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What are Interlock Ignition Devices


Alcohol-impaired driving has affected many lives on the road. Alcohol can affect our motor functions like eye, hand and foot coordination. It can also affect judgment and slows down reaction time. Without crucial coordination skills, driving can be difficult. As a result, alcohol consumption can lead to vehicle crashes or collisions. Additionally, it is also worth nothing that approximately 30% of fatal crashes are due to drink driving. Due to the severity of consequences, drink driving is considered a serious offence. Australia imposes strict road safety regulations to protect commuters at all times. Drivers with a high blood alcohol content (BAC) face heavy penalties, including an alcohol interlock program. Under the program, interlock ignition devices (IIDs) are installed in the vehicle. 

Alcohol Interlock Program in Australia

Law enforcement performs roadside breath procedures to protect lives and properties. Drink driving involves operating a vehicle with a BAC of 0.05% or higher. A 0.05% BAC contains 0.05g of alcohol for every 100ml of blood. At this BAC level, the person shows significant impairment and increases the risk of accidents. Therefore, alcohol breath tests are crucial to maintaining safe roads. If you exceed the alcohol limit for driving, you can face legal charges. The drink driving penalties include court-ordered fines, imprisonment, driving suspension, or putting interlock ignition devices in your car. To help avoid legal charges, many people use a breathalyser to control their BAC. The alcohol testers from Breathalysers Australia are useful tools to remain safe while driving. 

Drink driving penalties in Australia will depend on your actual BAC, driving license and location. Mid to high-risk driving may constitute going through an alcohol interlock program. The program aims to reduce drink driving incidents and prevent people from repeating the same offence. Additionally, first or repeat offenders require interlock ignition devices in their vehicle for 12 to 48 months. Drivers must participate in the alcohol interlock program if they commit the following:

  • Drive with a 0.10 to 0.15 BAC, depending on your state laws
  • Failing or refusing to provide a specimen sample for analysis
  • Two or more drink driving offences within five years


What are Interlock Ignition Devices 

Interlock ignition devices are electronic breath analysis devices installed in vehicles connected directly to the engine. It is located near the driver’s seat, where the person must give a sample breath to drive. Additionally, the device has a 0.00% BAC driving limit. Therefore, the engine will not start if it detects alcohol. Putting interlock ignition devices aims to separate people from drinking and driving. If you intend to consume alcohol, you must not attempt to drive after, and vice versa.

Interlock ignition devices also conduct randomly timed breath tests during the ride. The device prompts the driver to give a new breath sample to ensure that driver maintains a zero alcohol minute. As a result, it prevents drivers from consuming alcohol while driving. Moreover, the interlock ignition or in-car breathalysers record every breath test and any attempt to tamper with the device. To use the car breathalyser is simple. However, the process may take a while to get used to initially. The steps include:

  • Turn the key halfway to power up the vehicle; however, do not put your foot on the brake. Prepare to take your test and blow into the device within one minute.
  • Blow steadily to the mouthpiece for five seconds. Then, the device will analyse the breath sample.
  • The device will display “PASS” if the breath sample is clear and start the engine. However, if it detects alcohol, you may need to wait a few minutes to retake the test. 

Can You Beat an Interlock Ignition Device?

Many people think they can bypass interlock ignition devices. The attempts include asking another person to blow a clean breath, disconnecting the wires, or sucking on a penny. Meanwhile, some even tried blowing through a filter or using mint gums. However, these techniques do not guarantee you can pass a breath test. Some car breathalysers come with a camera to record the test. It ensures that the right person is giving the sample. Also, interlock ignition devices record tampering attempts by disconnecting the wires. Doing so may result in the extension of the interlock program or additional fines and penalties. It may also lead to suspension of your driving privileges. 

Interlock ignition devices come with advanced features. For example, some devices require inhalation and exhalation or humming while blowing. Letting another person blow to the device may start the car engine, but random retests demand the driver to give a new breath sample while driving. If you fail to provide a breath sample, the device will record a violation. It will also activate the car alarm or lights, needing you to pull over and turn off the vehicle. Likewise, mint gums, mouthwash, or breath spray will not decrease the BAC. It can mask alcohol odour in breath but will not help beat a breathalyser. To ensure a smooth ride, you can use a personal breathalyser like BACtrack. The personal breathalysers form Breathalysers Australia are highly reliable and portable devices that let you monitor your alcohol level. 


Interlock Ignition Devices: Services and Maintenance

Once under a mandatory interlock program, the offenders must complete a minimum license disqualification period. After the disqualification period, the person can apply for an interlock license and complete the duration with no additional violations. Only authorised service centres can install and uninstall interlock ignition devices in cars. In addition, car breathalysers must be serviced every 30 to 90 days. Therefore, you must take your vehicle to the interlock service provider on the specified date. The service centre will download your BAC readings. The servicing also guarantees that the device functions properly and the monitoring agency receives accurate results. Moreover, failure to go before the deadline may cause lockouts for a few days. During the lockout, you will not be able to operate your car. 

The Importance of Personal Breathalyser

To complete the alcohol interlock program, you must demonstrate that you can separate drinking and driving. In the last six months of the interlock period, your BAC results must be clean. Therefore, there should be no failed BAC results to make you eligible to hold a licence without an interlock condition. In contrast, failure to meet these requirements may mean a six-month extension. In line with this, many people use a personal breathalyser to monitor their BAC before blowing through interlock ignition devices. A breathalyser like BACtrack is a portable device, useful in checking the alcohol level. For example, if the breathalyser shows a positive BAC result, you can limit or stop your consumption. 

Most BACtrack personal breathalysers use fuel cell sensor technology to measure the BAC accurately. Fuel cell breathalysers are sensitive to ethanol and do not react with other substances. Therefore, it is less likely to produce false positives and ensure reliable test results. Finally, interlock ignition devices can be costly and inconvenient. Many people take advantage of using personal devices from Breathalysers Australia to remain safe while consuming alcohol. They are cost-efficient devices, and helpful in preventing drink driving and legal charges.

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