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BACtrack FL or FLo: What does it mean?

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The BACtrack Trace Pro breathalyser showing BAC results in a bar

BACtrack FL or FLo is a standard error message indicating that the breath sample or blow is inadequate for an accurate BAC reading. If the device’s display shows this error message, it generally means a retake of a breath test is necessary. Users are advised to restart the device by pressing the start button. Afterwards, the BACtrack breathalyser will renew the countdown timer. Users should take a deep breath and blow a deep and sustained exhale into the device. 

The common misconception of the BACtrack FL error is that the blow was not hard enough. However, the truth is that the blow was not long enough to provide a specific breath sample needed for an accurate BAC reading. This article will go over BACtrack FL and other errors, as well as the maintenance, usage and advanced features of BACtrack breathalysers. 

BACtrack FL – How Breathalysers Work

Breathalysers come in different models and designs to suit specific testing purposes. Pro-grade breathalysers use advanced fuel cell sensor technology to deliver quick and reliable BAC results. BAC stands for Blood Alcohol Concentration and is the primary measure of intoxication and alcohol consumption in a person. In addition, BAC is also employed by law enforcement to ensure road safety. The legal alcohol limit for operating a vehicle in Australia is 0.05% BAC.

In addition, fuel cell breathalysers are the most accurate in the market. These are the same devices used by law enforcement officers, substance testing clinics and hospitals. Fuel cell sensors are highly sensitive only to ethanol and do not react with other substances in the breath, such as acetone. Therefore fuel cell breathalysers produce fewer false-positive results. This feature is especially useful for those on low-calorie diets or has diabetes.

Breathalysers use these advanced sensors to measure BAC accurately. In addition, these Fuel Cell-equipped breathalysers oxidise alcohol from a single deep breath sample through an electrochemical process. In this process, fuel cell sensors oxidise ethanol to produce a small electric current relative to alcohol content. Thus users need to do a long blow to provide an adequate deep lung breath sample to avoid the BACtrack FL error notification. 

Other BACtrack Error Indicators

  • BAT – batteries running low
  • Er – The sensor is damaged or needs calibration
  • Err2 – this message indicates the presence of excess saliva in the device
  • Out – The breathalyser has failed to detect any blow
  • Out°F – Out°F indicates that the unit is powered outside an acceptable temperature for a breath test. 

The BACtrack C8 breathalyser showing BAC results during a sporting event

BACtrack FL – Advanced features of BACtrack Breathalysers

A number of breathalysers have adjustable blow settings for increased accuracy. Specifically, the BACtrack Pro and Mobile Series can modify blow time settings. Longer blow times ensure that the device receives the adequate breath sample needed for an accurate BAC reading. Additionally, pro-grade breathalysers come with continuous temperature checks to help maintain breath sample consistency. Breathalysers equipped with the Xtend fuel cell sensors have a linear response feature to trace alcohol concentrations between 0.00-0.4000%.

Therefore such devices can still give precise readings at high alcohol levels. In addition, a Breathalyser designed for the workplace may also keep a scanning database to keep track of data from high-volume tests such as a company-wide breath test. Alcohol intoxication poses a significant occupational hazard, especially in safety-critical workplaces. Such companies employ follicleurine and blood tests, but a breath check remains the most accessible and cost-efficient testing method.

For personal use, smartphone breathalysers also include innovative features for efficient breath testing. The BACtrack Mobile Pro and C8 Smartphone models all have Bluetooth-enabled wireless capabilities. These devices allow the BAC results from the test to show directly on a part phone’s screen. Another feature is ZeroLine technology. This feature estimates when the BAC will return to 0.00% based on previous alcohol consumption. However, to avoid the BACtrack FL error, proper use and a long blow are still necessary.

BACtrack Breathalyser Features

  • Innovative Police-grade Fuel Cell sensor – This electrochemical fuel sensor allows for only the most accurate readings, resulting in fewer false positives. 
  • Quick warmup time – most BACtrack breathalysers only need 10-15 seconds to warm up
  • Optimal breath capture system – for ensuring the precise amount of breath sample is captured
  • Audible Alarm

The BACtrack Mobile Pro smartphone breathalyser being used during a baseball game

BACtrack FL – Breathalyser Maintenance

An accurate breathalyser is important for monitoring the effects of alcohol consumption and making informed decisions. Breathalyser devices rely on sensor accuracy for precise BAC readings. Therefore sensor maintenance is vital for keeping such a device accurate. Users should avoid blowing too hard on the mouthpiece to prevent saliva and other food or drink particles from damaging the sensors. In addition, it is also advised to consistently use the breathalyser to keep the device from drying out.

However, if the BACtrack FL or FLo error still appears regularly, users should contact customer support from Breathalysers Australia for a troubleshooting guide. The likeliest scenario is that alcohol residue might have built up in the sensors over time, thus affecting performance. If this is the case, the user is advised to send over their unit for recalibration.

Regular recalibration is the likeliest solution for persistent BACtrack FL or FLo error. This process clears up the sensor with a specialised solution applied by skilled technicians. After which it should be safe for everyday use. Users are always advised to follow the proper guidelines for a practical alcohol breath test. These include allowing at least 15 minutes after eating and drinking, among other precautions. These ensure that the breath tests remain accurate and reliable.

Proper Usage Guide

  1. Activate the sensors by pressing the power button
  2. Take a deep breath and exhale continuously at the start of the blow signal until the beeping sound stops
  3. Wait for the device to process the sample, usually within 10 to 15 seconds
  4. If the test fails, the device will display an error message.


An accurate blood alcohol concentration reading is essential, especially for habitually consuming alcohol. BAC is very difficult to acquire without the right tools. As a result, breathalysers have become more common as more people seek to monitor their health and habits better. As with all tools, users must apply them properly to get the best results. Breathalyser sensors are highly sensitive machinery that needs periodic recalibration to maintain their accuracy.

In addition, not all breath tests are equal. If the user does not blow long enough to supply adequate deep lung air, the BACtrack FL or Flo error will appear on the device. To remedy this, users merely need to wait a few minutes, restart the sensor and take another test. Many assume that the error occurs when people do not blow hard enough, the truth is the length of the blow matters, not the strength. 

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