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How Many Standard Drinks to Drive: BAC Monitoring and the Legal Limits

24 September, 2023

a man pouring alcohol in a glass

Drinking and driving is a dangerous combination that can have severe consequences. In Australia, it is a serious offence with heavy penalties. Therefore, many people ask how many standard drinks to drive. However, there is no fast answer to this. This is because intoxication begins with the first sip, and alcohol affects everyone differently. Nevertheless, the general guideline is one standard drink for the first hour to keep the alcohol level below the legal limit of 0.05.

Many people are unaware of the specific guidelines for alcohol consumption and end up putting themselves and others at risk. To ensure safety, limiting their intake to avoid reaching the legal limits is crucial. By monitoring the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC), it can help individuals make informed decisions and prevent safety risks. This article will explore the guidelines for standard drinking and its effects and monitoring the BAC level.

Understanding How Many Standard Drinks to Drive

Understanding what standard drinks are is crucial to grasping how many standard drinks to drive. It is a unit of measurement to quantify the amount of alcohol consumed, representing a fixed amount of pure alcohol. In Australia, one drink is equivalent to ten grams of alcohol. Moreover, each beverage type contains varying amounts of standard drinks in one serving.

Consuming alcoholic beverages causes the blood alcohol level to rise within minutes. Knowing how much the BAC increases involves considering the number of standard drinks, the percentage of alcohol concentration in a drink and other factors. As a rule of thumb, experts advise limiting no more than two drinks in the first hour for men and no more than one drink per hour for women.

The increase in BAC is based on the average body composition between men and women. Additionally, the guide is estimated for the blood alcohol concentration to remain below 0.05%. However, even if a person’s BAC is below the legal limit, this does not mean they are safe to drive.

Other Factors that Affect BAC Level

  • Gender: the BAC levels differ between men and women due to the differences in fat content and the amount of enzymes that the liver produces to break down alcohol.
  • Body weight: individuals with lower weights tend to be affected more by alcohol.
  • Body fat percentage: individuals with a lower body fat percentage will have lower BACs.
  • Rate of alcohol consumption: the speed at which alcohol is consumed. The faster the intake, the higher the BAC level will be.
  • Food and water intake: eating food before or while drinking slows down the alcohol absorption rate.
  • Medications: certain medications can interact with alcohol, potentially increasing the BAC.

A person watching the BAC result through a smartwatch

How Many Standard Drinks to Drive – Monitoring the BAC Level

Monitoring the BAC level is crucial while determining how many standard drinks to drive. There are several ways to monitor the alcohol level, including counting the number of drinks per hour and using BAC calculators and breathalysers. A BAC calculator is a tool that involves entering several variables to compute the blood alcohol concentration. It includes the number of standard drinks, weight, gender, time, and more.

On the other hand, a breathalyser is a portable electronic device that measures the BAC through the breath samples. It utilises sensor technology to oxidise alcohol in the breath to determine the percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream. Furthermore, the device gives immediate results, indicating real-time BAC updates or intoxication levels. This is also the device used by police officers in roadside screening.

It is vital to note that BAC calculators provide an estimate of the blood alcohol level. It does not take into account other factors that may affect the BAC, such as metabolism and individual body composition. The most accurate method of testing is the BAC blood test. However, this procedure requires laboratory analysis.

Legal BAC Limits

Knowing the legal BAC limits is essential to avoid drink driving and its consequences. For most drivers, the general BAC limit is 0.05% in Australia. This means a person is legally intoxicated if the BAC exceeds this percentage. However, commercial and bus drivers have a lower limit of 0.02% and probationary and novice drivers have a zero BAC limit.

Exceeding the BAC limits may result in legal charges. The penalties for drink driving may include imprisonment, fines, license suspension, and an alcohol interlock device order. Hence, it is important to know the BAC level before driving to help stay within the legal BAC limits.

A car key in front of a person holding a glass of drink

How Many Standard Drinks to Drive – Effects of Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that affects the body and brain. It produces various effects, including impaired judgment and reasoning, slowed reaction time, and decreased coordination. However, the severity of the effects of alcohol consumption varies between individuals. Some may have higher alcohol tolerance and display fewer signs of intoxication than others.

Furthermore, excessive alcohol consumption can have long-term health effects, such as organ damage, cancer, high blood pressure, and weakening of the immune system. At extreme levels, a person may experience alcohol poisoning, blackout, or coma. It also increases the risk of depression and anxiety. In addition, a person may develop alcohol abuse or dependency.

For these reasons, it is vital to understand the effects of various types of alcoholic drinks on the body. Likewise, knowing how many standard drinks to drive can help avoid the consequences of driving under the influence. Overall, monitoring alcohol intake can help protect oneself and others from the severe health and safety risks of intoxication.

Impairments to Driving Ability

Alcohol consumption can have rapid effects on the body, causing significant impairments to driving ability. It negatively affects cognitive functions, including concentration, memory and processing speed. Likewise, it impairs vision, hearing, reflexes, and coordination. As a result, a driver cannot properly assess the risks of driving and may be unable to respond to unexpected events.

Drink drivers often exhibit risky behaviours, such as speeding, lane straddling, tailgating, and running red lights. These can lead to collisions that can cause severe injuries or death. Therefore, police officers implement roadside alcohol breath tests to test drivers’ BAC levels to prevent accidents.


Alcohol consumption can have severe consequences, including long-term health risks and impaired driving abilities. Driving while intoxicated poses safety hazards, which can lead to injuries or fatalities. Therefore, law enforcement implements a legal limit for driving to minimise the hazards of drink driving. Exceeding the limit can have severe penalties, including fines and loss of license. Hence, it is vital to know how many standard drinks to drive to help avoid getting high BAC levels.

Understanding how alcohol affects the body is vital to keeping the BAC within legal limits. Several factors affect the increase of the BAC, including the type of drink, body mass, metabolism, and rate of consumption. Additionally, alcohol affects everyone differently. Therefore, it is vital to use reliable methods to monitor the BAC, such as a personal breathalyser. Using a breathalyser can aid individuals in making responsible decisions regarding their intake and before driving.

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