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Comparison Guide: BACtrack S80 Pro vs AlcoSense Verity


Testing the alcohol level during or after consumption is essential to keep impairment minimum. Drinking alcohol in moderate amounts creates pleasant sensations or euphoric effects. However, consuming alcohol more than the recommended amount increases health and safety risks. It is also a risk factor in driving, causing thousands of car crashes or collisions every year. Today, a breathalyser is valuable to help avoid the negative consequences of alcohol use. If you are looking for a reliable device, you may come across the BACtrack S80 Pro and AlcoSense Verity. Choosing a dependable breathalyser that meets your needs is important to maintain responsible consumption and safe driving. 

A breathalyser is a compact electronic device that estimates the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC). The BAC level indicates how much alcohol is present in the body or the degree of intoxication. For example, the higher the BAC, the more severe the impairment. Thus, monitoring the BAC is crucial to avoid going over the legal limit (0.05% BAC), getting into an accident, or getting charged with drink driving. The BACtrack S80 Pro available at Breathalysers Australia is a highly competent device to deliver fast and accurate BAC readings. Similarly, the AlcoSense Verity is an equally suitable breathalyser for measuring a person’s BAC. The comparison guide below can help you check which breathalyser suits you best. 

Similarities Between the BACtrack S80 Pro and AlcoSense Verity

The BACtrack S80 Pro and AlcoSense Verity are effective devices that can show how impaired you are. It is worth checking the similar features of the breathalysers and how they work. The key functions of the BACtrack S80 Pro and AlcoSense Verity are:

  • Fuel cell sensor technology – the breathalysers utilise fuel cell sensors to estimate the BAC accurately. Fuel cell breathalysers are more sensitive to ethanol and are unaffected by other substances. Thus, it reduces the likelihood of producing false positives. Furthermore, fuel cell sensors are police-grade, the same technology law enforcement officers use in roadside screenings
  • LCD – the breathalysers display the BAC results in a bright LED screen in three decimal places. Hence, it gives more defined test results by showing the BAC in three decimal points. 
  • Breath flow control – the sensors measure the breath flow, and volume exhaled. However, the S80 Pro has adjustable blow strength and time settings for increased accuracy.
  • Error message – the devices will alert if the breath sample is inadequate and needs a retest.
  • Test counter – the units record the number of tests performed. This feature is essential to determine when the devices are due for recalibration. 


BACtrack S80 Pro vs AlcoSense Verity: Testing Features

The BACtrack S80 Pro and AlcoSense Verity are efficient in measuring the BAC through the fuel cell sensors. However, they differ in certain aspects, like warm-up time and response time. You can start using the AlcoSense Verity after three seconds after turning it on and see the results after ten seconds. Meanwhile, the sensors of the S80 Pro warm-up within fifteen seconds to ensure optimal performance. In addition, the S80 Pro has a quick response time of only three seconds. These features enable on-demand accurate results. Furthermore, the breathalysers are extremely portable, making them easy to carry around and use. 

Guide to the BACtrack S80 Pro

Efficient alcohol breath testing enables you to make informed decisions. When choosing between the BACtrack S80 Pro and AlcoSense Verity, you may also want to consider the extra services a device can offer. The BACtrack S80 at Breathalysers Australia has advanced features to improve accuracy, empowering you to take each breath test with confidence. The S80 Pro provides the following performance:

  • Breath capture system – the BACtrack breathalyser has an internal breath pump that activates at the end of each test. It optimally captures the deep lung air for the sensors to analyse. Additionally, it helps keep ambient air or external pollutants from entering the device.
  • Linear response – the fuel cell’s linear response provides more accurate results over the complete range of alcohol concentrations. The unit can measure right through 0.400% BAC without losing accuracy.
  • Temperature check – the fuel cell’s performance improves with elevated temperature. The BACtrack S80 Pro provides continuous temperature checking to ensure breath sample consistency. 
  • Adjustable settings – the S80 Pro allows you to adjust the settings to fit your needs. For example, you may lengthen the blow time and change the blow strength to enhance the accuracy. Additionally, you may also change the unit of measure to your preference.
  • Audible alarm – the BACtrack S80 Pro is set to the Australian driving limit of 0.05% BAC. Therefore, the device will alert you if your BAC reaches the limit. Conveniently, you may also adjust the warning settings to different BAC levels. 


BACtrack S80 Pro and AlcoSense Verity: The Accuracy of Fuel Cell Breathalysers

People check their alcohol levels to make informed decisions. A fuel cell breathalyser like the S80 Pro and AlcoSense Verity are dependable testing tools to determine the precise BAC levels. Instead of relying on personal or subjective evaluation, which can be unreliable, a fuel cell breathalyser gives specific results. In addition, fuel cell breathalysers remain consistent despite consecutive tests and for a longer period than traditional semiconductor breathalysers. They can also perform high-volume tests suitable for professional settings. Therefore, you can eliminate second guesses on whether to drive or not with a fuel cell breathalyser. Lastly, the AlcoSense Verity and S80 Pro adhere to the Australian Standards (AS3547). The BACtrack S80 Pro also has FDA approval and DOT certification, meeting all requirements of a breath screening device. 

Operating a Breathalyser

Breathalysers are handy units that you can carry around, making BAC testing easy and convenient. Unlike other alcohol testing methods, a breath test is safe, simple, and non-invasive. Moreover, operating the BACtrack S80 Pro and the AlcoSense Verity is incredibly easy. Firstly, you must wait at least fifteen minutes after eating, drinking, or smoking before using a breathalyser. The waiting period allows time for alcohol to reach the lungs for exhalation. It also minimises the mouth alcohol from affecting the test. Then, once ready, simply turn on the device and wait for the signal to blow. Then, give a sufficient blow for five seconds or until you hear the end of the beeping sound. Within seconds, you will know your exact BAC. Additionally, the S80 Pro and AlcoSense Verity come with extra mouthpieces in the box. Therefore, you may share the device without compromising your BAC results


The BACtrack S80 Pro and AlcoSense Verity are effective devices for checking your alcohol content. During consumption, they are valuable in minimising safety risks. You may choose a breathalyser based on the style or functions that suit your particular needs. For the most accurate and dependable results, having extra features like the BACtrack S80 Pro can help. The BACtrack S80 and other professional-grade BACtrack devices are available at Breathalysers Australia online. 

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