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Why You Should Alcohol and Drug Test After Accident at Work


Companies regularly perform alcohol and drug tests to help improve and maintain workplace safety. These tests can help deter and prevent possible alcohol and drug use during working hours. It is essential to prevent alcohol and drug use at work due to their effects. Alcohol can cause euphoric or relaxing effects. However, excessive consumption can cause adverse effects. Heavy alcohol consumption can cause memory loss, coordination problems, judgement impairments and slower reaction times. These impairments can significantly affect an employee’s ability to work effectively and safely. Undoubtedly, workers with these impairments will most likely struggle when trying to operate vehicles or machinery. Therefore, employers need to prevent their workers from working with impairments. Aside from preventive measures, employers can also provide an alcohol and drug test after an accident at work.

Providing an alcohol and drug test after an accident at work can help employers determine if alcohol or drugs were involved. Knowing the involvement of certain substances can help employers decide on their next course of action regarding the incident. Moreover, if an alcohol or drug test turns up positive, employers would know if they need a company-wide test. This method can help ensure that no one else has the same issues and prevent further damage. Additionally, knowing if it was an accident caused by alcohol-induced impairments can help assure the company that there are no flaws with their machines. Companies can use a breathalyser from Breathalysers Australia for alcohol tests immediately after an incident.

Alcohol and Drug Test After an Accident at Work: Procedures

An alcohol and drug test after an accident at work is straightforward. Once an incident takes, the employer must provide alcohol and drug tests. For quick alcohol tests, you would often see companies use a workplace breathalyser. Having devices like the workplace breathalyser from Breathalysers Australia can ensure companies’ rapid tests right after an incident. However, it is worth noting that breath tests can only trace alcohol consumption via a breathalyser. Employers would typically need to perform other tests to check for drug usage. These tests mainly depend on the kind of testing services an employer hires. The tests you would typically see in workplace alcohol and drug tests are:

  • Breath tests (can only test for alcohol)
  • Urine test (can test for alcohol and drug)
  • Blood test (the most accurate but also the most invasive)
  • Saliva test (for alcohol and drugs)
  • Hair follicle test (for alcohol and drugs)

The most common among these procedures are breath tests with breathalysers and urine tests with urine test kits. A breathalyser is a device that can estimate an employee’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC). The BAC is the amount of alcohol (in grams) in every 100ml of blood. This measurement can determine the intoxication level of an individual. In a workplace alcohol test, anything over a 0.00% BAC reading is considered a positive alcohol test. Moreover, during a urine drug test after an accident at work, a solution or strip would change colour if the test were positive.


Alcohol and Drug Test After an Accident at Work: Legality

Can an employer make me do an alcohol and drug test after an accident at work? In most cases, yes, especially when you were involved in an accident. Furthermore, the company must determine what caused the accident. Checking for the cause of the accident can help prevent similar accidents. Knowing if there was a fault in a machine or flaw in the company’s safety protocol can drastically help the business improve. Moreover, all employees must sign a workplace policy and agreement during hiring. This policy would also typically cover the rights to workplace alcohol and drug tests given certain situations. Having workplace policies can drastically help employers maintain better working conditions. Additionally, these policies also require employers to provide accurate tests to be legal. To be valid, employers need to use accredited testing services and devices, like the breathalyser from Breathalysers Australia.

Alcohol and Drug Test After an Accident at Work: Other Circumstances

An alcohol and drug test after an accident at work and other forms of testing can help companies maintain safe workplaces. These tests can ascertain to employers that substance-induced impairments will less likely cause any accidents. However, employers mustn’t wait for an accident before acting. Companies should prioritise preventive measures rather than post-incident procedures. Aside from post-accident/incident testing, companies also perform these tests:

  • Pre-employment testing: Companies would typically provide an alcohol and drug test for applicants. This form of testing can help prevent employers from hiring employees that may potentially have alcohol or drug use problems.
  • Targeted or “For cause” testing: Targets a specific employee that employers suspect of alcohol and drug use.
  • Random testing: An unannounced test and can be at any time. This form of testing can help catch employees trying to hide their usage.
  • Post-positive testing: A test required for employees returning to work after positive testing. This test can help ensure that the returning employees are fit to work.
  • Blanket testing: A procedure that tests all the employees in the company.


Breath Tests for Workplace Testing

Nowadays, many companies prefer breath tests over other alcohol tests. Breath tests can be highly reliable, especially with a high-quality breathalyser. A workplace breathalyser is only effective if it complies with Australia’s AS 3547:1997 Breath Test for Alcohol Standards. This standard ensures employers that the test results from the breathalyser can be reliable. Even law officials and medical professionals use breath tests to help them with their jobs. Police officers and healthcare practitioners rely on breath tests to help them maintain safer roads and provide adequate medical prescriptions. Furthermore, law enforcers and judges also use breath tests to help them decide the severity of the drink driving charge and its penalties. Therefore, when performing an alcohol and drug test after an accident at work, employers can rely on an alcohol breath test for immediate alcohol testing.

Breath Test with the Breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia

During an alcohol and drug test after an accident at work, companies can effectively use the BACtrack workplace breathalyser from Breathalysers Australia. These workplace breathalysers have FDA and DOT certification to be effective breath testing devices. Moreover, there are plenty of advantages when employers opt to use a breathalyser from Breathalysers Australia. Firstly, breath tests can be quick with these devices. It takes 10 to 15 seconds for a BACtrack device to process your BAC results. Secondly, breath tests are also straightforward with these devices. These devices have one-button operations, allowing users to begin their breath tests with just a push of a button. Lastly, having a quick and easy device to use can enable employers to provide tests more frequently. Undoubtedly, alcohol and drugs tests and effective workplace devices can be a reasonable investment for any employer.

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