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Importance of Alcohol Testing in the Workplace


Alcohol testing in Australia is standard practice at traffic checkpoints and workplaces. It identifies a person’s intoxication level by measuring the amount of alcohol in their blood. Furthermore, law enforcement frequently checks passing vehicles for breath tests to ensure no one is driving under the influence. Therefore, if police suspect you of drunk driving, they will request a breath test from you. For example, if the police observe you drifting in and out of traffic lanes, they will ask you to undergo a breath test with a breathalyser device. A breathalyser measures the amount of alcohol in your breath and estimates your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) or alcohol level. Drivers will face drinking driving charges if they test positive or exceed Australia’s legal driving limits of 0.05 per cent.

Similarly, workplaces are an important place for alcohol testing. Workplaces are prone to risks or injuries caused by impaired employees. Also, employers use alcohol or drug testing as a company policy to reduce avoidable risks. Breathalysers Australia has various alcohol testing devices to help in determining if an employee is currently intoxicated or has an alcohol misuse problem.

Kinds of Alcohol Testing in Australia

There are various types of alcohol testing methods. Knowing their difference can be helpful for employers before conducting a policy in the workplace. Workplaces may perform any practices or procedures that fit their needs best. However, the most common form of alcohol screening is a breath test. A breathalyser is a practical and non-invasive method for alcohol detection. Furthermore, a breath test can trace alcohol use for up to 24 hours from the last consumption. The other procedures for testing are urine, oral fluid, hair, and blood test. Moreover, the different sample tests have various detection windows:

  • Breath: 12-24 hours
  • Urine: 12-24 hours; 72 hours for advanced tests like EtG/EtS
  • Blood: Up to 6 hours
  • Oral Fluids: 12-24 hours
  • Hair: Up to 90 days

A workplace breathalyser like BACtrack is efficient in monitoring the sobriety or BAC of employees. BACtrack workplace breathalyser like BACtrack S80 Pro is highly accurate in measuring an individual’s BAC levels. However, if an employee fails or exceeds the alcohol limit, the employer can apply appropriate actions according to company policies. For positive results, the employer can follow up with a confirmatory test through blood or urine GC/MS test. A GC MS test is the gold standard for accurate drug and alcohol testing. Additionally, the employer can refer employees with a substance abuse problem to appropriate treatment centres. 


Alcohol Testing in the Workplace

Using different methods, workplace alcohol testing in Australia can have an effective alcohol policy. Among the alternatives, breath testing is the most convenient. Alcohol breath tests are quick and highly reliable. The device can provide the results immediately in 10 to 15 seconds, unlike other testing methods that require a long processing time using registered laboratories. Furthermore, using a breathalyser like BACtrack from Breathalysers Australia does not require a medical professional’s assistance. The device will analyse the breath sample and provide a quick result. The breathalysers can accurately determine the level of alcohol consumption. In addition, most workplaces have a zero-alcohol tolerance policy, meaning all company employees must have 0.00% BAC results. 

The Importance of Personal Alcohol Testing

Many people use alcohol to feel calm. Some people prefer to drink in a group, while others prefer to drink alone. Nonetheless, it is vital to perform alcohol testing in Australia to determine the increase in the alcohol level of drivers and workers. The BACtrack personal breathalysers are low-cost BAC monitoring devices. Using a breathalyser, you can check your BAC every hour to ensure you keep within the legal driving limit. Many people believe using a personal breathalyser to control their intake is beneficial. When driving or working, self-testing using a breathalyser enhances personal safety. Furthermore, it helps you become more conscious of how alcohol affects your body and make better safety judgments. Breathalysers Australia provides alcohol testers that suit your needs. The great precision of the BACtrack fuel cell sensors ensures the best accuracy for a personal device.


Breath Testing

Alcohol testing in Australia has different test methods that effectively detect alcohol. The breath test is the most cost-effective option for most businesses and roadside testing. After 10 to 15 seconds, a breathalyser can detect alcohol in the breath sample. A breath test can provide a quick result due to the body’s rapid absorption of alcohol and distribution of it to various organs via the bloodstream. When alcohol enters the lungs, it vaporises in the alveoli and leaves the body via exhalation. Therefore, a breathalyser is a useful diagnostic tool for determining impairment. Additionally, using a breathalyser provides the following advantages:

  • Fast results – Among the screening methods, breathalysers give the quickest results. Breathalysers Australia’s BACtrack devices can process breath samples and provide BAC levels in 10 to 15 seconds.
  • Accuracy – To ensure the accuracy of the results, modern breathalysers have increased sensor performance. Fuel cell sensors are used in workplace breath analysers for high precision and validity. It is the same technology that police enforcement uses.
  • Easy to use – Breath testing does not require a professional or laboratory analysis. Anyone who follows the instructions for using a breathalyser can obtain accurate readings. Individuals can also get professional-grade devices for personal usage.
  • Cost-efficient –A professional breathalyser is the most practical and valuable investment for any business. Fuel cell breathalysers maintain their consistency over time and in high-volume use.

BACtrack Breathalysers at Breathalysers Australia

BACtrack breathalysers are the most trusted and leading alcohol testing equipment, serving thousands of people and businesses. Breathalysers Australia can help you choose the right breathalyser for your needs and budget. Each BACtrack product has its own distinct set of characteristics that ensure the best level of accuracy, dependability, and affordability for its quality. Additionally, the BACtrack breathalysers range from low-volume keychain testing units for quick BAC checks to smartphone breathalysers and the advanced Pro series for the most accurate breath testing needs. The smartphone breathalysers connect to most iOS and Android devices through Bluetooth. The app can conveniently display your BAC results and allow you to share them with your family. It can also track your alcohol consumption over time and estimate when your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) will return to 0.00 per cent.

BACtrack breathalysers are all high-quality personal devices with the highest precision. The BACtrack Pro series offers the most accurate BAC checking available in personal testing devices. Furthermore, workplace alcohol testing in Australia can use The BACtrack Pro series, which uses innovative fuel cell sensor technology to measure the BAC correctly. The fuel cell sensors in BACtrack breathalysers are sensitive to ethyl alcohol, which reduces the chance of false-positive readings. Finally, personal and workplace breathalysers are available on the website Breathalysers Australia.

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