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Evidential Breath Analyzers: What Are They, How They Work, and Can You Buy Them?

11 December, 2023

A person holding a breathalyser

Drunk driving is a serious offence that poses a significant risk to public safety. To combat this issue, police officers use evidential breath analyzers during roadside testing. These devices measure the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) levels using fuel cell sensor technology. The sensors create chemical reactions when they detect ethanol in the breath sample. People may also buy evidential breath testing devices online or in physical stores.

Consuming alcohol can cause severe impairments in judgment, coordination, and reaction time. This is why it is crucial to prevent impaired drivers from driving. Driving Under the Influence (DUI) causes a significant number of accidents that lead to injuries and fatalities. Fortunately, evidential devices can provide accurate and reliable breath alcohol content readings. This article will present the definition of an evidential alcohol screening device, how it works, and where to buy it.

What Are Evidential Breath Analyzers?

Evidential breath analyzers are devices that measure the concentration of alcohol in a person’s breath. Police officers commonly employ these devices in police stations to assess if someone is driving under the influence of alcohol. Hence, they are crucial tools in protecting public safety on the roads. Their results can serve as prompts for further testing or legal purposes.

The term “evidential” indicates that the BAC readings are accurate and legally admissible in court. This reading can support an investigation to determine if the person is over the legal limit of alcohol while driving. If the result is positive, individuals may face several penalties, such as fines, imprisonment, or alcohol interlock.

Moreover, breath alcohol devices provide immediate results after receiving adequate breath samples. This is crucial to determine if the person is intoxicated while driving or at the time of the test. In addition to law enforcement, the machines can also be valuable in workplaces, rehabilitation programs, and other settings where monitoring alcohol consumption is essential.

A Brief History

  • In 1931, Rolla N. Harger created the first breathalyzer that could be used outside a laboratory setting. He named this the drunkometer.
  • In 1954, Dr. Robert Borkenstein invented the modern breathalyzer machine. He was a forensic scientist for the Indiana State Police.
  • Afterwards, breath alcohol testers became widely used among police officers to identify people under the influence of alcohol.
  • In the 1980s, fuel cell technology was developed. These are now incorporated into modern alcohol screening devices.
  • Over the years, breath alcohol testing devices have become more portable and standard use for breath-alcohol analysis in police stations and roadside tests.

A woman blowing into a breathalyser

How Do Evidential Breath Analyzers Work?

An evidential breath analyzer examines the breath samples of a person to determine their BAC level. The analysis is done using the sensors inside them. One of the key technologies these devices use is infrared spectroscopy, which relies on infrared sensors. When an individual blows into the machine, the device captures the exhaled air where it enters a chamber where the sensors to analyse it.

As the breath passes through, the sensors detect the amount of light absorbed by the alcohol molecules. The more alcohol in the breath sample, the greater the absorption of infrared light at the specific wavelength corresponding to ethanol. Based on the amount of the absorbed infrared light, the analyzer calculates the BAC by comparing the absorption level to known standards. The device will then display the BAC, typically as a percentage (e.g., 0.05%).

Additionally, these machines require regular calibration to ensure accuracy and meet legal requirements for evidentiary use, which is why police stations use them as reliable, legal measurements of intoxication.

Understanding the BAC

Blood Alcohol Concentration, or BAC, is the amount of alcohol in the blood. This is crucial for determining if an individual is legally fit to drive. Alcohol impairs reaction times, coordination, and judgment. The legal limit for most drivers in Australia is 0.05%. However, for some drivers, the limit is at zero.

Several factors can affect the blood alcohol levels of the individual. This includes the amount and type of alcohol consumed, age, gender, body type, and overall health condition. Some alternative methods of determining the BAC, besides breath testing, include using an online calculator and bloodurine, and saliva tests.

A breathalyser, mouthpieces, bag, anda smartphone with results

Can You Buy Evidential Breath Analyzers?

An evidential breath analyzer is a specialised and highly regulated device. Due to its sophisticated technology, it often comes with a hefty price tag. Thus, it is not typically available for direct consumer purchase in the same way as personal breathalyzers are. However, there are a few options available if looking to purchase one.

The first option is authorised distributors and manufacturers. Many manufacturers sell their products through an authorised agent. They often have specific channels for law enforcement, government agencies, and organisations that require certified equipment. Police stations often procure these devices through government contracts.

In some cases, the machine can be available through the manufacturer’s website. Individuals or companies may need to contact them directly to inquire about purchasing, and they will likely require professional or organisational credentials. Alternatively, individuals needing accurate breath testers may opt for professional-grade personal units. Personal breathalyzers are commonly available online or in pharmacies nationwide. They are also more affordable and portable. However, they won’t have the same certification of accuracy and cannot be used in court.

Advantages of Owning a Personal Breathalyzer

There are several advantages to owning a personal breathalyzer. One of them is that it can help the person monitor and limit their intake of alcohol. This is crucial, especially for those who suffer from Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Furthermore, it can help them understand the effects that different alcoholic beverages have on them.

Personal breathalyzers can also help the user stay within the legal limit and prevent them from drink driving. It can provide approximations of when they will become sober. This can help them make informed decisions and remain safe. Lastly, individuals may use them to test multiple times without compromising accuracy.


Evidential breath analyzers are crucial tools in ensuring public safety on the roads. Police officers use these portable and accurate instruments to identify impaired drivers and use the results for possible evidence in legal proceedings. Moreover, there are portable devices that use either semiconductor sensors or fuel cell sensors. These are what cause the chemical reactions that result in the BAC amounts shown in the device.

Individuals must understand the importance of knowing how BAC works. This is because it can help in preserving their health and keep them out of legal predicaments. People may buy evidentiary breath analyzers online or in physical stores. However, they must consider several factors to ensure they have a proper breath alcohol testing device. It should have the necessary certification, be easy to operate, and have their preferred sensor. Those interested in owning a personal breathalyzer may consider BACtrack devices.

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