We make decisions every day, whether we are aware of them or not. We decide many different things in a day, like what we’re going to wear, eat, what to do, or where to go. It is the same thing when it comes to alcohol consumption. When you’re going out to consume alcohol, it is best to plan. How much are you willing to drink, and are you going to drive after are the two key things you should be ready to answer. To have a safe and enjoyable time, it is best if you have a reliable breathalyser, like a BACtrack personal breathalyser, with you. BACtrack is the world’s leading specialist for breathalyser technology and is considered the best, most accurate, and reliable breathalyser by customers and experts.
A breathalyser is a device that people check their blood alcohol concentration (BAC). A breathalyser measures the BAC through a person’s breath. The BAC is measurable through a percentage representing the amount of alcohol in the breath in proportion to the blood. Getting a reliable breathalyser is essential because it can drastically improve your safety and planning. In general, if you consume alcohol, you should not drive to prevent the risks of accidents. The driving limit of 0.05% BAC can help minimise road accidents. Driving with a BAC over 0.05% is a criminal offence, and you can be subject to severe penalties, imprisonment, disqualifications, and more.
Features of a Reliable Breathalyser
There are many considerations when choosing a reliable breathalyser. BACtrack breathalysers use the most advanced sensor technology. These devices can deliver highly accurate BAC readings. During a breath test, the BACtrack breathalyser uses a patented burn-in process and tuned-in algorithm to measure the alcohol in the breath accurately. In particular, fuel cell sensors of BACtrack can give the highest accuracy out of any other personal breathalysers. It is more sensitive to ethyl alcohol, eliminating the chances of false-positive results. All BACtrack breathalysers are convenient and easy to use. Additionally, the Bluetooth capability of BACtrack smartphone breathalysers offers extra features such as a tracking graph that records your results over time. BACtrack smartphone breathalysers also have ZeroLine technology. This technology can inform you how long it will take for your BAC to return to 0.00%.
Having a reliable breathalyser is the fine line between safety and danger. A reliable breathalyser such as a BACtrack personal breathalyser can save you from potential road accidents and legal problems. Tracking your BAC can help with your alcohol moderation. BACtrack devices use the same technology that you can find in a police officer’s breathalyser. It also meets all the requirements of the Australian standards for a safe and reliable alcohol breath testing device.
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