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How to Use BACtrack on Apple Watch

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viewing the BAC on the apple watch

You can use BACtrack on Apple Watch by downloading the BACtrack App. BACtrack’s revolutionary app integrates fully with the Apple Health kit to conveniently track Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) levels, among other vital statistics. To do so, users must pair the Apple Watch to their smartphone breathalyser via Bluetooth. BACtrack provides only the highest quality breath-checking devices to suit any testing need. In addition, BACtrack is further developing its breathalyser technology for effective alcohol monitoring for individuals and workspaces.

This article will go over BACtrack for the Apple Watch, how they work, their key features, and the upcoming BACtrack Skyn in development. Thanks to such cutting-edge devices, monitoring one’s alcohol intake has never been easier. Using smartphone breathalysers has become more necessary. It empowers people to help ensure safety on the road and in the workplace through regular alcohol testing.  

How the BACtrack for Apple Watch Works

Alcohol breath tests rely on the device’s effectiveness in delivering precise BAC readings. Most breathalysers that connect to BACtrack on Apple Watch employ fuel cell sensor technology for accurate BAC readings. In addition, BACtrack’s Xtend fuel cell sensors are specific to ethanol and do not interact with other substances. Furthermore, BACtrack’s fuel cell sensors can trace precise alcohol concentrations from 0.00 to 0.400% BAC down to the decimal point. As a result, it produces fewer false positive results. 

Fuel cell breathalysers maintain consistency on consecutive tests. That’s because fuel cell breathalysers utilise an electrochemical process to oxidise ethanol in a breath sample. The sensor then analyses the resulting electric current’s intensity for an accurate BAC reading. Hence, law enforcement, medical facilities and workplaces use fuel cell breathalysers for high-volume testing situations. BACtrack has made this same technology available for personal use with BACtrack for Apple Watch and smartphones.

To summarise, BACtrack on Apple Watch connects via Bluetooth to a highly accurate breathalyser device. The user supplies the breathalyser with a breath sample. Afterwards, the device analyses the sample through an electrochemical process and delivers the BAC to the app. The Apple Watch displays the result as well as other statistics. In addition, the BACtrack app includes double-line technology, which tracks the time it takes for a person’s BAC to return to 0.00%.

Benefits of a Personal Breathalyser

  • Helps avoid exceeding the legal alcohol limit for driving
  • Allows a convenient check before working to prevent accidents and hazards
  • Monitors the decline of BAC to help plan ahead
  • Helps monitor the effects of certain beverages on the body
  • Allows the user to minimise excessive consumption and severe impairment

viewing the bac on the bactrack on apple watch after a breath test

BACtrack for Apple Watch – Usage and Features

Using the BACtrack on Apple Watch for a breath test is simple. Users can access the BACtrack app and connect it to their devices via Bluetooth to acquire an accurate reading.  Furthermore, the app can be fully integrated into the Apple watch for convenience and accessibility. This also encourages people to check their BAC habitually and be more aware of how certain drinks affect their bodies. Furthermore, the BACtrack app incorporates advanced features into a smartphone beathalyser’s core functions. 

These features include automatically saving test readings to better track every result. It allows users to view through records the exact date and time of the tests, which is convenient for tracking changes in BAC. Additionally, the BACtrack app allows users to take the appropriate actions before the test through a notification. The app will alert the user when it is time to take the test. This period allows the alcohol to reach the lungs for a more accurate result. 

The last integrated feature is the active ZeroLine technology which allows the app to track when the BAC returns to 0.00%. This is an exclusive feature of the BACtrack on Apple Watch App and smartphone breathalysers, allowing for easy access and estimation of declining BAC. This feature enables users to plan the rest of their nights better. 

How to use the BACtrack App to Check BAC

  • Launch the app by tapping the BACtrack Icon
  • Turn your BACtrack smartphone-compatible device on
  • Allow the device to warm up
  • Select ‘Take a BAC test Now’ from the app’s options
  • Take a deep breath and blow as long as required by the breathalyser
  • Wait for 10 to 15 seconds to receive your BAC result

viewing the BAC on the apple watch

The BACtrack on Apple Watch and Skyn Development

The BACtrack Skyn is a revolutionary device that reads intoxication using an enzyme-based electrochemical sensor. This sensor estimates Transdermal Alcohol Content (TAC). As a result, alcohol testing can now be done by reading the alcohol expiration from the skin. This passive and non-invasive method of alcohol reading is coming exclusively to BACtrack on Apple Watch. This cutting-edge alcohol tester allows for constant and consistent readings of alcohol concentrations and consumption at the highest accuracy levels. 

The BACtrack Skyn uses an electrochemical sensor that reads enzymes instead of breath. In addition, the device uses biosensors to gather an alcohol reading through the sweat on the wrist. It means that it does not require a conscious intention to test on the user’s part. The body excretes a percentage of ethanol from sweat after consuming alcohol.  The Skyn BACtrack on Apple Watch converts the TAC from the sweat into BAC through a proprietary algorithm.

Furthermore, the BACtrack Skyn passively collects and tracks TAC every twenty seconds to the BACtrack on Apple watch app. The app then displays a graph for the user to track their alcohol consumption. In conclusion, the BACtrack Skyn is the most advanced personal alcohol tester, soon to be released. It is an efficient and innovative method of monitoring alcohol content.


BACtrack is at the forefront of personal breathalyser technology. Personal breathalysers like the mobile line use the BACtrack on Apple Watch app for convenient alcohol monitoring. The app is straightforward to use and integrates fully with the Apply Health Kit. Users need only to pair the Apple Watch to their smartphone breathalyser via Bluetooth. Afterwards, they may activate the app and follow the instructions to conduct a quick and convenient breath test. 

Moreover, BACtrack is continuously developing its alcohol testing technology for maintaining personal health and safety. With the BACtrack Skyn comes the most convenient and non-invasive means of alcohol testing to date. The Skyn uses cutting-edge TAC reading biotechnology to consistently and passively give alcohol reading through sweat samples. All in all, the BACtrack integrated app device is one of the most convenient tools available for personal alcohol monitoring currently available. 

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