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Alcohol Limit for Driving: All You Need To Know

11 August, 2023

A person handing over his car keys to another person.

It is illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol or any drugs that affects your ability to drive safely. Drinking and driving is sometimes called driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI). This involves operating vehicles with components of alcohol or drugs in your body. Thus, alcohol tests on the road are conducted to check the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level in your body. In Australia, the general alcohol limit for driving is 0.05%.

Driving under the influence of alcohol greatly endangers many lives on the road. Alcohol intoxication impairs your ability to drive. They are serious consequences if you drive after consuming alcohol. There are obvious shreds of evidence, mostly happens on the road. Drunk driving can lead to lives lost, debt, job loss, injuries and more. This article will explore the reasons behind having an alcohol limit for drivers, including the consequences, and provide tips to avoid drink driving.

Why is There an Alcohol Limit for Driving

Driving is inherently a dangerous activity, even when sober. Though countless people drive safely every day, it becomes far more dangerous after drinking. Drinking alcohol can severely impair a person’s mental and physical capacities. This is why there is an alcohol limit for driving.

Alcohol intoxication affects the ability to drive safely. In fact, your cognitive and psychomotor functions are impaired by alcohol depending on the BAC level. Alcohol affects your ability to respond in times of emergencies, track moving objects and multitask. Additionally, you may experience difficulty processing information and will be totally impaired.

At higher levels, some effects may include impaired vehicle control and loss of consciousness. There is just so much danger in driving while you are intoxicated. You may even harm those people who are trying their best to drive safely and may even endanger other lives as well. Moreover, alcohol limits are used to apply penalties if you are caught driving with a high level of BAC.

Factors that Contribute to BAC

There are many factors that affect or contribute to your BAC and may include the following:

  • Your diet
  • Alcohol types you consume and how much alcohol you drink
  • Your age and gender
  • How much you weigh
  • Your mood
  • Last time of your food intake
  • Your body type and size
  • The time period over which you consume alcohol
  • Your metabolism rate
  • Your fitness level, whether you are fit or not
  • How healthy your liver is
  • Your body fat percentage
  • If you are hydrated
  • The medications you take
  • Whether or how regularly you drink
  • The rate at which you consume alcohol

A road traffic due to an accident.

Consequences of Surpassing Alcohol Limit for Driving

The consequences of surpassing the alcohol limit for driving can be severe. Because of the impairment that comes with intoxication, a drunk driver has far less control and awareness on the road. They are much more likely to get in an accident. This means that the risk of property damage, injury, and even death is high.

The reality is that driving takes a lot of responsibility. Being impaired while driving can negatively impact your life in a lot of ways. First off, aside from harm to yourself and other people around you, it can lead to a financial burden. You will be paying fines, a lawyer and property damages. Secondly, you may spend your time in jail if you have subsequent DUI offences.

The penalties incurred will stay in your criminal record for years. A DUI arrest never goes away easily or automatically. Your license may even be terminated and it will be difficult for you to look for jobs and be hired. Finally, the fatalities or number of deaths that happen every time there is an impaired driver on the road endangers innocent lives.

Legal Penalties

Precise legal penalties for drink driving vary by state or territory, as well as the number of offences. For first offences, there is usually a fine. Jail time is likely if the drunk driver killed someone. For second offences, jail time is almost certain.

A drink driving charge goes on their criminal record too. There will be an interlock condition on the driver’s license for a period of two years. Furthermore, an immediate suspension of the license can be issued if you are incurred by a court appearance for driving under the influence of alcohol.

A person holding a smartphone and a breathalyser.

Alcohol Limit for Driving: Avoid Drink Driving

Knowing about the alcohol limit for driving is very important. This way, you can avoid driving while intoxicated and you can prevent accidents, injuries and even death from happening. You are ensuring your safety and everyone around you. Firstly, if you are going out with a group of friends, let the non-drinker drive for all of you. If you are going out alone, on the other hand, do not drink alcohol or call a taxi to drive for yourself.

Secondly, never feel pressured to drink alcohol. Some friends may tease or force you but it is not hard to say no. If you do plan to drink, be responsible. Eat plenty of food and keep hydrated. Do not consume alcohol on an empty stomach or when you are dehydrated. In addition to that, know your limits.

Lastly, do not let others drink and drive, and practice defensive driving. Using a breathalyser when you are out is also helpful to monitor your alcohol level content. This will also help you to be responsible about when to stop drinking before driving.

Using a Breathalyser

To ensure you do not exceed the legal alcohol limit, using a breathalyser can be a highly effective approach. This device enables you to actively monitor your BAC in real-time. Simply exhale into the breathalyser, and it swiftly analyses the alcohol content in your breath, providing an immediate alert if your BAC surpasses the legal limit.

Additionally, the convenience of the breathalyser cannot be overstated. It is a compact and portable tool that fits seamlessly into your pre-driving routine. This means you can easily incorporate it into your habits. By embracing the benefits of a breathalyser, you contribute to a safer driving environment for everyone.


The bottom line is that drink driving has a myriad of repercussions. Consequences not just to you but to other innocent lives. The alcohol limit for driving was set in order to ensure your responsibility as a person while driving on the road, as well as for the safety of the people around you. In Australia, the general alcohol limit that is being followed is 0.05%. If you surpass this limit, there are legal penalties that you may face.

Fines, jail time, and license suspension are some of the penalties that you may face. Depending on the seriousness and frequency of the drink driving incident. One of the recommended tips to prevent drink driving is to have your own breathalyser. This way, you will be able to track the alcohol content in your body and save you from any injuries and repercussions. You may visit the website of Breathalysers Australia to view the best options for alcohol breath testers.

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