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AlcoSense Pro Breathalyser vs BACtrack – A Comparison Guide

22 November, 2023

BACtrack Mobile Pro breathalyser with a smartphone showing the BAC result

Breathalysers offer individuals a convenient way to measure their blood alcohol levels. The AlcoSense Pro breathalyser and BACtrack are helpful devices during alcohol consumption. They feature semiconductor or fuel cell technology to deliver reliable results. However, they differ in cost, performance, and design. The breathalysers include a one-touch operation and an easy-to-read display. They are also non-invasive devices and give quick results. This makes breath tests the preferred choice in alcohol monitoring.

The demand for personal breathalysers has been steadily increasing due to their convenience and accuracy. They also prevent individuals from drink driving or other risky activities. People can use the device to know their intoxication level and determine if they are fit to drive. Therefore, it helps reduce the risk of accidents. This article will compare the cost and features of AlcoSense Pro and BACtrack breathalysers. By knowing their design and accuracy, individuals can make informed purchase decisions.

AlcoSense Pro Breathalyser vs BACtrack – Cost

One of the main factors people look into when choosing devices like AlcoSense Pro breathalyser and BACtrack is the cost. Breathalysers are considered a reasonable investment, especially for those who prioritise safety. The prices of breath alcohol testers range from $150 to $300. This depends on several factors, such as the type of device and the product features.

Typically, breathalysers with semiconductor sensors are more affordable. This is due to their materials, simplicity, and accuracy. On the other hand, fuel cell breathalysers are more expensive due to the more advanced technology used. Moreover, the more features a device has, the higher the cost. For example, breathalysers with adjustable settings or Bluetooth connectivity often have higher prices.

Breathalysers are available in retail outlets and online stores. The cost of these devices may also vary depending on the location. In addition, online stores like Breathalysers Australia offer reasonable prices for BACtrack alcohol testers. It also offers fast shipping times and reasonable delivery fees. Hence, it is advisable to research and compare the cost of each device before purchasing.

Potential Contributing Factors to Price

  • Durability – good quality devices tend to last longer. They may use premium materials that can withstand frequent use, increasing their price.
  • Features – more features enhance the cost-effectiveness of the breathalyser. These additions influence the cost. It may include Bluetooth connection and automatic counters.
  • Certification – devices with Australian Standards (AS) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accreditations may be more expensive. These units passed rigorous testing to ensure their accuracy and performance.
  • Warranty – some breathalysers offer extended warranty policies. This increases the overall cost of the device.
  • Accessories – extra batteries and mouthpieces may add to the total cost.

A woman blowing to a personal breathalyser

AlcoSense Pro Breathalyser vs BACtrack – Accuracy and Precision of Readings

When comparing the AlcoSense Pro breathalyser and the BACtrack, one important aspect to consider is accuracy. Breathalysers analyse the breath samples through their sensors to calculate the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). The precision of readings depends on the quality of the sensors and other internal processors.

First is the semiconductor breathalysers, which are highly sensitive to alcohol. However, the presence of other compounds in the breath can interfere with the readings and produce inaccurate results. The second is fuel cell breathalysers, which are more specific to ethanol. They use electrochemical reactions to measure the BAC. It provides an accuracy of up to ±0.005%. Likewise, it does not react with endogenous substances, giving more accurate readings.

The AlcoSense Pro has two operating modes. The normal mode measures the specific blood alcohol content. Meanwhile, the fast mode or alcohol responder can be shared with other people to detect the presence of alcohol. Furthermore, it has two decimal-place readings for easy viewing. On the other hand, several BACtrack Pro ranges display the BAC results in three decimal places for more pinpoint accuracy.

Error Check Technology

The error check technology is a feature that helps reduce the chances of false readings due to user error. It ensures accuracy by determining if the user has blown into the device properly. If the person blows incorrectly, the device will prompt the person to blow again.

It is advised to exhale consistently to ensure only deep lung air enters the sensors. Additionally, breathalysers have a margin of error from ± 0.01%BAC at 0.05% BAC. This can mean the accuracy reading is on the safe side as not too low and not too high. It also takes into account the possible variations in usage.

A police officer holding the BACtrack S80 Pro breathalyser

AlcoSense Pro Breathalyser vs BACtrack – Design and Portability

Modern devices like the AlcoSense Pro breathalyser and BACtrack are more portable than law enforcement units in police stations. These designs enable easy operation and quick alcohol testing. Firstly, they are handheld units that can fit in the palm and can be carried around. Individuals may use them at any time to test their BAC in virtually any situation.

Secondly, the breathalysers have a one-touch operation. This feature allows for rapid breath tests in seconds. To use the device, individuals will only need to press the power button and follow the instructions on the screen. The whole process may take several seconds to a minute to complete. This makes breath testing more efficient than urinesaliva, and blood testing.

Lastly, the results are easy to interpret. It displays the BAC in a digital reading, indicating the level of intoxication. The breathalysers typically expressed the BAC in percentage, which is the unit of measure used in healthcare, legal, and professional testing. However, advanced devices like the BACtrack S80 Pro have adjustable settings, depending on individual preference.

Back-lit LCD Display

The breathalysers feature a back-lit LCD display to highlight the BAC results. This makes viewing the results easy, even in dimly lit environments. Moreover, depending on the model, it also displays the battery life and time of the last test. Some may also include a test counter and when the device is due for recalibration.

The colours of the display vary between the two breathalysers. The devices use a cool blue or green colour scheme with black text to indicate their status. Considering these factors can also help individuals select the device that best suits their needs.


The AlcoSense Pro breathalyser and BACtrack are ideal devices for personal use. They are both reliable and easy to use for quick alcohol testing. The cost ranges from $150 to S300, depending on their styles and features. The AlcoSense Pro utilises advanced semiconductor technology with AS3547 certification. On the other hand, the professional range of BACtrack from Breathalysers Australia uses fuel cell sensor technology, which gives more consistent readings and accurate results.

Furthermore, the BACtrack breathalysers also meet the rigorous requirements of Australian Standards. It is vital to consider the accuracy when choosing a device, as this can help make informed decisions. Additionally, breathalysers incorporate an error check technology to ensure precision and minimise false results. Lastly, the portability and design enhance the efficiency of use. The simple operation is crucial in testing, especially if a person has consumed alcohol. These notable distinctions can help make the best choice for personal breathalysers.

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