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BACtrack Element vs S80 and Trace Pro: Comparison Guide and Overview


Knowing if you can legally drive or not can be confusing if you are consuming alcohol. Alcohol rapidly affects the perception and motor functions within minutes. High amounts of alcohol in the body can severely impair vision, hearing, reasoning, coordination, and reaction time. Thus, alcohol intoxication increases the risk of accidents while driving. To help keep a minimum alcohol level, many people use personal breath testers or breathalysers. Breathalysers are valuable portable devices that determine how much alcohol is in the blood. Personal breathalysers like the BACtrack Element, S80, and Trace Pro, are highly effective in measuring the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC). A quick breath test lets you know if your impairment degree and if you can drive or not. 

Many people who consume alcohol cannot accurately estimate their intoxication. Relying only on guess estimates results in negative consequences such as car crashes or collisions. In Australia, alcohol is a top factor of severe injuries or fatalities on the road. If you drive with a BAC of 0.05% or higher, you can face legal charges. Therefore, using a breathalyser like the BACtrack Element, S80, or Trace Pro can help avoid drink driving and reduce road accidents. You can get effective alcohol testers at Breathalysers Australia to help keep you on the safe side of the road. 

BACtrack Element: A Review of its Features

The BACtrack Element is a powerful breathalyser that accurately estimates the BAC level. It is one of BACtrack’s premier breathalysers utilising the proprietary Xtend Fuel Cell Sensor Technology. If you need high precision or police-grade quality, look for a breathalyser with fuel cell sensors like BACtrack. It provides higher accuracy and consistency than the standard semiconductor sensors. Moreover, the BACtrack Element offers the following functions:

  • LCD screen – BAC results are displayed on the bright, easy-to-read display.
  • Test applications – Can perform up to 1,000 tests in a single battery set.
  • Response time – Processes the sample breath and delivers the result within ten seconds.
  • BAC range – Can accurately measure the BAC from 0.00 to 0.400%. 


BACtrack Element, S80 and Trace Pro: Choosing a Breathalyser

You can choose from the wide array of breathalysers available in the market. However, picking a personal device can be overwhelming with the availability of varying kinds, features, sizes, or styles. Breathalysers Australia presents various alcohol testers that would suit many needs or preferences. You may start with identifying the purpose of alcohol breath checking. Some people want a device to detect alcohol regardless of the amount consumed. Meanwhile, others rely on accuracy to measure their exact BAC. Likewise, some people want to monitor their alcohol level to keep within the legal limits of driving or be able to work completely sober the next day. The BACtrack Element is an affordable pro-grade device to help ensure that you get the most precise BAC readings. 

The BACtrack Element, S80, and Trace Pro are high-performing breathalysers trusted by private companies, hospitals, and clinics where safety is critical. Additionally, the professional BACtrack breathalysers with fuel cell sensors have FDA approval and DOT certification, complying with all the federal requirements for a breath alcohol screening device. However, the BACtrack S80 and Trace Pro have a faster response time of three seconds. They can also perform up to 1,500 tests in a single battery set. Moreover, the BACtrack Trace Pro has an additional memory feature that can record up to 10 BAC results. The Trace Pro is efficient if you are monitoring the BAC in a single session. 

Advantages of Professional Breathalysers

Many people use a breathalyser to help keep them from going over the legal limit. Beverages with higher or stronger alcohol concentration tend to increase your BAC faster. Because of this, some people have a hard time controlling their BAC without a device. The BACtrack Element, S80, and Trace Pro are suitable devices to estimate the BAC level accurately and help moderate consumption. Additionally, fuel cell breathalysers give the following advantages: 

  • Less likely to show a false positive: Fuel cell sensors are sensitive to ethanol and do not interact with other substances in the breath. Thus, it will not increase the BAC of people with diabetes or on a low-calorie diet. 
  • Consistent BAC readings: Fuel cell breathalysers consistently maintain accurate results even when repeatedly conducting breath tests.
  • Linear response: The breathalysers provide accurate results at higher BAC concentrations. Some breathalysers lose their precision at high BAC levels. Meanwhile, the BACtrack breathalysers can correctly trace the alcohol level over the complete alcohol ranges.
  • Recalibration stability: Fuel cell breathalysers require recalibration once per year under normal usage. Additionally, fuel cell breathalysers can maintain accurate results for up to 1,000 tests. 


BACtrack Element: Breathalysers and Responsible Driving

Alcohol is a contributing factor to many road accidents in Australia. Despite the massive campaigns against impaired driving, many people risk operating a vehicle with alcohol content. To help combat drink driving, law enforcement conducts more random roadside breath tests. Police may perform mandatory breath tests at checkpoints or if they suspect a driver is impaired. For example, police will ask the driver to take a breathalyser test to determine the alcohol content. If the BAC is over the legal limit (0.05%), an evidential breath test at a police station is necessary. Consequently, the person can face legal charges and penalties if the final BAC is confirmed. Therefore, more people use personal devices like the BACtrack Element, S80, or Trace Pro to avoid drink driving. 

The BACtrack Element is a suitable device when you need quick, accurate BAC tests. It provides a reliable breath test at a reasonable price. Moreover, if you need the highest precision in high-volume environments, you can go for the BACtrack S80 or Trace Pro. The BACtrack pro-grade breathalysers have the same technology that law enforcement use in roadside screening. Therefore, checking your BAC with a professional device like BACtrack before driving can ascertain you get dependable results. Additionally, the BACtrack pro-grade devices are also suitable for professional use. Workplaces with zero-alcohol tolerance rely on breathalysers to monitor impairment. The use of breathalysers reduces the risk of injuries on the road and at work. 

Getting a Personal Breathalyser

Personal breathalysers are much more accessible and affordable now than decades ago. Their availability effectively lessens the negative impacts of alcohol use. As such, constant updates and technological innovations help in minimising alcohol risks. You may get the BACtrack Element from retailers online or in stores. Meanwhile, the BACtrack S80 and Trace Pro are available directly at Breathalysers Australia online. Moreover, all units sold at Breathalysers Australia have a full one-year warranty. You may also avail of complete after-sales services, including recalibration at Breathalysers Australia. Ensure that you register your device upon purchase to get timely reminders. A pro-grade BACtrack breathalyser helps ensure that you get accurate results and make smart decisions.

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