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Breath Testing Kit – What It Is, How To Use, and Understanding The Results

06 November, 2023

A breathalyser and a glass of beer

breath testing kit or a breathalyser is a device used to measure the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of a person by analysing their breath. To use it, the individual exhales into the device, and it calculates the BAC. In Australia, a BAC of 0.05% is the legal limit for drivers. If the breathalyser shows a BAC below 0.05%, the person can drive. If it shows 0.05% or higher, they should not drive as it is against the legal limit.

When an individual consumes alcohol, a portion of it enters the bloodstream after passing through the stomach. The blood then carry these alcohol molecules to various vital organs, including the lungs. In the lungs, the alcohol vapourises and is exhaled when the person breathes out. A breath tester detects this vapour and calculates the alcohol concentration in the bloodstream. This article will discuss the functions of these devices, their proper usage, and how to interpret the results.

What is a Breath Testing Kit

breath testing kit is a device that measures the BAC in the breath of the person. It is commonly used in Australia and other countries to conduct breath tests. These tests are important for making informed decisions regarding alcohol consumption and other related matters.

Breath tests involve the collection of breath samples to determine the presence and levels of alcohol. These tests operate on the principle of detecting ethanol in the breath, which correlates with the alcohol concentration in the blood. Additionally, breathalyser devices utilise a chemical reaction, with the most common methods involving semiconductor and fuel cell sensors.

The purpose of a breath test kit is to provide an efficient and non-invasive method for testing individuals for substances like alcohol. By using breath samples instead of invasive procedures, breathalysers allow for quick and convenient testing that can be done on-site. This makes it easier for police officers and medical professionals to make informed decisions regarding alcohol consumption and related matters.

Advantages of a Breathalyser Over Other Test Methods

  • Non-invasive: this eliminates the need for painful and invasive procedures such as blood tests.
  • Convenient and quick: it requires only a breath sample, which conductors can easily collect, reducing the time and discomfort.
  • Immediate results: it enables quick decisions and timely action if needed.
  • Cost-effective: a breath alcohol device saves time and money by removing the need for special equipment and lab tests.
  • Portable and accessible: breath testing devices are small and easy to carry, enabling testing in different places.
  • Accurate and reliable: breath alcohol testing devices are accurate and reliable because researchers have extensively studied and improved them.

A woman using a breathalyser

How to Use a Breath Testing Kit

Using a breath testing kit is a simple process. To begin, the user needs to turn on the breathalyser by pressing the power button. It only takes a few seconds for the sensors to warm up and get ready for use. Once the device is ready, a start signal will indicate that it is time to take a breath sample.

To provide a sample, the person needs to blow steadily into the mouthpiece for about five seconds or until the beeping sound stops. After that, the device processes the breath and quickly displays the blood alcohol content result on the screen. The response time of these devices is usually around 10 to 15 seconds, making them one of the fastest methods for testing BAC levels.

After obtaining the results, the user can turn off the device and store it in a safe place. For those using a smartphone breathalyser, the device will automatically send the BAC data to the accompanying app via Bluetooth. Additionally, users have the option to store the results to track their BAC levels over time.

Best Practices When Operating a Breathalyser

When using a breathalyser, it is important to follow best practices. Firstly, make sure the person has not eaten, drank, or smoked for at least 15 minutes. This prevents any substances from affecting the reading. Secondly, have the individual take a deep breath and exhale steadily into the breathalyser. This ensures enough breath for analysis.

Thirdly, clean and maintain the breathalyser regularly. It helps to remove any residue or buildup that may accumulate on the device. Lastly, check the calibration schedule of the device as per the instructions of the manufacturer. Overall, these practices will help ensure accurate and reliable results.

A person reading his breathalyser result via smartphone

Interpreting the Results of a Breath Testing Kit

When using a breath testing kit to measure blood alcohol level, it is crucial to properly interpret the results. The kit provides a clear indication of whether a person has consumed alcohol and if their BAC exceeds the legal limit.

To interpret the results, the user should check the display on the breath-testing device. If the value shown is below the legal limit, specifically 0.05% in Australia, it means the person is safe to drive. However, if the value exceeds the limit, it indicates that the blood alcohol level of the individual is too high. As a result, they should avoid operating any vehicles.

It is essential to note that breathalysers provide an estimation of blood alcohol levels and may not be as accurate as blood tests. Therefore, if there is any doubt about the result, it is advisable to seek additional confirmation through more accurate testing methods. Overall, interpreting the results of a breathalyser is crucial for ensuring personal safety and abiding by the law.

Factors that May Influence the BAC Level

The BAC level can be influenced by several factors. Firstly, beverages with higher alcohol content, such as spirits or hard liquor, can lead to a higher BAC. In comparison, lower alcohol-content beverages like beer or wine result in a lower BAC. Secondly, the rate of consumption also affects BAC. When alcohol is consumed rapidly, the BAC level rises quickly.

Thirdly, gender. Women typically have a higher BAC than men after consuming the same amount of alcohol. This is because women generally have a higher percentage of body fat and lower levels of water in their bodies.


breath testing kit, or breathalyser, is a crucial tool for determining alcohol levels in the breath of the person. It offers a quick, non-invasive, and convenient method for conducting on-site tests. Thus, this aids law enforcement and medical professionals in making informed decisions about alcohol consumption. Using a breathalyser is a straightforward process. The user activates the device, blows into the mouthpiece, and quickly receives their BAC result.

Furthermore, understanding and interpreting the results of a breathalyser is vital for personal safety and legal compliance. Users must check the display of the device to ensure their blood alcohol level is below the legal limit before driving. Additionally, various factors like alcohol content, consumption rate, and gender influence BAC levels. Being aware of these factors can help individuals make responsible choices, ensuring they stay within safe limits and avoid dangerous situations.

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