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A Review on the BACtrack C6 Keychain Breathalyzer


Breathalyzers are handy devices that can help you determine your exact alcohol levels. Consuming alcohol can easily cause the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) to rise without reliable monitoring tools. If you are at a social event, a personal breathalyzer can conveniently help you track your alcohol intake. Additionally, a person does not have total control of their senses, reasoning, or motor functions once alcohol effects take over. Therefore, using a breathalyzer as early as the first drink can help control the BAC increase. A keychain breathalyzer is an ideal device to measure the BAC level efficiently. Many users recommend the BACtrack C6 keychain breathalyzer from Breathalysers Australia because of its compact size and reliability. 

A breathalyzer is an alcohol testing device that estimates the amount of alcohol concentration in the blood or BAC levels through the breath. They are primarily used to check the BAC and help determine if an individual is fit to drive a vehicle safely. Moreover, it helps people know if they are over the legal alcohol limit. In Australia, driving with a BAC of 0.05% or having 0.05g of alcohol for every 100ml of blood is illegal. For instance, if your BAC is 0.05% or more at a roadside screening, you are subject to legal charges and penalties. Thus, a personal device like the BACtrack C6 keychain breathalyzer is valuable for keeping you safe from harm and drink driving consequences. 

The Features of the BACtrack C6 Keychain Breathalyzer

The BACtrack C6 Keychain breathalyzer has many user-friendly features packed in a compact device. It is the smallest alcohol tester in Breathalysers Australia, utilising fuel cell sensor technology. The advanced BluFire® Fuel Cell Sensor of BACtrack delivers highly accurate, and consistent BAC results from a personal device. Moreover, the BACtrack C6 Keychain has the following features:

  • BluFire® fuel cell sensor – fuel cell sensors give precise BAC results because it is selective to ethanol. As a result, it is less likely to produce false positives, especially for people with diabetes, because fuel cell sensors do not react with other substances.
  • Effective breath capture – the BACtrack C6 breathalyzer has a mini solenoid pump that ensures only the precise air sample goes through the sensors. Therefore, it locks out ambient air and other airborne gases from the breath test sample. 
  • Previous test counter – recall previous BAC test results for monitoring purposes.
  • Adjustable blow time setting – you may set a longer blow time to increase the accuracy. 
  • Optional Bluetooth connectivity – the C6 Keychain has Bluetooth connectivity, letting you view your BAC results directly from a smartphone. 


BACtrack C6 Keychain Breathalyzer: Bluetooth-enabled Device

Modern alcohol testers like the BACtrack C6 keychain breathalyzer can seamlessly connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth. It is the first BACtrack device to offer a “Dual-mode” operation. Therefore, there are two ways to administer a breath test, depending on what suits you best. Firstly, the “Standalone Mode” enables you to conduct breath testing as a regular breathalyzer. After providing a breath sample, the device processes the sample and displays the BAC results on the bright OLED screen. Alternatively, you may select the “App Mode” to pair the BACtrack C6 with your smartphone. The App mode lets you receive the BAC results directly to your mobile phone through the free BACtrack app. 

Features of the BACtrack App

The BACtrack companion app is compatible with most iOS, Android, and Google devices. This innovation takes alcohol breath testing to a whole new level. You may easily pair the BACtrack C6 Keychain breathalyzer with the smartphone app to conveniently check the BAC. Furthermore, the BACtrack app offers the following functions:

  • Convenient BAC viewing – the BACtrack smartphone breathalyzer sends the BAC to the app. In addition, it lets you share the results with a family member or a third-party monitor.
  • Tracking – you may save the test results and view them in a graph. The tracking feature lets you easily analyse your alcohol consumption or behaviour over time. 
  • Personalisation – you may add notes and images to your BAC test results. For example, some people write what they eat or drink to help them understand their BAC better. 
  • Apple Health integration – Apple users can manage their BAC data with the Apple Health Kit to see the correlation of their alcohol levels with physical activities. 
  • Zero-Line Technology – quickly estimate when your sobriety will return. The ZeroLine technology determines how long your BAC will reach 0.00% from the last consumption. 


How to Operate the BACtrack C6 Keychain Breathalyzer

Monitoring your alcohol intake with the BACtrack C6 Keychain breathalyzer is simple and easy. You may use the breathalyzer as a standalone device efficiently through the BACtrack’s one-button operations. To start breath testing, press the power button to initialise the countdown time. When the timer approaches zero, take a deep breath and blow continuously to the device. The breathalyzer will process the sample breath and deliver the results within 10 to 15 seconds. Therefore, you do not need a mobile phone to take a BAC test. However, to use the App mode, the C6 Keychain readily connects to the BACtrack app after first pairing it. Also, ensure that you turn on Bluetooth on your mobile device. Then, you may take a breath test as with a regular breathalyzer. But instead of checking your BAC on the device’s screen, it delivers your BAC results directly to your phone. 


The BACtrack C6 Keychain breathalyzer assures the most precise BAC readings with the advanced fuel cell sensor. The fuel cell sensors are the same technology used in hospitals, clinics, workplaces, and law enforcement. Moreover, the following guidelines will help ensure the most accurate breath test results. Firstly, it is vital to wait at least fifteen minutes after eating, smoking, and drinking before using a breathalyzer. The waiting period allows alcohol to reach the lungs to be exhaled. It also minimises the mouth alcohol from interfering with the breath test. Lastly, ensure that your unit is periodically recalibrated to maintain consistency. 


If you need a fully functioning alcohol tester but do not want a bulky device, then the BACtrack C6 Keychain breathalyzer is perfect. It has all you need for a reliable alcohol breath tester with innovative features. You may also fit your house or car keys in the keyrings. As a result, it prevents it from being left behind when you need a breathalyzer. Most importantly, using a personal breathalyzer like the BACtrack can help you manage your alcohol intake. It can effectively prevent high BAC levels by using your breathalyzer every hour or after each round of drinks. In addition, you may use the sharing features of the BACtrack app to send your BAC results to a family member. Lastly, the ZeroLine technology helps you make informed decisions. You may get the BACtrack C6 Keychain and other personal pro-grade devices directly at Breathalysers Australia. 

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