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How Long Can Weed Be Detected for Mouth Swab?

05 April, 2024

A professional conducting a saliva test on a woman

Cannabis, also known as weed or marijuana, is an illicit drug in Australia. Thus, it is one of the common drugs that health professionals and authorities want to detect using different methods. These include saliva drug tests. Consequently, some people may ask how long can weed be detected in mouth swab screens. This type of drug test can identify the presence of cannabis for 14 hours after the last intake. However, some factors may affect the window of detection.

Aside from medical and legal settings, saliva tests for marijuana are valuable in the workplace. Employers can utilise it for pre-employment drug screening, random drug testing, or post-accident investigations. The quick and non-invasive nature of oral fluid tests makes them a convenient option for detecting recent drug use. The following sections will present how the frequency of use, metabolism rate, and drug testing kit sensitivity affect the identification period.

How Long Can Weed Be Detected for Mouth Swab Is Influenced by Frequency of Use

Individuals asking how long can weed be detected in mouth swab tests must know that usage frequency can influence the detection window. An oral drug screen identifies cannabis by collecting saliva samples. The active compound in marijuana, THC, can be detected in the saliva shortly after consumption. Thus, professionals can use it to determine recent marijuana use.

However, the length of time that THC remains detectable varies depending on how often a person uses weed. For instance, saliva testing can identify cannabis for 14 hours after use for occasional users. The reason is that THC metabolites gradually diminish in the saliva of infrequent users over time. However, it is essential to note that those who consume lower quantities may have a shorter detection window.

In contrast, regular or frequent users of weed may have a longer detection window on an oral fluid test. THC can be detectable in the saliva for up to one to three days or more, depending on the intensity of marijuana use. Chronic smokers who indulge in higher potency strains may have a longer detection window due to the accumulation of THC in their system.

Detection Time Frame for Chronic and Occasional Users

Aside from saliva drug tests, here are the detection periods of other types of drug tests:

  • Hair testing – The test can identify marijuana metabolites for up to three months after last use for chronic cannabis users. Meanwhile, occasional users may have traces of metabolites in hair follicles for up to one month.
  • Urine screening – THC metabolites are detectable in urine tests for longer than one month in heavy users. The test can identify the drug for around twenty-five days in infrequent users.
  • Blood tests – Cannabis remains detectable in the bloodstream for about one week in chronic users and within one day in occasional users.

A professional collecting oral fluid samples from of a man using a swab

How Long Can Weed Be Detected for Mouth Swab Is Affected by Metabolism Rate

People who want the answer to how long can weed be detected in mouth swab tests must know that metabolism rate can affect the period. Metabolism is the chemical processes within the body that convert food into energy. It is crucial in determining how quickly the body breaks down substances like THC. Those with a high metabolism rate tend to eliminate THC more rapidly, reducing the detection window.

Typically, oral fluid cannabis drug testing detects THC immediately after use. However, individuals with slower metabolic rates may have a longer detection window. The reason is that their bodies take more time to process and eliminate THC. Consequently, this results in a greater likelihood of detection, usually several days after intake.

On the other hand, weed users with a faster metabolism rate are more likely to have a shorter detection window. Their bodies can break down THC at a faster rate, leading to quicker elimination. As a result, those with higher metabolic rates may have a shorter identification period in their saliva samples. Nevertheless, they must also consider other aspects impacting the timeframe.

Understanding How the Body Processes Cannabis

Marijuana is a recreational drug that can have various effects on the body. When people consume cannabis, it interacts with the endocannabinoid system of the body, regulating different physiological processes. THC binds to the cannabinoid receptors in the brain. Then, it results in the euphoric high users experience.

Once in the body, the bloodstream rapidly absorbs weed. It is primarily through the lungs when individuals smoke, vaporise, or ingest the drug. From there, marijuana enters different body parts, including the brain. The interaction of THC molecules in the receptor alters neurotransmitter release and affects various bodily functions.

A ToxWipe saliva test kit

How Long Can Weed Be Detected for Mouth Swab Is Influenced by the Sensitivity of the Test Kit Used

The drug test kit sensitivity significantly influences how long can weed be detected in mouth swab tests. THC concentration in the saliva is at its peak the first few hours after smoking cannabis. However, as time passes, the levels gradually decrease. The kit sensitivity determines the detection threshold. Highly sensitive kits can detect even low THC concentrations, extending the detection window for up to 72 hours.

Meanwhile, less sensitive kits may only detect THC for a shorter period, typically around 14 hours. The reason is that they have a higher threshold for detection, meaning they require a higher concentration of THC in the saliva to generate a positive drug test result. Nevertheless, factors like body mass and the presence of over-the-counter medications can impact the window.

Different test kits may have varying thresholds and detection capabilities. Therefore, considering the sensitivity when determining cannabis presence is vital. Individuals and organisations should search for kits with higher sensitivity levels if they want to detect THC for a lengthier period of hours after consumption. Typically, this is beneficial in pre-employment drug screening or legal proceedings.

Accuracy of the Test Kit

The accuracy of oral fluid drug test kits is generally high. Thus, they provide reliable outcomes in detecting the presence of drugs in the body. Cannabis drug test kits use advanced technology, allowing for precise detection. Also, this prevents the risks of false positives. Saliva kits offer a quick and convenient way to determine recent drug use.

One advantage of the mouth swab testing method is its high sensitivity and specificity. This means the tests can accurately identify small amounts of substances in a sample. Their accuracy is often comparable to laboratory-based urine or blood tests. Saliva screening provides dependable results within a shorter timeframe.


Knowing how long can weed be detected in mouth swab tests is essential. People should also recognise the factors that affect the detection period. These include the frequency of use. Chronic marijuana users are likely to have a longer window than non-frequent users. The reason is that the THC compounds can accumulate in the saliva over time. Additionally, those with a slower metabolism rate may retain THC in their system for a longer duration than those with faster rates.

Moreover, the sensitivity of the oral fluid cannabis test kit impacts the detection window. More sensitive kits can identify smaller amounts of THC for an extended period. Therefore, even occasional users may test positive for a longer time. Understanding these factors can help individuals gauge how long weed may be detectable in a mouth swab test, allowing for appropriate planning and preparation. Those interested in saliva kits can check ToxWipe from Breathalysers Australia.

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