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Andatech Breathalyser vs BACtrack Devices: A Comparison Guide

04 September, 2023

A glass of alcohol mix, breathalyser, and car keys on the table.

Breathalysers play a crucial role in ensuring personal safety, especially when driving after alcohol consumption. It is a portable device that examines the breath sample to measure blood alcohol levels. The Andatech breathalyser and BACtrack are reliable devices for personal or workplace use. A closer look at their features and technologies can determine their reliability for precise readings. They also differ in their efficiency and calibration frequency. Thus, careful examination of their features can help individuals choose a suitable device.

Breathalysers play a crucial role in ensuring safety and maintaining a healthy work environment. In workplaces where alcohol consumption can pose a risk, having breathalysers can help prevent accidents and injuries. In personal settings, breathalysers can be used as a preventive measure to discourage individuals from driving while intoxicated. This article will present the comparison guide between Andatech and BACtrack breathalyser, including their reliability, calibration period, and features.

BACtrack vs Andatech Breathalysers – Reliability

Examining the functions of BACtrack and Andatech breathalysers can provide valuable insights into their accuracy. Sensor reliability is a vital factor in the consistency of exact alcohol measurements. Commercial breath testers typically have two kinds – semiconductor and fuel cell sensors. Each type varies in its sensitivity and accuracy level.

Andatech produces a variety of alcohol testing devices that emphasise precision and user-friendliness. Their breathalysers employ fuel cell sensors, which are one of the most accurate types for measuring Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). These sensors directly respond to alcohol molecules, guaranteeing precise BAC measurements. Additionally, Andatech comes with a self-test capability that identifies potential sensor issues.

Conversely, BACtrack emerges as another important player in the breathalyser market. It offers a wide range of devices designed to meet different user needs. The lineup includes a mix of semiconductor and fuel cell sensors. BACtrack is famous for its stylish designs and easy-to-use interfaces. Overall, both brands focus on accuracy in their breathalysers, depending on advanced sensor technology to guarantee dependable alcohol measurements.

Types Of Sensors

  • Fuel cell sensor: uses a chemical reaction to measure the alcohol content in the breath sample. It provides highly accurate reading and is commonly used in professional alcohol testing.
  • Semiconductor sensor: measures the electrical resistance of the breath sample to determine the presence of alcohol. Semiconductor breathalysers are less expensive than fuel cell breathalysers. However, it may be less accurate and more prone to environmental factors that can interfere with a breath test.
  • Infrared spectrometry: measures the infrared light absorption of the alcohol molecules in the breath sample. This sensor type is mostly found in police stations.

Three professionals conducting a laboratory test.

BACtrack vs Andatech Breathalysers – Calibration Period

Recalibration is a practice that is integral to upholding the accuracy of the devices following the Australian Standards. By ensuring regular calibrations, individuals can extend the guarantee of their breathalysers, even up to a lifetime. An Andatech breathalyser must undergo calibration every six months. These calibrations take place at the NATA-accredited centre in Melbourne, where the breathalysers are calibrated to the highest standards.

Similarly, BACtrack breathalysers require recalibration as part of their maintenance. Personal fuel cell breathalysers should be recalibrated approximately every 12 months. However, for workplace fuel cell breathalysers, the recalibration timeframe falls within 6 to 9 months, contingent on the specific model and certification criteria. To streamline this process, Australian calibrating services send automated emails based on the purchase date, ensuring timely recalibration.

Furthermore, trained professionals exclusively calibrate BACtrack services. They skillfully adjust the internal software of the device to guarantee accurate measurements. The process usually includes cleansing the sensor with a specialised fluid and then testing it at various BAC levels.

Purpose Of Calibration

The purpose of calibration is to ensure accuracy in its alcohol screening results. Calibration is a critical process that involves adjusting and verifying the accuracy of the device against a known reference point. By calibrating the breathalyser regularly, users can have confidence in the reliability and accuracy of the BAC readings it provides.

Regular calibration also contributes to the longevity of a breathalyser. With a calibrated device, users can rely on its accuracy for a longer period. By following the recommended calibration schedule and utilising calibration management plans, people can keep their breathalysers in optimal working condition.


A man holding a breathalyser and a smartphone.

BACtrack vs Andatech Breathalysers – Additional Features

When comparing the Andatech breathalyser with BACtrack devices, it is important to consider the additional features that each device offers. Andatech provides different testing modes. These modes include passive testing, which identifies alcohol presence without requiring a forceful exhale. The breathalyser also has an automatic counter to manage calibration effectively, along with an LED display showing decimal readings for accuracy.

On the other hand, the BACtrack breathalysers also offer impressive features for alcohol testing. Many come with an LED display and decimal place readings for easy interpretation of results. Moreover, BACtrack breathalysers are lightweight and portable, allowing users to carry them anywhere for on-the-go testing. Furthermore, some models, like BACtrack Mobile Pro Gen2, have Bluetooth connectivity that allows users to connect it to their smartphones.

Essentially, Andatech and BACtrack devices aim to encourage responsible alcohol use and safety, but they take different approaches. Choosing between these respected brands depends on individual preferences, lifestyle, and preferred features. However, both breathalysers serve as important tools in promoting informed and responsible drinking, regardless of the choices users make.

Quick Response Time

Andatech and BACtrack are two popular brands known for their quick response time. These breathalysers provide accurate readings within seconds. The quick response time of Andatech and BACtrack allows users to quickly determine their BAC. This enables them to make informed decisions about their ability to drive or operate machinery.

A quick response time is crucial for breathalysers. It helps users immediately and reliably detect alcohol in their system. This matters, especially for those needing frequent tests, like businesses implementing policies or individuals tracking alcohol intake. A fast response offers accurate results within seconds, saving time and aiding swift decisions.


The comparison between Andatech breathalysers and BACtrack underscores their commitment to accurate alcohol measurements. Both brands prioritise reliability through fuel cell sensor technology. While Andatech offers precise readings with self-test capabilities, BACtrack excels with stylish designs and optional Bluetooth connectivity for some models. Additionally, regular calibrations, a necessity for both, ensure sustained accuracy. These devices empower users to make informed decisions about alcohol consumption, promoting safety and responsible drinking in diverse settings.

Calibration serves as a vital process for ensuring the accuracy and longevity of breathalysers. It helps guarantee reliable alcohol screening results by aligning the device with known reference points. Moreover, both manufacturers excel in quick response times, enabling users to swiftly assess their BAC levels. This rapid response capability is essential for various contexts, such as workplace testing and personal monitoring, as it saves time. Those interested may consider the BACtrack Mobile Pro Gen2 here at Breathalysers Australia.

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