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Breathalyser in Car or Portable Breathalysers?


Driving under the influence of alcohol is Australia’s leading cause of road accidents. More than ever, it is essential for drivers to remember that it is their responsibility to keep the roads safe and hazard-free. To help prevent these untoward incidents, Australia now enforces stricter measures, including making drink driving a criminal offence with corresponding penalties. For example, you could face legal consequences, like a mandatory alcohol interlock program, if you drive with a high alcohol level. Under the interlock program, you must provide a breath sample to an ignition interlock device (IID). This device works as a breathalyser in the car that tests your BAC before driving. 

An IID or breathalyser in the car is an electronic breath-testing device connected to a vehicle’s ignition system. The IID prevents the vehicle from starting unless the driver passes a breath test. Accordingly, a driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) must be at a flat 0.00% before driving. In addition, the IID may also initiate a random test to ensure sobriety while driving. Furthermore, the driver must provide a fresh breath sample; otherwise, it will sound an alarm to conduct a new breath test. Drivers under interlock programs also use personal breathalysers to monitor their BAC and prevent prolonging their program. Using a personal breathalyser like the BACtrack line of breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia can significantly help ensure safety for the drivers and their immediate surroundings. 

Portable Breathalyser or Breathalyser in Car? – What are they?

Courts implement alcohol interlock programs to prevent repeat drink driving offences from specific drivers. In addition, such measures help prevent the causes of road accidents. The drivers in question may only exit the program once they complete the required duration without additional violations. Very few differences exist between a breathalyser in the car and a personal breath checker. Both generally work the same way. Such devices use high-tech sensors to detect alcohol content in a single breath sample and give an accurate BAC reading. If the driver is under a zero-alcohol policy, they cannot have alcohol before and while driving. With a single failed breath check, a car breathalyser will prevent the engine from starting until the driver passes another test. 

Moreover, if a breathalyser in the car detects higher levels of alcohol, it locks the car for a certain period. In addition, the driver cannot submit another breath check until that time has passed. As a result, it is sometimes necessary for the driver to track their BAC with a personal breathalyser. Furthermore, BACtrack personal breathalysers are portable and compact devices that can effectively monitor and keep track of BAC. In addition, BACtrack smartphone devices feature BACtrack’s Zero line technology. This feature helps estimate how long a person’s BAC will return to 0.00%. 


Portable Breathalyser? or Breathalyser in Car – Advantages of Alcohol Interlock Programs

The courts require alcohol interlock programs for persons with mid to high-range drink-driving offences. These BAC levels can range from 0.08 to 0.010% or higher depending on the state or territory it is implemented. In addition to the functions of the breathalyser in the car, drivers under this program must immediately apply for a limited license to be able to drive. Only accredited agencies can provide and install an interlock breathalyser in the car. The average in-car breathalyser has the following features:

  • Lockouts – as previously stated, failure to pass a breath test results in a temporary lockout of the vehicle. In a brief lockout, the driver must wait a few minutes before retaking the test. However, in the event of a failed retest, the lockout will last longer. Multiple failed tests may result in a permanent lockout. 
  • Optional camera – a few ignition devices come with a camera to ensure the right person provides the breath sample in a test.
  • Result records – the device has advanced software to record all breathalyser tests. It can also record any attempts to tamper with or remove the device.
  • Random tests – the interlock breathalysers prompt further tests are random periods while the car is running. This feature prevents the driver from consuming alcohol once the car has started. 
  • Fuel cell sensors – like the most advanced personal breathalysers, in-car breathalysers come with precise sensors that react to no other substances. This feature allows for the highest levels of precision. In addition, fuel cell breathalysers are the same type employed by law enforcement in roadside tests. 

Portable Breathalyser or Breathalyser in Car? – Advantages of a Portable Breathalyser

Personal breathalysers are compact, cost-effective devices that help drivers monitor their alcohol levels. In addition, effective personal breathalysers, like the BACtrack breathalyser from Breathalysers Australia, are highly precise and give real-time BAC results. Drivers in interlock programs can not rely on the breathalyser in the car to monitor their BAC, as they can only use them while driving. Therefore personal breathalysers are necessary to prevent an extension of the interlock program. Drivers in interlock programs may use personal breathalysers anytime after attending social events where alcohol is involved. Personal breathalysers are the ideal way to avoid repeat offences and additional legal charges for drinking and driving. A personal breathalyser can also bring the following advantages over a breathalyser in the car. 

  • It helps drivers monitor and moderate alcohol consumption.
  • It grants better awareness and control of excessive alcohol consumption’s many effects on the body.
  • It allows drivers to avoid being pulled over by law enforcement in a roadside test and paying steep legal fines for revoked driver’s licences.
  • It helps to minimise alcohol impairment.
  • They ensure drivers are under the legal alcohol limit (0.05%) for driving.
  • People can also use them to check their BAC before a work shift. These checks are essential for those that work in safety-critical industries.


BACtrack Devices at Breathalysers Australia

Alcohol interlock programs are costly and inconvenient for many drivers. However, they are necessary measures for enforcing road safety. As part of an interlock program, a breathalyser in the car helps reduce road accidents and possibly fatalities. It also prevents repeat offences from people with unhealthy alcohol consumption habits. To help ensure safe and responsible driving and to successfully pass the interlock program, drivers can purchase a personal breathalyser instead. In addition, smartphone breathalysers like the BACtrack mobile pro can connect to the driver’s Apple or Android device via Bluetooth. This feature allows access to the BACtrack app for better alcohol consumption monitoring and the ZeroLine technology that estimates when BAC levels return to 0.00%. Breathalysers Australia provides many reliable and cost-effective breathalysers that fit an individual’s needs and budget. 


All BACtrack breathalysers are CE-certified, NHTSA and DOT compliant, and FDA-approved. This means that BACtrack breathalysers meet all federal standards for breathalyser accuracy and effectiveness. Moreover, Breathalysers Australia also provides these BACtrack breathalysers with a full-year warranty. In conclusion, a personal breathalyser is an ideal investment for those in alcohol interlock programs and anybody who values road safety. Personal breathalysers allow for regular and habitual checks anytime and anywhere. These features give BACtrack breathalysers an edge over breathalysers in the car and empower drivers to take better care of their health and ensure road safety.

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