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Interlock Program: Purpose and the Eligibility for Participation

05 February, 2024

A man driving while the man in the passenger seat looks out the window

Interlock programs require individuals convicted of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) to install an ignition interlock device in their vehicles. The purpose of these programs is to prevent intoxicated individuals from operating a vehicle and potentially causing harm to themselves or others. This helps maintain road safety and promotes safe driving practices. To become eligible for this program, an individual must apply for an interlock licence. Then, they must contact an accredited interlock service provider and have a device installed.

Interlock devices prevent individuals from driving if their blood alcohol content is above the set limit. This may be either 0.02% or zero, depending on the state. It tracks all the failed and missed tests, and the service provider sends this data to the law enforcement agency or court during recalibration. The participant must cover the program costs, but there are exemptions. This article will present the purpose of the program, how it works, and eligibility.

Purpose of Interlock Programs

Alcohol interlock programs serve the purpose of promoting public safety by targeting individuals with previous convictions of drink driving offences. It does this by requiring these individuals to install an alcohol interlock device in their vehicles, which disallows them from driving if the breath test result is over the per-set Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit.

Another purpose of an interlock condition is to prevent dangerous driving incidents. It does this by ensuring that program participants cannot operate the vehicle if they are under the influence of alcohol before or while driving. This is crucial because intoxication from alcoholic beverages can significantly decrease the mental and physical abilities of individuals.

Lastly, it serves as an effective deterrent to irresponsible alcohol consumption. It also promotes safe practices after consuming alcoholic beverages, such as waiting in a safe area until they are fully sober or taking public transport instead of driving. This can help instil safe driving measures even after they finish the interlock period. Overall, the program helps reduce road safety risks by ensuring drivers are under the legal limit.

Impacts of Alcohol in the Body

Alcohol has various impacts on the body. These are some of the impacts it can have on the body:

  • Short-term effects: Initially, individuals may feel positive feelings, such as relaxation and euphoria. However, as they continue to drink, their intoxication also affects their ability to function. Some may feel physical symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, after heavy liquor intake. People will also experience reduced alertness, impaired judgment, loss of coordination, slow reaction times, and slurred speech.
  • Long-term effects: Excessive alcohol intake leads to the body developing severe medical conditions, such as stroke, liver diseases, and heart disease. It also increases the risk of cancer.

A prohibition sign on top of a person opening a beer while in the driver's seat

How the Interlock Program Works

The interlock program is a specialised program that requires program participants to install an alcohol interlock device in their motor vehicle. This device monitors them and ensures they are following the legal driving limit during their interlock participation period. The alcohol ignition interlock device works similarly to a breathalyser. It uses breath samples to measure the BAC and only starts the ignition if they are below the set limit.

Furthermore, the device will require additional tests throughout the drive. If the driver fails to comply, this will trigger an alarm that will continue until they re-take the test. Participants must note that all failed and missed tests are recorded by the device. Typically, the data is sent after the device undergoes recalibration from the interlock service provider.

The program also includes mandatory counselling and education sessions. This enables participants to address issues related to alcohol abuse. It also promotes responsible driving and can help individuals understand the risks they face if they continue with harmful alcohol consumption.

The Process of Installing an Interlock Device

Individuals must first set an installation appointment with an interlock provider. There, they must submit the necessary documents, which include their proof of identity and vehicle details. The technician will start installing the device after the person pays for the interlock costs.

The interlock device installation process involves connecting the wiring of the alcohol ignition interlock device to the ignition system. This may be on the dashboard or steering column, depending on the vehicle type. After connection, they must calibrate the device to the limit. Lastly, they may provide a short training on how to operate it.

A police officer conducting a field sobriety test

Eligibility for Interlock Program Participation

The eligibility criteria for participation in an interlock program may vary depending on the state and relevant regulations. Generally, the participants are those convicted of high-range drink driving offences. However, there are cases when they can make interlock exemptions, such as if they have a medical condition that prevents them from providing sufficient breath samples or financial hardships. They must provide evidence from a medical specialist in the case of the former.

Those without exemptions must apply for an interlock licence before being eligible participants in the program. They may require the individual to fill up various forms and submit a medical consultation certificate for this. Afterwards, they must go through the process of contacting an interlock provider to install the device in their vehicle.

However, it is crucial to note that the participant must shoulder all the costs needed during their period of participation. Hence, they may inquire if their state offers financial assistance to help with the burden. Moreover, they must maintain compliance with the rules to avoid violations.

Participation Period

The minimum alcohol interlock period may range from six months to one year. However, this can be extended if the participant fails to comply with the rules and has multiple reports of failing to get a passing measurement from the breath testing device. Thus, it is crucial to follow the rules and avoid incurring violations.

Participants should note that licence disqualification is another possible penalty under the program. This will prohibit them from driving any vehicle and cause them to fail the program. However, if they do succeed, they may apply to have the device removed and receive a new licence.


An interlock program is a safety measure that prevents drink driving by requiring individuals to pass a breath test before operating their vehicle. The ignition interlock accurately measures the BAC and records every test, including the failed and missed ones. The supervising authority monitors the activities of the program participants. To become eligible for the program, the individual must apply for an interlock licence and contact an interlock provider for installation.

However, some may apply for exemptions to this program. This includes those with proven medical conditions that prevent them from providing adequate breath specimens. This can also apply to those with financial hardships since the participants must shoulder the costs of participating in the program. The minimum participation period is between six months to one year. However, they may extend it if the participant incurs violations. Hence, following the rules is crucial for getting a new licence.

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