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RAA Breathalyser Buy Guide: Are BACtrack Breathalysers Available Here?


RAA has been around for a long time, providing quality motor, home and travel services to their members in South Australia. RAA’s primary goal is to deliver educational services for drivers and advocate on matters of road safety. Additionally, RAA offers safety devices like breathalysers to help minimise the risks associated with impaired driving. Unfortunately, they do not offer BACtrack breath testing devices. However, Breathalysers Australia supplies genuine BACtrack breathalysers. Breathalysers Australia provides a wide range of alcohol breath testers for personal to workplace use.

RAA Breathalyser: How do Breathalysers Work?

An alcohol breath tester or breathalyser is an electronic device that analyses the breath to measure how much alcohol is present in the blood. The breath testing device uses innovative sensor technologies. The semiconductor type is typically for personal use models. On the other hand, breathalysers that use fuel cell sensors are perfect for workplace testing to measure blood alcohol content accurately. Therefore, a highly reliable alcohol breath testing device is essential for consistent and accurate BAC level results. Not all breathalyers are listed on RAA breathalyser, so you can search for certified products such as BACtrack products which are available for purchase at Breathalysers Australia.

Are BACtrack devices included in the RAA Breathalyser Catalogue?

Alcohol breath testing is typically done at the roadside checkpoints to help control and reduce roadside accidents. A breathalyser is a compact and handheld breath testing device that determines an individual’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) levels through a breath sample. Additionally, law enforcement officers conduct random or mandatory alcohol breath testing at traffic stops to identify drivers impaired by alcohol. For instance, if the breathalyser test shows the driver is over the legal BAC limit, which is 0.05% BAC, they will likely face charges and penalties. Therefore, most people consider getting a personal breathalyser like BACtrack products to avoid driving accidents. Furthermore, consumers search if BACtrack is part of the RAA breathalyser catalogue or if BACtrack devices are available in other retail outlets. Alternatively, BACtrack alcohol breath testers are readily available online at Breathalysers Australia.


RAA Breathalyser Catalogue: Buying BACtrack

The technology for alcohol breath testing devices has dramatically developed into a more valuable safety management device. Additionally, these breath testers are becoming more cost-effective and reliable as they constantly improve. Nowadays, checking your blood alcohol content levels using a pro-grade breath testing device is possible without utilising law enforcement breathalysers. If you consider getting an RAA breathalyser unit, you might want to look for BACtrack devices.

RAA breathalyser units are available such as Bluetooth-capable and fuel cell breathlysers. However, the BACtrack products from Breathalysers Australia offer more choices. Additionally, you can purchase professional-grade devices for personal or professional use. BACtrack models like the Mobile Pro and Keychain breathalysers are readily available. Furthermore, if you seek workplace breath testing units, BACtrack offers breathalysers with enlarged fuel cell sensors and police-grade accuracy. You can visit Breathalysers Australia online to look at a comprehensive collection of BACtrack breathalysers.

Breathalysers Australia: BACtrack Products

Picking the most suitable breath testing device is vital to ensure overall safety. An efficient and valuable alcohol breath tester can identify highly accurate BAC levels. There are various alcohol testers available for purchase, like the RAA breathalyser units. However, if you are specifically searching for a BACtrack product, you may want to consider purchasing directly from Breathalysers Australia. Moreover, this breathalyser guide provided by Breathalysers Australia can help you decide which device is most suitable for your needs. You may choose an alcohol breath testing device based on these factors:

  • Sensor type –BACtrack professional devices utilise fuel cell sensors. This type of sensor gives highly accurate and consistent BAC level results with each test. Additionally, fuel cell breathalysers maintain their accuracy for a prolonged period, even with high testing volumes.
  • Bluetooth Feature – Some alcohol testers offer Bluetooth connectivity like the BACtrack smartphone breathalysers models. These breathalysers connect to your device via the free app to deliver accurate BAC level readings. Additionally, these breathalysers utilise ZeroLine technology that quickly estimates when your BAC will return to zero.
  • Portability – A handy and valuable alcohol tester like the BACtrack breathalysers is easy to operate. Each BACtrack alcohol breath tester uses a one-button operation feature that provides easy access.

The Advantages of BACtrack Pro Breathalysers

Comparing the available RAA breathalyser units to BACtrack pro fuel cell breathalysers is good practice. As a consumer, you need to know which product would suit your needs. Fuel cell sensors give more accurate and consistent BAC level results than other sensor technology types. These breathalyser sensors do not react with different elements present in a breath sample other than ethanol. Therefore, BACtrack fuel cell breathalysers are less likely to produce false positives. Furthermore, alcohol testers using fuel cell sensors can maintain their accuracy and give reliable BAC readings for prolonged periods before requiring recalibration services. With this handy and valuable breath testing device, you can make the right decisions based on your blood alcohol content level. You can purchase your very own police-grade breath testing unit from Breathalysers Australia.

People rely on alcohol testers and these breathalysers give an accurate measurement of their intoxication. Monitoring your blood alcohol content is vital if you plan to drive after consuming alcohol. Most breathalyser owners use their devices to monitor their BAC levels and ensure that they are well under the legal limit before driving home. Additionally, alcohol testers immensely helped with managing safety risks regarding alcohol consumption. Breathalysers efficiently helped reduce dangerous levels of alcohol consumption and ensure individuals remain within the legal alcohol limits. The RAA breathalyser units and BACtrack products from Breathalysers Australia are perfect examples of excellent breath testing devices.


Devices at Breathalysers Australia

A valuable and ideal breath testing device should give highly accurate and consistent BAC results. The BACtrack Pro models have FDA approval, AS3457 certified and DOT certification, meeting all requirements for an alcohol breath testing device. Furthermore, industries with high-risk environments such as mining, aviation, and construction have a zero-alcohol tolerance policy. This policy helps ensure health and safety and prevent workplace accidents. Therefore, alcohol breath testing is vital for companies to help with managing workplace safety risks. When looking for a device from the RAA breathalyser catalogue, you should consider purchasing a BACtrack product from Breathalysers Australia. Additionally, BACtrack breathalysers offer various beneficial functions:

  • Optimal breath capture
  • Fast warm-up time – BACtrack devices require at least 10 seconds for the sensors to warm up before conducting a breath test.
  • Fast results – BACtrack breathalysers provide highly accurate BAC results within 15 seconds.


Using a breathalyser is a fast and reliable way to determine the alcohol level. It helps moderate consumption to avoid the harmful effects of alcohol. When searching for BACtrack in RAA breathalyser units, you may instead view the comprehensive list of BACtrack devices at Breathalysers Australia to ensure you get the most suitable breathalyser.

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