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How to Buy a Breathalyzer Near Me

03 February, 2023

One set of BACtrack S80 breathalyzer

People want to find all their essential products within one location whenever they choose to purchase anything. Therefore, finding a reliable and trustworthy online store is critical and beneficial if you want to know, “where to buy a breathalyzer near me?”. A complete online store would be excellent for discovering various breathalyzers that suit every situation and alcohol test requirement. If you are looking for exclusive breathalyzer products online, you can find them effortlessly on Breathalysers Australia.

Breathalysers Australia is an excellent place to find a wide selection of breathalyzers with different styles and features. You can discover what each device offers to help make the best choice. Therefore, searching for the ideal breathalyzer is more convenient by just one click away. It saves a lot of time and effort than looking at different places. This article will cover where you can purchase a breathalyzer, the available devices and how to choose an instrument.

Where to Buy a Breathalyzer Near Me?

If you are wondering, “where can I buy a breathalyzer near me?” many types of breathalyzers are available. Whether it be online stores, supermarkets and pharmacies across the country, these breathalyzers are similar to what law enforcement use during roadside alcohol screening and even come in a compact and highly portable design. However, should you rely on these devices to determine whether or not you are fit enough to drive?

Alcohol intoxication is one of the top reasons for roadside and workplace accidents. Hence, breathalyzers are valuable for people who value safety while working or during personal time. You can purchase a device from as little as over $60 to over $100. Alcohol breath testers can measure the amount of alcohol through an exhaled breath to estimate the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC). As a result, it can determine a person’s intoxication level.

Many ask, “is buying a breathalyzer near me worth it?” People likely to consume large amounts of alcohol can benefit from using a personal breathalyzer. For example, breath testers can tell if your BAC has exceeded the legal alcohol limit for driving. Therefore, it helps control alcohol intake and deter drink driving incidents. Devices from Breathalysers Australia can provide the same accuracy level as police breathalysers used in traffic stops. Breathalyzers can significantly help improve safety when used appropriately.

Why Get a Personal Breathalyzer?

Using a breathalyzer is one of the simplest ways to confirm a person’s ability to drive. People buy a personal breathalyzer for the following reasons:

  • It is a practical method for estimating sobriety
  • They are worried about drinking and driving
  • They are concerned about a loved one driving after drinking

A personal breathalyzer with keys on the table


Buying a Breathalyzer Near Me: Available Devices

If you seek the best device for buying a breathalyzer near me, Breathalysers Australia offers a wide range of robust alcohol testers. First, there are two standard types of breathalyzers; semiconductors and fuel cell devices. Fuel cell breathalyzers are more accurate than semiconductors as it only reacts to ethanol. This feature makes it less likely for the device to produce false positives. In addition, fuel cell sensor technology is the same technology you can find in police devices.

Breathalysers Australia supplies genuine BACtrack breathalyzers. For example, the BACtrack Trace Pro can deliver BAC readings as precise as the more expensive breathalyzers. It takes about 10 seconds for the device to warm up once you turn it on, producing results within a few seconds. Furthermore, it is a cost-effective device, making it an excellent value for the price. The primary purpose or accuracy of breath tests can help you choose the most suitable device.

If you search “buying a breathalyzer near me” online, you may find various products available. However, if you require the most accurate device for your needs, BACtrack offers fuel cell breathalyzers. The perfect example is the BACtrack S80 Pro. The S80 offers users police-grade accuracy through its advanced fuel cell sensors. In addition, if you use a breathalyzer for professional use, you should invest in the best and most accurate device.

Breathalysers Australia Devices

Breathalysers Australia offers a wide range of alcohol breath testers.

Personal Devices:

  • S80 Pro Gen1
  • Trace Pro Gen2
  • Mobile Pro Gen1
  • Mobile Pro Gen2
  • Trace Pro Gen1
  • Scout
  • C8 Smartphone
  • C6 Smartphone
  • Go Keychain

Workplace Devices:

  • SHIELD Express Identity
  • SHIELD Express Touch
  • Mercury Touchscreen
  • S80 Pro Gen2
  • Mobile Pro Gen2

Pro-grade sensors ideal for accurate alcohol breath testing


Considerations When Buying a Breathalyzer Near Me?

Are there considerations when considering buying a breathalyzer near me? Yes, including getting an accurate result, breathalyzers incorporate innovative features as well. The BACtrack breathalyzers combine the latest technology and advanced functions to enable efficient alcohol breath testing. Furthermore, using the BACtrack breathalyzer is simple and easy. Firstly, it is vital to wait at least 15 minutes after consuming alcohol or smoking to get accurate results. This practice minimises the chances of alcohol residue interfering with the BAC results.

If the provided sample is insufficient, an error message displays on the screen, and you must retake the test. Most BACtrack devices from Breathalysers Australia come with additional mouthpieces. It is vital to use a mouthpiece as it will help protect the sensors, preventing contaminants from entering. Moreover, an extra mouthpiece makes sharing the device with others more hygienic. Lastly, keep your device periodically recalibrated to maintain the sensor’s performance.

What should I look for when buying a breathalyzer near me? A breathalyzer device is valuable in improving safety when planning to drive after consuming alcohol. In addition, an alcohol tester can make a huge difference in healthier and safer practices. Therefore, the proper device, like a BACtrack breathalyzer, is a worthy investment as you can use them for an extended time. When choosing a breathalyzer, you should consider the device’s purpose, sensor, cost, and recalibration.

Features of the BACtrack Breathalysers

A BACtrack breathalyzer helps check and monitor alcohol consumption by delivering highly accurate BAC readings. Likewise, BACtrack utilises advanced features making each test more reliable. Aside from the robust alcohol sensors, the BACtrack breathalyzers offer the following features:

  • Optimal breath capture
  • One-touch operation
  • Linear response
  • Temperature checking
  • Adjustable settings
  • Fast results


In conclusion, online stores are an excellent option when searching “where to buy a breathalyzer near me?”. The perfect example of a reliable company to purchase from is Breathalysers Australia. In addition, modern alcohol testers like the BACtrack breathalyzers are compact and portable, making them easy to carry anywhere. The wide range of features also suits various testing needs for individuals and workplaces. Health and safety professionals recommend checking your BAC levels every hour.

Many people use a breathalyzer to prevent roadside or workplace accidents. Breathalysers Australia has an extensive selection of BACtrack breathalyzers suitable for personal or professional use. Personal breathalyzers with pro-grade accuracy are now readily available. You may select from the breathalyzers with keychain rings, smartphone connectivity, or police-grade accuracy. A BACtrack breathalyzer is a great way to learn more about how your body reacts to alcohol. Visit Breathalysers Australia to get the best device.

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