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How Long After Drinking Can I Drive?

25 October, 2023

A person in a car opening a bottle of beer

Understanding the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) and drink driving laws is crucial in determining how long after drinking can I drive. By using a breathalyser for monitoring, individuals can measure their BAC level and make informed decisions about getting behind the wheel. It is generally recommended to wait at least one hour per standard drink before driving. Following drink driving laws and monitoring the BAC can help ensure the safety of both the driver and others on the road.

Drinking alcohol can lead to intoxicated driving. It impairs physical and cognitive functions, making it difficult to control a motor vehicle. Even a small amount of alcohol can slow reaction time and coordination skills. Therefore, it is important to understand the limits and effects of alcohol on the body. This article will present how long after drinking a person can drive, taking into account BAC levels, drink driving laws, and the use of a breathalyser.

How Long After Drinking Can I Drive – Understanding the BAC

How long after drinking can I drive lies in understanding BAC. It is the measurement of the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream of a person. It expresses the milligrams of alcohol in every 100 millilitres of blood as a percentage. This information is crucial as it helps in determining if the alcohol consumption of an individual is within the safe limit for driving.

The effects of alcohol on the body and driving skills can vary from person to person. Body weight, metabolism, and liver function can influence how quickly the body processes alcohol. On average, it takes about one hour for the body to metabolise one standard drink. However, this is just an estimation, and individual variations can still occur.

To determine when it is safe to drive, people should consider the number of standard drinks they have ingested. Additionally, they need to take into account the time period in which these drinks were consumed. The body needs time to eliminate the alcohol and return to a sober state. It is recommended to wait at least one to two hours after each standard drink before driving.

Legal BAC Limit

  • The legal limit is in place to ensure the safety of all road users.
  • The legal BAC limit in Australia is 0.05% for most drivers.
  • The BAC limit for professional drivers, such as bus drivers, is 0.02%.
  • Exceeding the legal BAC limit affects a person’s ability to drive safely as alcohol impairs judgment, coordination, and reaction times.
  • Law enforcement authorities typically use breathalysers during roadside breath testing to determine a person’s BAC.
  • If a person’s BAC exceeds the legal limit, they are committing an offence known as drink driving. Hence, this can result in penalties.

A woman using a breathalyser

How Long After Drinking Can I Drive – Using A Breathalyser for Monitoring

A breathalyser is a device that can monitor the BAC of a person. It helps in determining how long after drinking can I drive. This device measures the amount of alcohol in their breath to estimate the level of alcohol in their blood. Blowing into the breathalyser allows the analysis of the breath of an individual to determine their BAC.

When people drink alcohol, their bodies quickly absorb it into the bloodstream. Within minutes, they might feel the effects, like an alcohol smell on their breath, a lifted mood, and reduced inhibitions. If individuals drink too much or for too long, their BAC can reach dangerous levels. This seriously affects their senses, perception, reflexes, and coordination. Therefore, having a breathalyser is crucial instead of relying on guesswork.

Several factors can influence the time it takes for the body to metabolise and eliminate alcohol. These include body weight, liver function, and the amount and type of alcohol consumed. Consequently, it is recommended to wait until the BAC is below the legal limit in the breath test results before operating a motor vehicle.

Operation Guidelines

To use a breathalyser, individuals should turn on the device and wait for it to warm up. Once the device is ready, they should take a deep breath and then blow steadily into the mouthpiece for five to 10 seconds. Additionally, they have to blow with enough force to ensure that the device captures an adequate sample of breath.

The breathalyser will then analyse the sample and display the BAC level on its screen. To accurately assess the BAC level, people must follow the instructions provided with the specific device model. Regular maintenance and calibration of the breathalyser are also necessary to ensure reliable readings.

A gavel and sound block

How Long After Drinking Can I Drive – Understanding the Drink Driving Law

The drink driving law in Australia prohibits individuals from driving a motor vehicle if their BAC exceeds the legal limit. The legal limit varies depending on the category of driver. For full licence holders, the legal limit is a BAC of 0.05 grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood. For learner and probationary drivers, it is a BAC of 0.00. Hence, knowing how long after drinking can I drive is essential.

The effects of alcohol can impair the driving skills of a person, even at low levels of BAC. Reaction times can slow down, impairing judgment and falsely heightening the sense of balance and confidence. Therefore, all drivers, especially learner drivers and novice drivers, should refrain from consuming any alcohol before getting behind the wheel.

If a driver exceeds the legal limit, they can face serious penalties. These laws are in place to protect all road users and reduce the number of alcohol-related crashes. For that reason, people should wait for their BAC level to subside or plan alternative transportation if they have consumed alcohol. Engaging a designated driver or using public transportation are responsible alternatives to consider.

Penalties and Charge

Drink driving offences carry severe penalties and charges. People may receive fines, lose their licences, install alcohol interlocks, do community service, or go to jail. These penalties vary depending on factors such as blood alcohol levels and prior convictions. Apart from legal ramifications, such offences can result in increased insurance premiums, loss of employment, and damage to reputation.

Furthermore, drink driving contributes to a significant number of alcohol-related crashes. Therefore, it is important to understand the legal limit, drink responsibly, and never drive after consuming alcohol. This ensures the safety of oneself and others on the road.


Understanding BAC is crucial to determine how long after drinking can I drive. The ability of the body to process alcohol varies based on factors like weight and metabolism. On average, it takes about one hour to metabolise one standard drink. For safety, individuals should wait at least one to two hours after each drink. Using a breathalyser is a reliable way to monitor BAC levels accurately. It is essential to ensure BAC is below the legal limit before driving.

Furthermore, individuals must adhere to the drink driving laws to ensure road safety. One must refrain from driving if their BAC exceeds the legal limit. Understanding the severe penalties and charges associated with drink driving offences emphasises the importance of responsible behaviour. By planning alternative transportation or waiting for BAC to subside, people actively contribute to reducing alcohol-related crashes. This proactive approach safeguards both their own lives and others on the road.

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