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Month: September 2023

Handling a urine sample to a laboratory technician

Alcohol and Drug Testing Center – Services and Expectations

An alcohol and drug testing center is where people test for substances present in their bodies. The services they typically offer include on-site and on-call testing. There are different methods of testing, such as blood and urine tests. Some are more invasive than others. Hence, they should expect that they may experience pain. Moreover, people …

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Women waiting in line to take a test

Drug & Alcohol Testing Institute – What Procedures Are Offered

Testing for drugs and alcohol in the workplace is a regular procedure to prevent issues for businesses. They must get accurate results to know what measures to take. The Drug & Alcohol Testing Institute (DATI) can help with that as they offer programs like refresher training to ensure that collectors can still properly administer drug and alcohol …

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Three containers of blood samples with a piece of paper

CDT Test: Overview, Procedures & Alternatives

Traditional screening, Blood Alcohol Concentration or BAC tests, and carbohydrate-deficient transferrin or CDT tests are three main ways to determine alcohol presence in the body. A screening requires administrators to rely on the honesty of their patients. BAC tests calculate the level of alcohol in the body system currently. The last method is a test that detects harmful levels …

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A person handing a urine sample to laboratory technician

Urine MCS Test: Definition, Procedure & Alternatives

Microscopy, culture and sensitivity (MCS) is a medical term. It is when people send their microbiological samples to a laboratory. They can test for blood, stool, urine, and sputum. The most commonly requested from clinical labs are urine tests. A urine MCS test is a method of identifying diseases such as urinary tract infections (UTIs). Laboratory or …

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A person reading his BAC on smarthpone.

Breathalyzer Perth: Definition, Types & Accuracy

Many people use breathalyzers in Perth to help control their alcohol intake. These devices measure the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) using breath samples. This can help individuals determine if they are legally allowed to drive. In addition, using a semiconductor or fuel cell breathalyzer can help deter drink driving and its related hazards. A breathalyzer …

Breathalyzer Perth: Definition, Types & Accuracy Read More »

A keychain breathalyser and car keys on the table

Where Can I Buy A Breathalyzer In-store in Australia?

The demand for breathalyzers has risen due to the emphasis on road safety. Law enforcement implements strict rules to prevent accidents. Thus, many ask where can I buy a breathalyzer in-store in Australia to avoid potential legal consequences. These devices are available in various outlets, including pharmacies, drug stores, and supermarkets nationwide. They come in …

Where Can I Buy A Breathalyzer In-store in Australia? Read More »

Group of people toasting drinks

BAC Calculator Australia: Definition & Accuracy of Results

Many people use BAC calculators in Australia to determine their alcohol concentration before driving. These are portable testing devices that measure the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) through the breath. They are non-invasive devices, known for their quickness and efficiency in delivering results. Additionally, they can give reliable information through powerful sensors. However, it requires the …

BAC Calculator Australia: Definition & Accuracy of Results Read More »

A glass of alcohol mix, breathalyser, and car keys on the table.

Andatech Breathalyser vs BACtrack Devices: A Comparison Guide

Breathalysers play a crucial role in ensuring personal safety, especially when driving after alcohol consumption. It is a portable device that examines the breath sample to measure blood alcohol levels. The Andatech breathalyser and BACtrack are reliable devices for personal or workplace use. A closer look at their features and technologies can determine their reliability …

Andatech Breathalyser vs BACtrack Devices: A Comparison Guide Read More »

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