvantages

A wall breathalyzer is beneficial to keep the alcohol level in public or workplaces under control. In addition, workplace breathalyzers can efficiently store employee BAC information for future references. For instance, the management can check the records in an emergency or accident. But unfortunately, wall breathalyzer has its drawbacks:

  • Misuse of the device – In some cases, customers use the wall breathalyzers as a game to determine who can hit the highest BAC level. Inappropriate use of a breathalyzer can lead to damaged sensors. 
  • Inadmissible in court – A breathalyzer lets you determine your BAC level so you can be safe for driving. However, you cannot use the results from a wall breathalyzer as evidence in court if you are charged with drink driving. 
  • Accessibility – Not all premises have wall breathalyzers. Using a personal breathalyzer like BACtrack is more efficient to ensure safety. You can check your BAC at any time and place you need. 


Breathalyzer Accuracy

Ensure accurate and reliable breath test results by following the proper guidelines of using a wall breathalyzer. First, it is crucial to wait for 15 to 20 minutes from the last consumption before testing your breath. The waiting period allows the body to absorb alcohol thoroughly. When we consume alcohol, it enters the small intestines and the bloodstream. Then, the blood carries it through different body organs. As a result, the effects are noticeable within minutes. Therefore, not waiting for the allotted period can cause imprecise results. In addition, the wall breathalyzers in Australia also adhere to the standard AS3547 certification. It ensures that the device passes the accuracy standards for an effective alcohol breath device. As a general guide, avoid smoking, or using alcohol-based products like mouthwash, breath spray, and mint gums before using a breathalyzer. 

BACtrack: Pro-grade personal breathalyzers

A personal breathalyzer can ascertain that you keep within the allowed limit for alcohol. Breathalysers Australia has a wide range of reliable BACtrack breathalyzers for personal or professional purposes. In addition, you can enjoy the portability of BACtrack devices that a wall breathalyzer can’t. In particular, the BACtrack smartphone breathalyzers have Bluetooth capabilities to connect to a smartphone app. The BACtrack companion app allows you to view your BAC results directly on your mobile device. In addition, the app has ZeroLine technology, quickly estimating how long your BAC level will return to 0.00%. You may also record your previous results and view them in a graph. These innovative features give you a better understanding of your alcohol consumption patterns. Lastly, the BACtrack workplace breathalyzers use enhanced fuel cell sensors for the more precise BAC tests. The BACtrack pro-grade accuracy is the same as police officers’ breathalysers. 

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