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Urinary MCS: Overview and Procedure

06 October, 2023

A person submitting a urine sample cup to a healthcare professional for testing.

Urinary MCS (microscopy, culture and sensitivity) is a method of testing for detecting microorganisms in urine samples. This test is often used for diagnosing urinary tract infections (UTIs), as it can identify isolated bacteria or fungi in the sample. It helps health professionals choose the most effective treatment for the infection. The procedure involves taking a sample of urine and examining it under the microscope to look for bacteria, fungi, parasites or white blood cells.

A urine test can help diagnose UTI. If left untreated, it can cause discomfort and other complications. UTI occurs when bacteria enter the urethra and infect the urinary tract. It can affect several parts, including the bladder and kidneys. In addition, age, poor hygiene, and pregnancy are common risk factors for this condition. The following sections will provide an overview of the urine MCS testing, including who should take the test and its procedures.

What is Urinary MCS Test

The urinary MCS test is a diagnostic tool that analyses urine specimens to identify microorganisms. It involves urine microscopy examination of the sample to detect abnormal cells or bacteria, followed by culture and sensitivity testing. It differs from traditional urinalysis, wherein the latter does not involve the examination of bacterial colonies on a petri dish.

The urine culture involves placing the sample on a special agar plate to encourage the growth of any bacteria present. After incubation, a technician examines the plate for colonies, which indicates the presence of microorganisms. The colonies are then further tested to identify the specific type of bacteria causing the infection.

After identification, a sensitivity test determines which antibiotics or antimicrobial drugs are effective in treating the infection. This is important because different bacteria may respond individually to various drugs. This process allows bacteria to be tested for their susceptibility. It observes which antibiotics inhibit their growth. The results of the test help healthcare providers select the most effective medical treatment for the patient.

Causes of UTI

  • Individuals who are sexually active are more prone to having UTIs.
  • Diabetes and certain conditions that obstruct the urinary tract, like kidney stones, can cause infections.
  • Enlarged prostate gland in men can also increase the risk of having a UTI.
  • Women are more prone to UTIs because their urethra is shorter than men.
  • Using some contraceptive devices like diaphragm can also trigger infections.
  • Improper hygiene after using the bathroom can contribute to the development of UTIs. It includes not wiping properly and dirty feminine products.
  • Constipation can make it difficult to empty the bladder thoroughly, which can trap bacteria inside.

People inside the clinic are sitting and waiting for a health professional.

Who Should Take Urinary MCS Test

Individuals displaying symptoms of UTI should take a urinary MCS test. This includes pain when urinating, strong-smelling urine, and pelvic pain. In addition, the test may be recommended for individuals with a history of recurrent UTIs. Recurring conditions can be a sign of an underlying issue, such as a structural abnormality in the urinary tract or a weakened immune system.

Moreover, a physician may recommend the test to a patient with a suspected infection in the upper urinary tract (kidneys). Additionally, the test may be necessary for individuals who have recently undergone urinary tract surgery or have a catheter in place. These situations can increase the risk of developing a UTI.

In some cases, employers may include this test in various circumstances. A workplace may require the test in pre-employment screening as part of a physical examination. Employees may also undergo this test during regular physical check-ups. The test may also be required for personnel who will be working in environments with greater risk of infection, such as healthcare facilities.

Early Signs of UTI

The early signs of UTI include a burning sensation or pain when urinating and frequent urination. Strong smell and cloudy or bloody urine are also indicators. Additionally, fever and pelvic pain in women or lower back pain in men are usual UTI symptoms. A person may also experience temporary incontinence or have difficulty emptying the bladder completely.

It is important to note that these symptoms can also indicate other medical conditions. Thus, it is crucial to consult a professional for an accurate diagnosis. If left untreated, a UTI can progress to more severe symptoms. These can include fever, chills, and back pain, indicating kidney infection.

A professional holding an empty urine cup

The Procedure of Urinary MCS Test

The procedure of the urinary MCS test involves urine collection and sending it to a laboratory for analysis. The first step is obtaining a specimen using a sterile container. A doctor will request to collect a midstream urine sample. Start passing the urine directly into the toilet and catch the sample after a few seconds.

Ensure to avoid contact with the hands or fingers to ensure a clean catch of urine and prevent contamination. For those who think they did not collect the specimen properly, they should get a new container and try again. Afterwards, refrigerate the sample or bring it to the nearest testing centre as soon as possible.

After the collection procedure, the sample undergoes a laboratory analysis, including culture and sensitivity tests. A laboratory technician examines the sample under a microscope following a strict chain of command. Additionally, they will test the sample for its sensitivity to antibiotics to determine the most appropriate treatment. Depending on the results, further tests may be performed.

How to Prepare for a Test

Preparing for the test is relatively easy. Inform the healthcare provider about any medications being taken, including antibiotics, that may interfere with the results. It is also advisable to avoid any substances that could potentially contaminate the samples. Additionally, a doctor may advise avoiding certain foods or alcoholic drinks before the test.

Individuals should wash their hands thoroughly and empty their bladder, following the collection guidelines. If there is any difficulty in collecting the sample, a doctor may recommend a catheterisation. After the test, patients should wash their hands and clean themselves with wipes or water around the genital area.


The urinary MCS test is an important diagnostic tool for detecting and treating urinary tract infections. It involves the collection and analysis of a urine sample to determine the signs of bacteria or other pathogens. Additionally, it undergoes three stages, including microscopic examination, culture, and sensitivity tests. The growth of colonies in the sample indicates the presence of bacteria causing the infection. This helps health professionals identify the most effective treatment for each individual case.

UTI is a common infection that can lead to complications. The symptoms include frequent urinating, burning sensation, pain, and cloudy or bloody urine. Furthermore, various factors increase the risk of the condition, including poor hygiene, sexual activity, and a weakened immune system. Women are also more prone to UTIs than men. Thus, it is vital to seek medical attention at the early signs of the infection to get an accurate diagnosis.

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