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Can you Buy a Breath Tester for Alcohol?


Driving or operating machinery when intoxicated is hazardous to yourself and your surroundings. High blood alcohol levels can impair reasoning and judgment and diminish the ability to control machines safely. Law enforcers conduct roadside screenings by pulling over suspected intoxicated drivers to improve road safety. Police officers may also ask you to give a breath sample into a breath tester for alcohol to determine your intoxication level. Moreover, if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is over the legal limit of 0.05% (in Australia), you are legally intoxicated. A 0.05% BAC equals 0.05g of alcohol per 100ml of blood or 210 litres of breath. Furthermore, you can use a BACtrack personal breathalyser to ensure you are not driving over the alcohol limit.

Breath alcohol testers are devices that use sensors to analyse the alcohol in your breath sample. The sensors oxidise alcohol and produce a chemical reaction to estimate the BAC or alcohol level in percentage. Police officers use alcohol testers or breathalysers to reduce road accidents or casualties. Additionally, failing a police officer’s breathalyser test could result in severe drink driving charges. Fortunately, the cost of breathalysers has decreased over time, making them accessible for personal use. Without a doubt, you can easily find and buy a breath tester for alcohol online or in physical stores for personal purposes. The availability of personal alcohol testers can help improve road safety. You can easily keep track of your alcohol consumption with devices like the BACtrack personal breathalyser.

Where Can you Buy a Breath Tester for Alcohol?

You can buy a breath tester for alcohol at Breathalysers Australia. Breathalysers Australia is the main distributor of BACtrack breathalysers in the country. With an extensive network all over Australia, you can ask for BACtrack products in outlets near you or online. BACtrack breathalysers employ the most advanced sensor technology to provide highly reliable and accurate BAC readings. These devices are also DOT and FDA-approved and meet all the effective breath screening device requirements.

Breathalysers Australia has plenty of breathalyser models for your specific needs or budget. You can choose a keychain alcohol tester for simple alcohol detection. You may also get a smartphone breathalyser to connect to your phone via Bluetooth. BACtrack workplace breathalysers are also available for workplace use. If you are looking for a highly reliable breath tester for alcohol, you should place BACtrack breathalysers at the top of your list. Most BACtrack breathalysers feature fuel cell sensors. These are the same sensors you would find in a police officer’s breathalyser. These sensors are also very sensitive to alcohol, making them less likely to provide false-positive results.

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