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About Alcohol Urine Test for Pre Employment


Alcohol consumption is normal during social events and special occasions. It can help people relax and may even relieve stress. Moderate alcohol consumption may even provide a sense of euphoria. However, alcohol consumption also has a downfall. When people get over indulged while consuming alcohol, there is a possibility that they may drink too much of it. Too much alcohol consumption may lead to several impairments that could affect your ability for doing tasks like driving. Consuming too much can lead to memory, vision, coordination, reaction time, and judgement impairments. These impairments can decrease your ability to operate vehicles and heavy machinery safely. In light of this, law enforcers and employers try to provide effective alcohol consumption monitoring procedures. Police officers would typically perform a roadside breath alcohol test to help maintain road safety. Employers can typically give an alcohol urine test for pre employment to improve workplace safety.

The law requires employers to prioritise workplace safety. It is vital to minimise safety risks in the workplace. Being unable to effectively and safely drive or use vehicles and machinery can drastically affect workplace safety. Moreover, these types of machines require your full attention when being used. Therefore, working with alcohol-induced impairments can drastically affect workplace and employee safety. Furthermore, this solidifies the need for employers to provide an alcohol urine test for pre employment. This method can help prevent the employer from hiring someone with alcohol use problems. Testing is crucial, especially in industries like:

  • Transportation
  • Mining
  • Construction
  • Product production

Alcohol Urine Test for Pre Employment: Testing procedures

There are plenty of ways to test individuals. For drug testing, you can perform blood and urine tests. Moreover, for alcohol testing, you can test urine, breath, saliva or sweat samples. Blood sampling can test for both alcohol and drugs, and it is the most accurate test you can perform. However, it is also the most expensive and time-consuming method. Moreover, employers would also need a certified laboratory and test collector to perform this procedure. These services can be hard to find sometimes. The most common form of workplace testing is a drug and alcohol urine test for pre employment. This method can help ensure workplace safety and help employers trust new employees for specific tasks. Additionally, this can help reduce risks for the current employees. To help ease the process of workplace testing, employers may now also use BACtrack workplace breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia.

An alcohol breath test is a reliable and quick method to test for breath alcohol. It estimates the amount of alcohol found in the breath and translates it into a corresponding Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level. Your BAC can determine your level of alcohol intoxication. For example, a breath test with a BAC of 0.05% or more can mean that you are legally incapable of driving safely. A BAC of 0.05% is the Australian limit for driving with alcohol. Moreover, most workplaces have a zero-alcohol tolerance policy which allows for no alcohol consumption in workplaces.


Alcohol Urine Test for Pre Employment Vs Breath Test

With today’s innovations, devices like the BACtrack workplace breathalyser are highly accurate. These devices allow for breath tests as precise as an alcohol urine test for pre employment. Furthermore, police officers have always relied on breath tests through breathalysers to help them provide safer roads. These devices are compact and portable, allowing for tests even when on the go. Using a breathalyser can allow employers to test for alcohol anywhere and anytime in the workplace. Having this option can enable employers to provide more tests all around the workplace. Without a doubt, a BACtrack breathalyser from Breathalysers Australia can help provide accurate and constant tests for workplaces.

An alcohol urine test for pre employment may need a more stable area for testing. Furthermore, the test may require the sample collector to process the urine sample with a testing device. A urine test’s accuracy is very reliable. However, its only downfall compared to a breath test is testing time. Having a more lengthy procedure may decrease the company’s efficiency. Companies and employers may take more time to provide tests for all their employees. This issue can allow a wider window for potential risks and accidents in the workplace. Not providing the test in time may also enable the employee to sober up and hide their usage.

Drug and Alcohol Urine Test for Pre Employment: Testing Services

There are now plenty of testing facilities and services available for employers. Furthermore, these services can provide an on-site drug and alcohol urine test for pre employment. Having the option for on-site testing can help companies maintain workplace productivity. Employees would no longer need to leave the workplace to get tested. A mobile testing unit can go to the workplace and provide testing services. Testing services would typically give a urine test to test for drug usage. A positive test would then require a follow-up test in a certified lab. This procedure is required by law, which could help the employer decide the next course of action, especially if the drugs involved were illegal. For alcohol consumption, the testing services could either use a urine test or provide a breath test. Furthermore, companies can also take advantage of having the BACtrack workplace breathalyser from Breathalysers Australia to test for alcohol.

Aside from a drug and alcohol urine test for pre employment, testing services can also provide tests for:

  • Random testing: Tests that are unannounced and can be anytime.
  • Blanket testing: Tests all the employees in the company.
  • Post-accident/incident testing: A test provided to check if alcohol or drugs were involved in a specific workplace accident.
  • Post-positive testing: A test required for employees who are coming back to work after testing positive.


Why Use BACtrack Workplace Breathalysers

BACtrack is a world-renowned breathalyser company that provides highly accurate and reliable alcohol breath testing devices. Companies may now provide a breath test rather than an alcohol urine test for pre employment. Instead of spending money every time the company feels like there is a need for an alcohol test, they can use their workplace breathalyser. Furthermore, these BACtrack breathalysers use fuel cell sensors. These sensors are sensitive to ethyl alcohol only, which means false-positive results are less likely. These are also the same sensors you would find in a police officer’s breathalyser. Breath tests are accurate and viable and can even be used as evidence in a legal case hearing.

Using a BACtrack Workplace Breathalyser

BACtrack breathalysers have one-button operations to help add to the convenience of breath tests. This feature allows companies to provide breath tests with just a press of a button. A breath test with a BACtrack workplace breathalyser from Breathalysers Australia may also be faster than an alcohol urine test for pre employment. BACtrack devices only take 10 to 15 seconds to process your BAC results. During a breath test, all you must do is provide a solid and firm blow into the breathalyser’s mouthpiece.

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