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The Best Way to Buy Breathalyzers Near Me

05 May, 2023

A man and woman drinking alcohol with a breathalyzer ready for monitoring

The hazards of drink driving are one of the major concerns of people when going out to socialise with alcohol. Fortunately, individuals can avoid the detrimental consequences of intoxication by searching for where to buy a breathalyzer near me. They measure the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) or a person’s level of intoxication through the breath. If you are looking for a fast and reliable device, the best way is to get it directly at Breathalysers Australia online.

Alcohol intoxication is a significant factor in many accidents and car crashes worldwide. The impairments include blurred vision, reduced hearing, slower reflexes, and poor coordination. Thus, it affects a person’s ability to drive safely. Individuals who want to manage their intake use a personal breathalyzer to monitor the changes to their blood alcohol levels. This post will talk about factors to consider before buying a breathalyzer, its benefits, and how to use the device.

Where to Buy a Breathalyzer Near Me

Various breathalyzers are available in the market for consumer use. The devices vary in style, cost, feature, and accuracy. Therefore, choosing a breathalyzer can be challenging. The first thing many ask is where to buy breathalyzers near me. You may purchase breath alcohol testers at retail outlets or electronic stores in your area. However, the selection can be limited and may not carry what you need. Conveniently, you may check the many devices in online stores.

One of the trusted retailers is Breathalysers Australia. It offers several options of BACtrack breath testers suitable for multiple needs. The BACtrack breathalyzers range from keychains to Bluetooth-enabled and professional devices. Individuals relying on high accuracy may get pro-grade types like the BACtrack S80 Pro or Trace Pro. These are included in the professional line of Breathalysers Australia, utilising the Xtend fuel cell sensor technology. These sensors are specific to ethanol. Thus, it gives more precise BAC readings.

Additionally, breathalysers with Bluetooth connectivity, like the BACtrack C6C8, and Mobile Pro, can pair with Android or iOS devices to directly view BAC results in the smartphone. Through a companion app, you may record and track BAC data, make notes, and monitor sobriety through the ZeroLine technology. Moreover, the BACtrack Go Keychain is the lightest alcohol tester for quick alcohol reading. It is essential for people searching where to buy breathalyzers near me to have comprehensive options.

Quick Guide to the BACtrack Pro Breathalyzers

  • S80 Pro Gen1 and Gen2 – one-button operation for quick breath testing
  • Trace Pro Gen1 and Gen2 – slim design combining ease of use and reliable BAC readings
  • Scout – most affordable fuel cell breathalyzer at BAU
  • Mobile Pro Gen1 and Gen2 – integrates with a smartphone app for efficient monitoring

A woman testing her BAC with a portable breathalyzer

Buy Breathalyzers Near Me: What to Check

There are many things to consider when you need to buy a breathalyzer near me. Securing safety when driving is vital to avoid accidents or drink driving cases. Therefore, many choose to buy a reliable device to minimise the hazards of alcohol intoxication. The primary aspect when selecting a breathalyzer is the sensor type and accuracy. Personal breathalyzers use either semiconductor or fuel cell sensors. In general, fuel cell breathalyzers are more stable and consistent than semiconductor sensors.

People needing high precision, such as those working in high-risk industries, may get certified devices like the BACtrack Pro series. You may look for FDA-approved and DOT-compliant breathalyzers. Similarly, adhering to the Australian Standards (AS3547) indicate that they pass the performance and testing requirements of breath screening devices. Therefore, using a certified breathalyzer enhances the reliability of alcohol testing as they have undergone rigorous testing.

Equally important in looking to buy a breathalyzer near me are the after-sales services, including recalibration. Breathalyzer sensors are sensitive that require regular maintenance to uphold their performance and accuracy. This is because alcohol residue may accumulate, causing the sensors to drift over time. Therefore, it is vital to check the recalibration procedure when buying a breathalyzer. Most devices require sending the unit back to the manufacturer every six months or 500 tests.

Benefits of Personal Breathalyzers

  • Check and monitor the BAC as often as necessary
  • Give instant test results
  • Portable devices are easy to carry around
  • Easy operation without needing professional supervision
  • More cost-efficient in the long-run
  • Fuel cell breathalyzers have police-grade accuracy
  • Removable mouthpieces enable sharing with others
  • Help manage alcohol consumption to moderate levels

Monitoring the BAC with a Bluetooth breathalyzer

Buy a Breathalyzer Near Me: Usage Guidelines

Aside from sensor accuracy, a breathalyser’s effectiveness depends on the correct use of the device. Additionally, instances of false reading may happen when the individual does not follow the proper breath test guidelines. Therefore, people searching where to buy breathalyzers near me also check the device’s features and how to use them. To ensure you get the most accurate BAC result, wait 15 minutes after eating, drinking, or smoking before using a breathalyzer.

The delay period is the average time it takes for the body to absorb alcohol and vaporise it in the lungs for exhalation. It also ensures the elimination of mouth alcohol, which may cause false positives. As a result, only the deep lung air goes through the sensors for analysis. Moreover, to facilitate the test, turn the device on and wait for the signal to blow. Once ready, take a deep breath and blow steadily for five seconds.

The breathalyzer processes the breath sample and displays the results within 10-15 seconds. However, it may also show error notifications if the testing is unsuccessful. For example, an FL or FLo message indicates the breath sample is insufficient for the sensors to analyse. If this occurs, you may take a retest by providing a new breath sample. Therefore, individuals searching to buy breathalyzers near me online must also consider the possible errors and their reasons.

What to Avoid

In using a breathalyzer, you should avoid the following:

  • Taking a breath test in a room filled with alcohol odour, smoke, or paint fumes
  • Spitting or exposing the sensors to other particles like food
  • Chewing mint gum or using mouthwash before the test
  • Using a device past its recalibration date


Alcohol impairment can bring various health and safety risks to the person and others. Thus, Australian laws enforce stricter measures to minimise the detrimental impacts of alcohol use, including more robust roadside testing programs. Individuals may incur legal charges and penalties if their blood alcohol level exceeds the BAC limit. Because of this, many want to know the best way to buy breathalyzers near me to help prevent severe impairments.

It is important to note that breathalyzers are tools to help a person manage their intake. However, it does not ascertain risk-free driving. A person with minimal alcohol content may still pose safety hazards on the road. Hence, breathalyzers serve as efficient guides in the decision-making process after alcohol intake. If you need reliable breath testers, you may visit Breathalysers Australia online for a wide range of pro-grade devices. Each unit has distinct features to serve various testing needs.

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