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JB Opening Hours: Best Time to Buy Breathalysers & Available Devices

15 September, 2023

A mini breathalyser and a glass of drink

JB opening hours vary depending on the store location. Most stores open at 9 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. For specialty stores, such as those located in shopping malls, opening hours may differ. The best time to buy breathalysers is when the store opens or during off-peak hours. Breathalysers are essential tools that measure the amount of alcohol in the system. It requires careful consideration when purchasing to help get the most suitable device.

Many people opt to buy a personal breathalyser to manage their alcohol consumption. The device is portable and can be used virtually anywhere. In addition, it helps individuals make informed decisions about whether they are legally allowed to drive or not. Thus, it is important to take time to consider various aspects before purchasing a device. In this article, we will present the types of breathalysers, price ranges, and other considerations when buying the device in stores.

JB Opening Hours: What Are the Available Breathalysers?

JB Hi-Fi offers a massive range of electronic devices and tech entertainment products. The JB opening hours usually start at 9 a.m. in various locations. Aside from a range of video games and appliances, you may also purchase a breathalyser at several JB Hi-Fi locations. The breathalysers available are personal devices with different features and styles.

Personal breathalysers use alcohol sensors to estimate Blood Alcohol Content (BAC). Different types of sensors can deliver varying accuracy levels. Therefore, it is essential to look at these features before buying a device. A reliable type of breathalyser uses fuel cell sensors. This is the technology used by police officers in roadside breath screening.

Several personal breathalysers use fuel cell sensor technology. Hence, you can get police-grade accuracy in breath testing at a more affordable cost. Moreover, it is advisable to check for alternatives before making a decision. Another type of breath tester is a smartphone breathalyser. It has Bluetooth connectivity to remotely sync with iOS or Android devices.

Types of Sensor Technology

  • Fuel cell sensor: this sensor uses an electrochemical reaction between alcohol and oxygen. The reaction produces an electrical current proportional to the amount of alcohol in the breath. The device converts the number or strength of the currents into BAC percentage.
  • Semiconductor sensor: this sensor uses tin oxide to detect alcohol molecules in the breath. When alcohol is present, it changes the electrical resistance, allowing the sensor to measure the BAC.
  • Infrared sensor: this technology measures the absorption of infrared light by alcohol molecules in the breath. It analyses specific wavelengths to determine the alcohol concentration. The device is typically larger and more expensive.

Using a breathalyser with a smartphone app

JB Opening Hours: Breath Tester Prices

Some people try to go at JB opening hours to get deals or savings through gift cards and sales. The cost of breath testers mainly depends on the type of sensor technology. Fuel cell breathalysers are typically more expensive because of their high accuracy. The price ranges from $90 to S500. Professional units for workplaces can be more expensive.

Semiconductor breathalysers are relatively inexpensive due to the low cost of materials. It is often used as an entry-level device for individuals who need to test for alcohol without spending more. The price ranges start from $50. However, it may not be as precise as fuel cell breathalysers due to their sensitivity to other substances aside from ethanol.

Moreover, smartphone breathalyser prices may range from around $90 to $150. The cost may vary slightly from standard or standalone breath testers due to the technology used. Additionally, the phone application needed for the device is usually free. Lastly, prices in stores may differ from online prices.

Contributing Factors to Price

Apart from the type of sensor technology, other factors that influence the price include additional features and brand names. Some breathalysers come with LED screens, memory storage, and smartphone connectivity. High-end devices may also have an automatic temperature correction. Therefore, this enhances the overall value of the breathalyser.

Reputable brands may be more expensive due to their quality assurance. Professional-grade devices undergo rigorous testing to ensure accuracy and effectiveness. These breathalysers attain certification from relevant regulating bodies, such as FDA and Australian Standards. Therefore, it is important to compare the prices from different outlets before buying.

Woman blowing to a breathalyser

JB Opening Hours: Considerations Before Purchasing a Breathalyser

Quality and accuracy are the main aspects to look at when buying a breathalyser. However, other factors should be taken into consideration too. One aspect to consider is convenience. A device should be easy to use, especially if the effects of alcohol start to affect you. Many breathalysers enable testing within seconds with a single-button operation.

Also, consider the battery life. The power should be long enough to complete several tests without charging or replacing batteries. It is also advisable to use fresh batteries to ensure optimal working conditions. Furthermore, check for warranty details. Companies usually provide a warranty period that ranges from one to two years, depending on the type of breathalyser.

Additionally, read reviews or feedback to know what other users think about a specific model or brand. This allows you to decide if a device is suitable for your needs. Lastly, when shopping after JB opening hours, make sure to ask about payment options and discounts. This can help get the possible cheapest prices or deals.

Usage Guidelines of Breathalysers

Operating a breathalyser is fast and easy. To facilitate breath testing, simply power the device and wait for the sensors to warm up. Once ready, take a deep breath and blow steadily into the mouthpiece for five seconds or longer. After the blow time, the device processes the breath sample and displays the BAC results within seconds.

It is vital to wait 20 minutes after consuming food or alcohol before using a breathalyser. This period enables the body to absorb alcohol into the bloodstream and the residue to dissipate from the mouth. Therefore, it minimises the risk of false-positive results.


Knowing the JB opening hours allows you to determine different breathalyser types and features from different outlets. Breathalysers utilise various sensor types, which affect their accuracy and reliability. Personal breathalysers use semiconductor or fuel cell sensors. Generally, fuel cell breathalysers are more expensive due to the technology used. However, they are also more accurate due to their specificity to ethanol. Other types of devices vary in features, including smartphone connectivity and internal memory.

The breath tester prices range from $50 for entry-level to $500 for professional-grade devices. Additionally, advanced features influence the price. Generally, the more functions a breathalyser has, the higher the cost. Apart from the cost, the device should also meet your needs in terms of ease of use, durability, and battery life. Before buying a breathalyser, read reviews to know what other users think about it. Lastly, follow usage guidelines to ensure accurate results and cost-effective use.

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