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Understanding Accurate Alcohol Reading with BACtrack Breathalysers


A breathalyser is a valuable breath testing tool that analyses and measures the amount of alcohol present through breath samples. A breathalyser includes a mouthpiece that you exhale into. The alcohol tester works by measuring the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC). The BAC, or alcohol reading, is measured via alcohol to blood ratio. BACtrack Breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia offers a wide range of personal to workplace breathalysers that provides instant and highly accurate BAC readings.

Alcohol Reading: BAC Levels

An alcohol reading of 0.02% BAC can affect your behaviour and judgment. Driving under the influence of alcohol at this level might cause you to become easily distracted. Additionally, having a BAC level of 0.05% may cause your behaviour to become more exaggerated, reduce awareness, and cause loss of motor functions and balance. These impairments due to alcohol consumption can negatively affect general safety. Moreover, 0.05% BAC is the legal alcohol limit, and driving with a BAC over the legal limit may incur legal charges and penalties. Finally, driving under alcohol impairments can cause roadside accidents. Breathalyser Australia offers BACtrack personal breathalysers that can help reduce the rates of accidents.

In Australia, the legal alcohol limit is 0.05% BAC. If law enforcement officers notice you are not driving safely, they will likely stop you, conduct a breath test, and determine your alcohol reading. Therefore, it is beneficial to check and monitor your BAC levels when consuming alcohol. Knowing your BAC levels can help moderate consumption. Additionally, by owning a BACtrack breathalyser, you can access instant and easy alcohol breath testing. Breathalysers Australia supplies genuine BACtrack devices that provide reliable and constant BAC readings. Furthermore, BACtrack breathalysers are readily available for online purchase and through some of the biggest retail stores. Breathalysers Australia has an alcohol tester that suits your needs and budget.

Alcohol reading: Effects of Alcohol Consumption

The BAC determines the level of intoxication of an individual. You can measure the amount of alcohol present in the system by the number of milligrams per 100ml of blood. Having a high level of BAC means an increased amount of alcohol present in the blood. Additionally, dangerous levels of alcohol consumption affect an individual’s motor functions and judgment. Furthermore, alcohol consumption can significantly negatively impact your behaviour and driving capability. Each person has a different reaction to alcohol consumption. Moreover, a highly accurate alcohol reading is vital to keep you safe and have better knowledge regarding the effects of alcohol on your body.

As a rough guide, one standard drink will give out approximately 0.01 to 0.03% BAC within an hour. You can search and browse the Australian standard drinks guide to better understand alcohol effects. The body can only process one standard drink per hour. This means that for every drink you consume, your BAC levels will take one hour to go back to 0.00% BAC. However, the most reliable method is to take an alcohol reading through a breathalyser. 


What do BAC levels mean?

Using an alcohol reading or BAC test results as a guide to what alcohol consumption can affect is significantly helpful. Individuals who consume alcohol may show impairments at higher BAC levels. 

  • 0.001-0.49% BAC causes a boost in confidence, being more talkative and more relaxed.
  • 0.05% to 0.079% BAC will make you at risk of having impaired judgment and reduced inhibitions.
  • 0.08% to 0.14% BAC will have significant effects, including slurred speech, impaired balance and motor functions, unstable behaviour and possible nausea and vomiting.
  • 0.15% to 0.30% BAC will put you at high risk and have adverse effects like inadequate breathing, inability to stand and walk without assistance, alcohol poisoning, and possible loss of consciousness.
  • A BAC of over 0.30% will likely put you in a coma or may even result in death.

Blood alcohol concentration level is what law enforcement officers test for in roadside stops and checkpoints. A BAC of 0.05% means 0.05g of alcohol in every 100ml of blood. Furthermore, your alcohol reading must be under 0.05% to avoid getting legal charges and penalties.

Factors that affect BAC levels

Alcohol negatively affects mental and physical capabilities within minutes after consumption. However, despite the rapid absorption of alcohol in the body, it can only process alcohol at a rate of one standard drink per hour. The most efficient way to measure the BAC or intoxication levels is through an alcohol breath test. Furthermore, a breathalyser is a compact and handheld breath testing tool that measures an individual’s BAC levels through breath samples. These valuable alcohol testing tools are available at Breathalysers Australia to provide highly accurate alcohol readings. The following factors that affect BAC levels are body size, amount of body fat, food intake, medications, alcohol percentage in a drink and rate of consumption.

You can follow the recommended drink consumption to stay under the legal alcohol limit and get an alcohol reading below 0.05% BAC. For men, an average of 2 standard drinks in the first hour and one drink per hour after that. For women, it is one standard drink per hour.


How to Get a Reliable Alcohol Reading

Conducting an alcohol breath test using a breathalyser is quick and easy. You can get reliable and highly accurate alcohol reading with the BACtrack breathalysers. However, it is vital to remember that you must follow the guidelines and instructions in using the device. To get  the most precise BAC results, the following are essential:

  • 15 to 20-minute wait time – it is vital to wait after consuming food or alcohol or smoking before conducting an alcohol breath test. It also reduces the chances of alcohol residue in the mouth affecting the BAC readings.
  • Test your BAC after alcohol consumption – BAC level may quickly rise from the first drink depending on how the body processes alcohol. Therefore, checking and monitoring your BAC levels helps moderate your consumption and keep your BAC under the legal alcohol limit.
  • Breathalyser Use – BACtrack breathalysers deliver reliable and highly accurate BAC results with the proper use of the unit. Additionally, it is vital to avoid spitting saliva or other components into the breathalyser to prevent damaging the sensors. 
  • Use mouthpieces – it is crucial to use a sanitised mouthpiece every time you use the device and conduct testing. Moreover, keep in mind that you need a separate mouthpiece when letting someone else use the breathalyser.
  • Recalibration service – Ensure that you send the unit back for service within the recalibration time frame. Every breathalyser requires service at least every 12 months.


A reliable alcohol reading is crucial in keeping you and the people around you safe from the harmful effects of alcohol consumption. A breath testing unit like the BACtrack breathalyser is valuable in determining BAC levels to prevent alcohol impairments. Visit Breathalysers Australia to find the most suitable BACtrack breathalyser for your needs.

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