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Why Breathalyzers in Bars Business are Beneficial


Alcohol is one of the most consumed beverages enjoyed by people worldwide. It is also a part of many social cultures that cultivate engagement. In Australia, alcohol plays a central role in many social events and special occasions.  Moreover, many people go to bars and clubs to consume alcohol after work hours or on weekends. That is why it is common to have many people get intoxicated at the night’s end. Unfortunately, alcohol consumption is also directly linked to drink driving and road collisions. Many people drive a vehicle without checking their blood alcohol level. Therefore, many bars install breathalyzers to help ensure the safety of their patrons. Breathalyzers in bars business help people measure their Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) to see if they are fit for driving. 

Breathalyzers in bars business have helped people check their BAC level if below or over the legal limit. In particular, Australia has a legal limit of 0.05% BAC. It means that it is legally prohibited to drive a vehicle at 0.05% BAC or higher. In addition, even a low BAC range can still be subject to penalties if police officers suspect you of driving impaired. Therefore, awareness of your alcohol level helps you make informed decisions. You can check your BAC quickly and efficiently through the BACtrack breathalyzers. Breathalysers Australia offers a reliable way of knowing your BAC through accurate devices like BACtrack. They are highly portable devices, so you can conveniently monitor your alcohol level anytime.

Uses of Breathalyzers

Breathalyzers are devices that measure the BAC or the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood. It utilises sensor technology to measure the per cent of alcohol in a breath sample. Mainly, many people use a breathalyzer to check their BAC level and ensure they do not reach the legal limit for driving. Additionally, breathalyzers in bars business are increasing to provide customers easy access to their exact alcohol level. Some establishments put up commercial breathalyzers to provide swift BAC checks for those who do not have a personal device. Breathalyzers have helped people monitor their alcohol levels to lessen the harmful effects of excessive consumption. It is favourable to use for a lot of areas like:

  • Personal
  • Home 
  • Workplace
  • Roadside Screening
  • Treatment Centres


Breathalyzers in Bars Business

Breathalyzers in bars business are flourishing because it gives customers an accessible way to know their BAC level. In addition, some bars, restaurants, and clubs install a breathalyzer vending machine for public use. This breathalyzer is coin-operated and is larger than the standard personal alcohol testers. They are countertop or wall-mounted devices that will activate once you put money into the coin or bill acceptor. Operating the machine is simple, with visual instructions on the LCD screen. First, you need to insert money into the device to activate and warm up the sensors. Then, the breathalyzer will dispense a disposable straw for use. Next, take a deep breath as you wait for the countdown timer to reach zero. Finally, give a sufficient blow into the mouth-hole. The breathalyzer will process the breath sample and display the BAC results on the screen. 

Breathalyzers in bars business adhere to the Australian Standards (AS3547) to provide precise and reliable BAC readings. A coin-operated breathalyzer machine employs a fuel cell sensor to estimate the alcohol level. Fuel cell sensors have exceptional accuracy than semiconductor breathalyzers and remain consistent in high volume testing. It is the same sensor technology used by police officers in roadside screening. Moreover, a coin-operated breathalyzer has replaceable sensor modules to ensure accurate results. 

Benefits of Breathalyzers in Bars Business

Businesses that serve alcohol would benefit from having a breathalyzer for their customers. Specifically, breathalyzers in bars business promote moderate alcohol consumption. It helps bar owners provide responsible service of alcohol by preventing people from driving intoxicated. High alcohol concentration leads to severe impairment in the senses, perception, and motor functions. By using a bar breathalyzer before going, a person can know if they need to wait for their alcohol level to decline or take other modes of transportation. Furthermore, it provides the following uses and benefits:

  • Check the BAC level
  • Save lives
  • Promote awareness on responsible alcohol use
  • Added Revenue 
  • Reduce drink driving incidents


Breathalyzers in Bars Business: Accountability

Breathalyzers in bars business help people know their BAC level, especially if they are fit for driving. As a consumer, use it as a guide to limit your alcohol intake and keep you from going over the legal limit. However, keep in mind that no alcohol level is safe for driving. Even small amounts can affect the normal functioning of the brain and movements. For instance, if you get over by police officers for impaired driving, you cannot hold bars legally responsible for your BAC. 

Guidelines in Using a Breathalyzer

Alcohol effects vary individually. When alcohol enters the body, it enters the small intestines and the bloodstream into different organs shortly. In particular, many factors influence the BAC, such as age, gender, weight, body fat content, food intake, medications, and metabolism rate. Therefore, alcohol intoxication will differ between two people even if they consume the same alcohol. In addition, breathalyzers in bars business give guidelines on properly conducting an alcohol breath test to get accurate results. For example, it is essential to wait at least fifteen minutes after consumption before taking the test. It is because the waiting period gives time for the body to absorb alcohol and reach the lungs. It also keeps the alcohol residue in the mouth from affecting the BAC results. Next, do not take a breath test in a room filled with smoke or other fumes. 

Availability of Breathalyzers

Breathalyzers in bars business keep on growing as alcohol consumption increases. However, not all premises have breathalyzers available. Therefore, it is essential to carry a personal device anytime and anywhere. A personal breathalyzer like BACtrack helps you monitor your alcohol level quickly and efficiently. Specifically, most BACtrack breathalyzers use fuel cell sensors to measure the BAC accurately. In addition, fuel cell breathalyzers are sensitive to ethanol and do not react with other substances in the breath. Therefore, you can ascertain that the BACtrack device is least likely to give false-positive results.

Personal devices and breathalyzers in bars business help ensure the safety of everyone by monitoring the alcohol level. Breathalysers Australia provides dependable BAC tests to millions of people and industries nationwide. BACtrack has a wide array of alcohol testers suitable for personal or professional use. Notably, you can get unparalleled precision with the Pro series like BACtrack S80 Pro, Mobile Pro, and Trace Pro. They have FDA approval for an effective breath screening device. Their police-grade accuracy ensures that you get the most reliable breath test possible. Visit Breathalysers Australia for a comprehensive selection of breathalyzers suitable for your needs.

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