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Breathalyser Recalibration Service

Breathalysers Recalibration

Breathalyser Recalibration Service

Recalibration Overview

Breathalysers Australia certified calibration process is performed in a controlled environment by highly trained technicians. Known alcohol concentrations are passed across the breathalyser sensor to pre-set baseline values ensuring the results are within the units acceptable tolerance range.

Additionally we run each unit through a full diagnostic test, which includes mechanical and air flow testing. The final accuracy test is then verified with a double blind point-to-point assessment to achieve certification.
Door to door service
Affordable, certified accuracy
No lock in contracts
Breathalysers Recalibration

Door to door service

Breathalysers Recalibration

Affordable, certified accuracy

Breathalysers Recalibration

Affordable, certified accuracy

How the Process Works

Automated Calibration Reminder Email


Reminder Email

Reply to the email with your postal address.

Payment Notification Email



Pay by secure link or bank transfer. Cost includes pickup and return delivery.

Aus Post Satchel on its Way


Aus Post
on its Way

Pre-paid and pre-addressed. Delivered to your mailbox.

Pack Device into Satchel


Pack Device
into Satchel

Put in hard case or securely wrap. Drop in a red roadside Aus Post box.

Precise Certified Calibration


Precise Certified

Performed within 1-2 business days.

Device Returned to you


Device Returned
to you

Returned to your mailbox (cost included)

How the Process Works

Automated Calibration Reminder Email


Reminder Email

Reply to the email with your postal address.

Payment Notification Email



Pay by secure link or bank transfer. Cost includes pickup and return delivery.

Aus Post Satchel on its Way


Aus Post
on its Way

Pre-paid and pre-addressed. Delivered to your mailbox.

Pack Device into Satchel


Pack Device
into Satchel

Put in hard case or securely wrap. Drop in a red roadside Aus Post box.

Precise Certified Calibration


Precise Certified

Performed within 1-2 business days.

Device Returned to you


Device Returned
to you

Returned to your mailbox (cost included)


The Sensor

Breathalysers require recalibration as the sensors accuracy inherently drifts over time. Additionally, alcohol residue and intake particles gradually build up on the sensor resulting in the device recording inaccurate readings. Regularly recalibrating your breathalyser will lengthen the units life-span through servicing benefits.

The Process

Recalibration is a dual-step process which involves cleaning, clearing and resetting the sensor by flushing a specialised Reference Solution through a Recalibration Simulator. Our trained technicians test the device at various %BAC levels to complete the process and confirm device accuracy within the acceptable variance range for the particular sensor type.


Breathalysers Australia can only recalibrate and offer the 1-year warranty on units that we have sold. Only trained technicians using specialist laboratory equipment are certified to recalibrate the devices.


Factors Affecting Calibration

Breathalysers require recalibration to maintain accuracy. Frequent usage, blowing strong alcohol concentrations into the unit and not waiting 15 minutes after consuming alcohol before testing will build up alcohol residue on the sensor more quickly and will increase the requirement. The Sensor type and Certification will determine what the recommended recalibration period is.

AS3547 Certified Products

AS3547 Certified products require recalibration every 6 months to maintain Certification. For AS3547 2019 models it is every 12 months.

AS3547 Certified Workplace Use

Breathalysers Australia offers recalibration of SHIELD Express models every 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months.BACtrack S80 Pro Gen2: Workplace and Alcovisor Mercury is every 6 months.All recalibrations are performed in our AS3547 Certified NSW Recalibration Facility.

AS3547 & EN Certified Personal Use

Recalibration frequency of BACtrack S80 Pro Gen2: Personal, S80 Pro Gen1, Trace Pro Gen1 & Gen2, Mobile Pro Gen1 & Gen2 and Scout Gen2 is up to every 12 months and is performed in our AS3547 Certified NSW Recalibration Facility.


AS3547 & EN Certified Personal Use

Recalibration of BACtrack S80 Pro Gen2: Personal, Trace Pro Gen1 & Gen2, Mobile Pro Gen1 & Gen2, Scout Gen2, and S80 Pro Gen1 is $59.50 inc GST which includes pick up and return courier, recalibration, airway servicing and Certification of Accuracy.

AS3547 Certified Workplace Use

Recalibration of BACtrack S80 Pro Gen2: Workplace and Alcovisor Mercury is $72.30 + GST which includes pick up and return courier, recalibration, airway servicing and Certification of Accuracy.

AS3547 2019 + A1: 2021 Certified Workplace Use

The SHIELD is certified to remain accurate for up to 18 months without calibration. The recalibration prices are:
6 months - $90 + GST
12 months - $165 + GST
18 months - $230 + GST
The service includes pick up and return courier, recalibration, airway servicing, and Certification of Accuracy.

Turn Around Times

We perform the recalibration service daily in our certified NSW facility and once received we recalibrate within 1-2 business days.

Life Span

As per the Certification, Breathalysers Australia can only recalibrate and offer the 1-year warranty on units that we have sold. Typically, if kept within the calibration requirement, you should get 5+ years use from our Fuel Cell breathalyser range.


Units we Calibrate

The breathalyser must originate from one of Breathalysers Australia’s facilities in order to be calibrated. Some leading brand breathalysers are replicated on the international market and contain lower-grade components.

AS3547 Certified Products

Breathalysers Australia recalibration policy complies with local AS3547 Australian Standards requirements. AS3547 specifies that there is complete traceability of the unit’s serial number for it to be recalibrated under the Standard.

Units we do not Calibrate

We do not recalibrate BACtrack Go Keychain due to the cost effectiveness of the product.


Register the serial of your device by emailing it to The serial is located in the battery housing and on the side of the retail packaging box.

Australian Calibrating Services at Breathalysers Australia

Breathalysers are valuable devices that measure a person’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) or intoxication level. The most prominent feature of a breathalyser is its sensor type. In addition, breathalysers with fuel cell and electrochemical sensors examine the alcohol content in a breath sample. However, a breathalyser’s sensor is sensitive and may build up alcohol residue over time. Therefore, it needs proper usage and care to maintain its accuracy for more extended periods. Thus, a breathalyser maintains its accuracy through periodic calibration. This involves a couple of weeks of downtime of being without your device, however, it is vital to ensure your device is fully functional. Breathalysers Australia offers calibration services for BACtrack breathalysers.

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