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Drunk Tester: Guidelines on Operating a Breathalyser

14 November, 2023

BACtrack breathalyser and a glass of beer on the table

A drunk tester, also known as a breathalyser, is a portable device that measures the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC). Operating the device is straightforward, and it does not require professional administration. First, activate the device and wait for the blow signal. Then, users provide a breath sample by exhaling to the mouthpiece and waiting for the results. Additional measures are also important, such as keeping the breathalyser clean and regularly recalibrated.

Excessive consumption of alcohol can impair the judgment and coordination of a person. Driving under the influence of alcohol results in an increased risk of accidents and injuries. For this reason, road laws implement an alcohol limit. Individuals exceeding the legal limit are subject to legal charges and penalties. In this article, we will explore the uses of a breathalyser, how to operate the device and understand the breath alcohol level results.

Using a Breathalyser as a Drunk Tester

A variety of devices serve as a drunk tester. Some examples are single-use alcohol testers that involve blowing into a test tube. Other types are urine and saliva alcohol testing using a test kit. However, they may not provide the precise results. The most convenient way to test for alcohol is by using a breathalyser.

A breathalyser is a battery-operated device that measures the blood alcohol level through the expired air. It utilises sensor technologies to determine the BAC. The standard type used by law enforcement, workplaces, and other professional settings is the fuel cell breathalyser. This technology creates a chemical reaction between ethyl alcohol in the breath and platinum electrodes. This reaction produces an electrical current, which is then used to calculate the concentration of alcohol.

The primary purpose of breath testers is to provide individuals with a means to check their BAC levels easily. By knowing the level of alcohol, individuals can make informed decisions about their alcohol consumption. This helps promote responsible drinking habits and can potentially prevent drink driving consequences.

Advantages of Using a Breathalyser

  • Breathalysers are easy to use, with most devices having a one-button operation.
  • The devices provide quick and immediate results after sample collection.
  • Breathalyser tests are non-invasive and do not require laboratory analysis.
  • They are portable, allowing for on-the-spot testing.
  • Breathalysers are reusable. They are convenient for multiple testing, making them cost-effective in alcohol monitoring.
  • They provide accurate and reliable measurements of the blood alcohol levels.
  • They help deter individuals from drink driving and engaging in other high-risk activities.
  • Monitor sobriety in the workplace. It can quickly identify intoxicated employees.
  • They allow individuals to self-monitor their alcohol consumption and make informed decisions.

A woman blowing to a breathalyser

How to Operate a Breathalyser as a Drunk Tester

Using a breathalyser as a drunk tester is a simple process that can be done in a few steps. To operate the device, start by turning it on and allowing it to warm up for the recommended time, usually around 15 to 30 seconds. Many devices initiate a countdown timer and display a blow signal once ready.

At the start signal, take a deep breath and blow steadily into the mouthpiece for five seconds or longer, depending on the manufacturer. Afterwards, the breathalyser automatically analyses the breath and displays the BAC results on the screen. The device often expresses the BAC in percentage. However, advanced types allow customisation to a different unit of measure.

Different breath alcohol devices have different features, so it is vital to follow the instructions accordingly. Moreover, knowing the specifications of the device can help ensure accurate results. Lastly, observe the proper alcohol breath test guidelines, such as waiting 15 to 20 minutes after drinking, eating, or smoking before using the device.

Factors that May Influence the Test Result

Several factors can affect the results of a breathalyser. One reason is the presence of residual mouth alcohol. This refers to the alcohol present in the oral cavity, which can lead to a higher BAC reading. Thus, it is essential to wait at least 15 minutes after alcohol consumption.

Another factor is the breathing pattern of a person. To get precise results, the person must blow for a specific duration and with a steady force. Inconsistent airflow may cause errors in the BAC reading. Additionally, an uncalibrated device may produce unreliable results. Therefore, regular calibration and maintenance are essential for breathalysers to perform correctly.

A person connecting a smartphone breathalyser to a smartwatch

Understanding the Results of a Breathalyser as a Drunk Tester

The breathalyser as a drunk tester is easy to use and even easier to understand the results. The device displays the BAC in a numerical value, which is simple and convenient to interpret. Primarily, the BAC is the amount of alcohol in grams per 100ml of blood. The rate of BAC increase depends on various individual factors, such as body type, type of drink, and the amount of intake.

Moreover, the BAC in percentage is the unit used in roadside preliminary alcohol screening tests. Thus, it is easy to align the results from a personal alcohol breath tester to evidential devices. Generally, larger doses of alcohol consumption cause the BAC to increase rapidly. Hence, the higher the BAC level, the more severe the intoxication.

A BAC of 0.01 to 0.04% may produce mild intoxicating effects, such as lowered inhibitions and slight impairment of judgment. On the other hand, a BAC of 0.05% and above may manifest significant coordination loss, poor balance, and slowed reaction time. Thus, individuals monitor their BAC with an alcohol breath tester to prevent severe impairment.

Legal BAC Limits in Australia

The legal BAC limits in Australia are the baseline alcohol levels that individuals are allowed to drive. The general limit is 0.05% BAC and zero for new drivers and commercial drivers. Police officers conduct preliminary alcohol screening tests to determine if individuals are intoxicated at the time of driving.

Individuals testing positive at a roadside screening are required to perform a test using alcohol evidential devices at a police station. Consequently, people exceeding the legal limit are subject to drink driving offences. The penalties include fines, license suspension, jail terms, and an alcohol interlock program for high-risk drunk drivers.


A drunk tester is an essential tool to determine the level of alcohol in the body. The most convenient device is a breathalyser, which uses fuel cells or semiconductor sensors to estimate the BAC. It measures the concentration of alcohol in the breath using the reliable blood-breath ratio of ethanol. Furthermore, it provides many advantages, such as quick operation, portability, and accuracy. It is easy to use without requiring invasive procedures like drawing blood samples.

Additionally, individuals must understand the results of alcohol screening devices. Users should also take note of the potential factors that may affect the breath alcohol content reading. This includes residual mouth alcohol, breath temperature, and device usage. Therefore, following the breathalyser guidelines can help ensure accuracy. Lastly, following highway safety programs can help prevent violations of drink driving laws and getting into traffic accidents. It promotes responsible drinking and minimises the hazards of alcohol impairment.

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