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Features of the BACtrack Smartphone BAC app


The BACtrack breathalysers offer the broadest range of alcohol breath testers in the market. Over the years, BACtrack has consistently created reliable breath testing devices at the most affordable prices. The latest innovation of breathalysers with BACtrack now involve the BACtrack smartphone app. The smartphone breathalysers of BACtrack feature wireless connectivity to a BAC app via Bluetooth. So now, you can conveniently check your blood alcohol content (BAC) and view your results directly on your phone. Check for the BACtrack smartphone breathalysers at Breathalysers Australia and find out which is the best device for you.

Three small but powerful smartphone breathalysers are available at Breathalysers Australia. The BACtrack Mobile Pro, C6 Keychain, and the C8 can provide the most precise breath tests through advanced fuel cell sensors. Additionally, they can connect to a free BAC app compatible with most iOS and Android devices. After you pair your breathalyser to the app, you can check your BAC right away.

BAC App Features

The BAC app has five main features to make your alcohol breath testing experience easier:

  • Tracking graph – after you receive your BAC result, you have the option to delete or record them. Additionally, the app allows you to track your BAC results over time in a graph so you can easily understand and monitor your consumption pattern.
  • ZeroLine technology – this feature is helpful in quickly estimating when your BAC level will return to 0.00%. It is hard to manually guess when your sobriety will return, even with the aid of BAC calculators. Based on your last reading, this feature lets you know when you will sober up.
  • Friend Mode – the app allows you to share your breathalyser with a friend by switching to friend mode. As a result, other people’s BAC results will not mess up with your results history.
  • Apple Health – the app integrates seamlessly with Apple Health for iOS users so that you can see your overall health picture.
  • Uber – when you consume alcohol more than you initially intended, the BAC app can call a taxi for you via Uber.

These are just some of the innovative features in your BACtrack app. Moreover, breath testing is conveniently quick. It only takes about 10 seconds for a BACtrack device to warm up. The BACtrack app also has more features to make BAC tracking easier. For example, the personalisation feature of the BAC app lets you add a photo and make notes about what you ate or drank. In this way, you will know how alcohol affects your BAC and body. Lastly, you may opt to share your BAC results publicly or send them to family while they await your safe return.

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