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Australian Defence Force Drug and Alcohol Policy

05 October, 2022


The Australian Defence Force drug and alcohol policy guidelines prevent alcohol or other substances during service. The Australian Defence Force generally has a zero-tolerance policy on prohibited drugs and an alcohol limit for deployed personnel. However, according to the targeted and random testing results, many ADF personnel tested positive for illicit substances in 2019-20. Additionally, studies show that 29% of ADF members consume more than four standard drinks daily. ADF personnel that consume alcohol should consider using a personal breathalysers. Personal devices from Breathalysers Australia can help monitor alcohol intake to prevent intoxication and high levels of impairment. The BACtrack personal breathalysers can effectively monitor the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) through breath samples. Consumption monitoring can help personnel be ready for service at any time. 

Australian Defence Force Drug and Alcohol Policy: What is ADF   

The military organisation in charge of defending Australia’s Commonwealth and national interests is the Australian Defence Force (ADF). The Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army, Royal Australian Air Force, and various “tri-service” formations make up the Australian Defence Force. The ADF, supported by the Department of Defence and numerous other civilian organisations, has a strength of over 85,000 full-time personnel and active reservists. The Australian government established the armed forces as separate organisations in the early twentieth century. Each service had its command structure. The government made a strategic shift in 1976, establishing the ADF to unify the services under a single command. Over time, the degree of integration has grown, with tri-service headquarters, logistics, and training institutions replacing many single-service facilities. Thus, the Australian Defence Force drug and alcohol policy was strengthened for its personnel.

The Australian Defence Force drug and alcohol policy outlines the use of alcohol and illicit drugs. Under the ADF policy, examples of prohibited substances are:  

  • Narcotics (amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, morphine, opium, etc.).  
  • Anabolic agents (steroids).  
  • Hormones and related substances.  
  • Diuretics and other masking agents.  
  • Benzodiazepines (valium, Rohypnol).  

Under the zero-tolerance policy, the use of prohibited substances is a severe breach of discipline. A member returning with a positive drug test will likely be discharged immediately. Random and targeted testing helps reinforce the ADF’s commitment to zero tolerance. Additionally, ongoing educational campaigns ensure that all ADF members have constant reminders of the rules. The following sections discuss the Australian Defence Force drug and alcohol policy.


Australian Defence Force Drug and Alcohol Policy: Zero-Tolerance Policy   

The Australian Defence Force Drug and Alcohol Policy enforce a zero-tolerance on drug use and a BAC limit on alcohol consumption. Under the zero-tolerance drug policy, the use of prohibited substances is a severe breach of discipline. A member returning with a positive drug test will likely be discharged immediately. Random and targeted testing helps reinforce the ADF’s commitment to zero tolerance. Additionally, ongoing educational campaigns ensure that all ADF members have constant reminders of the rules. Furthermore, ADF uses the Customs Act of 1901 to classify additional “prohibited substances,” including androstenediol and DHEA steroids. Therefore, the ADF’s drug policy is stricter than its alcohol policy.    

Meanwhile, the Australian Defence Force drug and alcohol policy are more permissive to alcohol than the zero-tolerance stance on drug usage. On most deployments, alcohol is prohibited, although “typically no more than one or two” drinks may be permitted on others. The ADF uses random urine testing for most chemicals, with tailored testing for steroid misuse. Meanwhile, a breath test helps ensure that all personnel do not exceed the alcohol limit. Professional devices like the fuel cell breathalysers at Breathalysers Australia provide accurate and reliable BAC readings. The workplace breathalysers at BAU utilise enlarged fuel cell sensors to trace alcohol concentrations over a complete BAC range. Additionally, they are specific to ethyl alcohol and do not react to other substances. Therefore, it is less likely to produce false positives.

Australian Defence Force Drug and Alcohol Policy: Alcohol Consumption Monitoring   

On the other hand, under the Australian Defence Force drug and alcohol policy, alcohol consumption is permissible during general peacetime service. However, alcohol consumption during deployment should be no more than two daily drinks. Since the ADF does not have a zero-tolerance for alcohol policy, alcohol-related conditions can be a basis for claims provided there is a relation between alcohol consumption and service. Therefore, breathalysers are essential in ensuring that ADF members do not go over the alcohol limit. BACtrack workplace breathalyzers ensure that ADF personnel are physically fit and ready to serve. Having workplace and personal breathalysers around can drastically help with BAC monitoring. Knowing the exact BAC could help determine those unfit for service.  

Records show that being on deployment for longer than five months and traumatic experiences is associated with increased alcohol consumption. Therefore, the Australian Defence Force drug and alcohol policy call for more substantial and better support for servicing personnel and veterans. Their welfare and interests are crucial to national security. Furthermore, governments can monitor personnel welfare by using pro-grade devices like the BACtrack fuel cell breathalysers. These devices are compact, and ADF members can easily carry them around. Keeping track of the alcohol consumption can overall improve your health. They are also valuable in monitoring impairment which may result in accidents. Moreover, BAC monitoring can help identify personnel with alcohol use disorder.


Breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia

Breathalysers Australia is an all-Australian owned and operated company with offices in New South Wales and Queensland. Additionally, they are Australia’s only specialist breathalyser company. BACtrack Australia has the specific knowledge to give you the right advice and suggested product application for your particular breath alcohol testing requirement. They have been specialising in breathalyser sales and service since early 2012. All their products are reliable, accurate, affordable, and have the quality only BACtrack can offer. With Breathalysers Australia, the Australian Defence Force drug and alcohol policy will be stronger and better. The breathalysers range:  

  • Personal breathalyser – Ultra-fast personal BAC testing at the touch of a button on the breathalyser itself or your phone.  
  • Smartphone breathalyser – Transforming smartphone into a breathalyser with a Bluetooth-enabled BACtrack.  
  • Workplace breathalyser – Australian workplace environments use the Pro Series Workplace Range breathalysers. 


The goal of national defence is to maintain the democratic normalcy to which society, specifically citizens, communities, and the state, aspires, based on efforts to promote legality, economic growth, social balance, and political stability. With this, the Australian Defence Force drug and alcohol policy should provide the best standards and agreements to benefit the nation. With breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia, the Australian Defence Force’s drug and alcohol policy will be stronger and better. Breath tests are quick and easy. It only takes 10 to 15 seconds for a BACtrack breathalyser to process the breath sample and deliver the BAC results. 

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