Safety begins with awareness, and sound awareness starts with having sufficient information. Driving safety is a personal responsibility, and you must eliminate or reduce all preventable hazards. An excellent way to remain safe after consuming alcohol is to check your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Personal devices like BACtrack personal breathalyzers are affordable and accessible and can effectively help you monitor your alcohol consumption. People use breathalyzers to check their BAC levels before driving to avoid legal charges. However, some people still risk driving despite their high BAC levels and end up in road accidents or acquiring drink driving charges. Under the Australian road rules, all drivers convicted of mid to high-range drink driving or repeat offences should participate in the alcohol interlock program. The alcohol interlock program mandates convicted drink drivers to install a breathalyzer in cars to drive.
Participants in the alcohol interlock program must install an interlock device in their cars for a specified period. Additionally, their driving license is restricted until they complete the duration of the program without additional violations or repeat offences. Depending on the gravity of the offence, the program can last at least one year. An interlock device is a kind of breathalyzer in cars that require a breath sample for the engine to start. You must provide a breath sample every time you drive until you exit the program. Your breath sample must be alcohol-free for your vehicle to start.
Having BACtrack Breathalyzer in Cars
Placing a breathalyzer in cars prevents drink drivers from repeating the same offence. The device prevents individuals from driving a vehicle if their blood alcohol level exceeds certain limits. In Australia, most car breathalyzers have a 0.00% BAC limit. An accredited interlock service provider installs and sets the limit, and only they can uninstall the device. It is one way to keep the roads safe from the hazards of drink driving. People under the interlock programs nowadays use breathalyzers to help prevent them from prolonging interlock restrictions. BACtrack personal breathalyzers can efficiently determine your alcohol level before blowing into a car breathalyzer. These BACtrack devices are highly accurate because they feature the same sensors you would find in a police officer’s breathalyzer.
Furthermore, it is virtually impossible to beat a court-appointed breathalyzer in cars. For example, most interlock devices have a rolling retest where you need to give an additional breath sample while driving. Additionally, some ignition interlock devices (IID) have a camera to ensure that the right person provides the sample breath. Checking your BAC before driving is essential. It is also an effective way to prevent yourself from being put into an interlock program. Moreover, those under the interlock program can also take advantage of BACtrack’s ZeroLine technology. This technology can estimate when and how long your BAC would return to 0.00%, effective for those under a no-alcohol tolerance program.
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