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Where to Get Good Quality Breathalysers in Perth



Perth draws local and foreign tourists annually due to its many attractions. The city’s active social scene hosts vibrant outdoor activities and events. To ensure the safety of locals, tourists, and employees, Perth enforces drug and alcohol testing policies. The legal limit for driving in Perth is 0.05% Blood Alcohol Content (BAC). Many locals and visitors use breathalysers in Perth to ensure overall health and safety while participating in social events and activities. 

Typically, police carry breathalysers in Perth to confirm whether suspected DUI drivers are under the influence of alcohol. A breathalyser is a handheld device with a mouthpiece to measure your alcohol content through a breath sample. People can, however, purchase breathalysers for personal use. Alternatively, some workplaces require drug and alcohol testing, especially if safety is paramount. A personal breathalyser is a quick and easy way to measure your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) and avoid accidents and legal issues. BACtrack breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia are among the most reliable alcohol breath testers for professional and personal use. 

Why Get Personal Breathalysers in Perth?

The body quickly absorbs alcohol into the bloodstream. After a few drinks, you may notice its effects as your blood carries alcohol to your vital organs, such as the lungs, brain and heart. The telltale signs of alcohol’s effects are a pungent odour, elevated mood, and lowered inhibitions. Nonetheless, the more detrimental effects of alcohol start to come up as your BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) rises. These effects include severe impairments to perception, reflexes, senses and body coordination. These impairments can critically affect a person’s ability to drive. Thus, many people purchase breathalysers in Perth to avoid these detriments and take better care of themselves. Breathalysers are handy and portable electronic devices that are easy to use for anyone looking to measure their alcohol consumption.

People have many reasons to get personal breathalysers in Perth and throughout the country. A personal breathalyser has become an essential part of our working adult lives. Accordingly, many purchase personal breathalysers for the following reasons:

  • As a precaution to avoid accidents
  • to check one’s BAC before working, useful for those employed in high-risk sectors
  • Avoid exceeding the legal alcohol limit for driving a vehicle
  • Minimise impairment and other health risks
  • To get a better read on how alcoholic beverages specifically affect their body.


Why Get Personal Breathalysers in Perth – Understanding Blood Alcohol Content

Each person reacts differently to alcohol. How one person reacts to a certain number of drinks may differ from another. Therefore, accurately reading intoxication levels is difficult without a precise measurement method. BAC is a metric for measuring the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. Additionally, BAC is calculated in grams for every 100ml of blood. For instance, a 0.05 % BAC equals 0.05g per 100 ml of blood. Thus, the higher the person’s intoxication level, the higher the BAC. In addition, many other factors weigh into a BAC reading. These include:

  • Age – our ability to process alcohol slows as we grow older.
  • Alcohol concentration – alcoholic drinks vary in alcohol content.
  • Medications – our body chemistry changes if we’re on prescription medication. Such substances react to alcohol and skew BAC readings.
  • Stomach content – a full stomach helps slow the body’s alcohol absorption rate.
  • Body composition – fat distribution significantly impacts BAC. People of more diminutive stature and a higher level of body fat get intoxicated more quickly than those that are leaner and taller.
  • Gender – women tend to have a higher proportion of body fat than men of the same weight. Furthermore, hormonal differences between the genders can significantly affect alcohol metabolism

Breathalysers in Perth – Selection Guide

Getting a precise read on one’s BAC can significantly improve long-term health and safety. Many purchase breathalysers in Perth to keep themselves and their loved ones safe during social events. There are many aspects to consider when purchasing a personal breathalyser. These include:

  • Ease of use – a personal breath tester should be easy to use, especially if you feel mildly intoxicated. High-tech breathalysers such as the BACtrack line from Breathalysers Australia are portable and convenient. In addition, people can operate the device and get an accurate BAC reading by pressing a single button.
  • Sensor accuracy – There are two kinds of breathalyser sensors: semiconductors and fuel cells. Fuel cell breathalysers are the most accurate breathalyser sensors to date. Furthermore, fuel fell sensor breathalysers only react to ethanol. As a result, these devices produce fewer false positive results. 
  • Cost-efficiency – semiconductor sensors tend to be more affordable than fuel cell sensors. Additionally, some breathalyser models have more features for higher precision at a steeper cost. 
  • Standards and certification – the best personal breathalysers meet standards and guidelines for safety, precision and effectiveness.
  • Recalibration services – personal breath testing devices from breathalysers Australia come with complete recalibration services to ensure high quality and reliable BAC readings.


A Quick Interpretation Guide for BAC Results

Locals and tourists alike get breathalysers in Perth to get an accurate read on their current level of intoxication. The BACtrack breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia are reliable devices for getting precise BAC readings. Understanding BAC results empowers people to control their consumption habits and improve their behaviour. Alcohol concentrations in the blood have the following effects on the body:

  • 0.010% to 0.039% – lowered inhibition and sensory alertness, improved mood, feelings of relaxation 
  • 0.040% to 0.059% – sleepiness, minor impairments of the senses and reasoning
  • 0.060% to 0.099% – further impairment of vision, hearing, memory, body coordination and slurred speech
  • 0.100% to 0.299% – significant impairment of motor functions, balance, coordination and memory; nausea and vomiting
  • 0.300% to 0.399% – unconsciousness, alcohol poisoning, coma
  • 0.400% and above – possibly fatal


In addition to being reliable and accurate, BACtrack breathalysers comply with federal requirements for breath testing devices. DOT and NHTSA have approved the BACtrack S80 Pro for use as a breath alcohol test device. A breathalyser is one way to ensure responsible alcohol consumption. It uses fuel cell sensor technology, the same as the technology used by law enforcement grade breathalysers in Perth. For an accurate and reliable reading, wait about 20 minutes after alcohol consumption before checking your breath. BACtrack breathalysers come with an internal breath pump to capture precise breath samples. For added validity, it also features a flow error indicator. In addition, mobile breathalysers like the BACtrack C8 Smartphone feature the innovative ZeroLine technology that can estimate when your BAC returns to 0.00%. In addition, it also has features that help you track your results.

Perth is a vibrant, beautiful city that many tourists visit every year. Thus, it is essential to maintain overall health and safety on the road, in the office and in public. Many use breathalysers in Perth to monitor and be aware of their alcohol consumption. The BACtrack series of breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia are reliable and effective devices to help you do your part in maintaining your health and sobriety as well as that of the community. 

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