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Breath Test for Alcohol Limit Using Personal Breathalysers


Alcohol is highly depressive and can slow down messages to and from the brain and body when people consume it excessively. Unfortunately, alcohol is the most abused substance in the world. Studies show that drink driving causes 25,000 out of 1.25M road fatalities annually worldwide. As a result, local government authorities put measures to ensure road safety, such as a breath test for alcohol limit. These valid concerns lead people to look for accurate and effective devices to monitor their consumption.

The BACtrack breathalysers at Breathalysers Australia are the most effective devices for people looking to manage and monitor their alcohol consumption habits. With these efficient and affordable devices, people can now have a readily available breath test for alcohol limit. 

Breath Test for Alcohol Limit – What is a Breathalyser

A breathalyser or breath checker is a device that reads a person’s Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) through a breath sample. A breathalyser can precisely read the amount of alcohol in a person’s bloodstream with a sustained blow. People should note that getting a precise BAC reading is very difficult without an effective measuring device. Although apps and websites may purportedly check alcohol levels, such means tend to be highly inaccurate and work as estimations at best. Many factors affect BAC levels in individuals. As a result, no two people have the same reaction to alcohol. Thus, many use breathalysers to get an accurate breath test for alcohol limits.

BACtrack breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia use advanced sensors to measure alcohol in the breath accurately. Many BACtrack breathalysers employ fuel cell sensors. These sensors oxidise the alcohol from a breath sample through an electrochemical process. Furthermore, because these sensors only react to ethanol, they produce fewer false positive readings. Fuel cell breathalysers are the same kind used by law enforcement to conduct breath tests for alcohol limits.

Breath Test for Alcohol Limit – BAC and Intoxication

Our bodies react to alcohol differently. As a result, each person has a different alcohol tolerance. Several factors impact our body’s BAC levels; these include:

  • Medications – prescription drugs sometimes react and overstate BAC.
  • Stomach content and hydration levels – a full stomach and proper hydration help slow alcohol absorption in the body.
  • Weight and body mass index – people with higher body fat and more diminutive stature may absorb alcohol quicker. 
  • Gender – as women tend to have higher body fat concentrations than men of the same weight, they tend to absorb alcohol more quickly.

With this in mind, it is doubtful for a group of people consuming the same type and quantity of alcoholic beverages to have the same BAC. Thus it is essential to get a precise and reliable device to administer a breath test for alcohol limit.


Breath Test for Alcohol Limit – The Alcohol Limit for Driving

Alcohol consumption is a popular socialising pastime for many adults. However, this prevalence poses a significant risk to health and safety when people consume alcohol excessively. Thus “what is the safe alcohol level for driving?” is a prudent question. To put it bluntly, the best BAC is 0.00%. Depending on the intake and frequency, a person may feel the effects of alcohol after a few minutes. Furthermore, the more a person drinks, the likelier they are to fail a breath test for alcohol limit. 

Moreover, BAC and the effects of alcohol consumption vary differently from person to person. Therefore, even a low BAC range will still pose a significant risk. In addition, it is vital to know the alcohol limit for driving in Australia. Each state has a different limit and corresponding penalties. General alcohol limits are as follows:

  • Zero BAC – The zero alcohol level applies to drivers with learner, provisional 1 and 2 permits. In addition, new drivers are still developing their driving skills and must maintain a constant speed limit of 100km/hr or below. 
  • Under 0.02 BAC – This is the alcohol limit applied to drivers of gross vehicle mass (GVM) or vehicles exceeding 13.9 tonnes. This measure helps ensure the safe operation of these high-risk vehicles. 
  • Under 0.05 BAC – This BAC is applied and enforced for all licenses not subject to the zero or 0.02 limit. This measure is the most general BAC limit for roadside safety and vehicle operation.

Penalties and Consequences for Failing the Breath Test for Alcohol Limit

Excessive alcohol intoxication significantly increases the risks of untoward incidents on the road. Law enforcement officers randomly conduct breath tests for alcohol limit to help ensure roadside safety and prevent accidents. Alcohol breath tests involve asking drivers to pull over if they show signs of impaired driving. These roadside inspections are the customary procedures to determine if a person exceeds the legal alcohol limit for driving. Law enforcement officers use professional-great breathalysers to conduct these tests and test the driver’s BAC level.

Accordingly, the driver will face legal charges and penalties if they fail the breath test. In addition, such penalties and consequences will depend on the BAC level, type of driver’s license and location (state). During a breath test for alcohol limit, the officer will ask the driver for a breath sample, and the driver then blows into the device as it checks the BAC. If the breathalyser detects alcohol, the officer then asks the driver to take an evidential breath test at the nearby police station. 

Failing the breath test for alcohol limits nets various penalties and fines depending on the BAC measurement. In particular, the penalties for first and subsequent offences include:

  • Penalty notice fine
  • Immediate suspension of driver’s license
  • The maximum court-imposed fine
  • A minimum of three months of driving disqualification
  • Prison terms for mid to high-range excess of prescribed alcohol concentration
  • Alcohol interlock order


Breathalyser Purchasing Guide

personal breathalyser is a significant investment for the working adult lives of many Australians. Many buy a breathalyser to keep said and avoid failing the breath test for alcohol limit. Finding a device with the best feature for precision and accuracy is essential. Fortunately, BACtrack breathalysers from breathalysers Australia come with the following features for reliable and accurate results:

  • Accurate sensors – BACtrack breathalysers have advanced fuel fell sensors and improved semiconductor sensors to deliver accurate readings.
  • One-button operation – these devices are straightforward to use. Users can perform a breath test for alcohol limit with a single blow and button press.
  • Display – BACtrack devices have a bright, clear LED display to show BAC results. 
  • Breath capture system – BACtrack breathalysers are designed with a breath pump that collects exact deep lung samples for accurate results.


Excessive alcohol intoxication is a severe detriment to safety on the road and in the workplace. As a result, prudent drivers use personal breathalysers to monitor their consumption habits during a night out and attend social events. Furthermore, these practical, convenient and portable devices provide an accurate breath test for alcohol limit. Hence, many buy breathalysers to keep safe from the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption and drink driving charges. Breathalysers Australia provides a broad selection of dependable breathalysers for any testing situation, need and budget. 

BACtrack breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia use only the most advanced sensors for consistent and accurate BAC results. As a result, many drivers and habitual consumers of alcohol use these devices to monitor their intake and avoid failing breath tests for alcohol limits. This level of customer trust makes BACtrack breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia the ideal investment for keeping the road and the workplace safe from the perils of excessive alcohol consumption. 

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