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Get the BACtrack S80 Professional Breathalyzer in Australia


With the implementation of new policies and penalties for DUI charges; owning machines like the BACtrack S80 Professional Breathalyzer in Australia might make for a reasonable investment. A breathalyzer calculates an individual’s blood alcohol content (BAC) level from the amount of alcohol present in their exhaled breath. The BAC of an individual is mainly monitored by law enforcers that conduct routine checkups on drivers driving suspiciously or dangerously. Driving with a BAC of 0.05% and above is deemed illegal and is punishable by law. The penalties for DUI charges could include hefty fines, confiscated licenses, and impounded vehicles, and gets worse for repeat offenders. To prevent such charges; people have now started relying on their breathalyzer to help determine whether they can legally get behind a wheel or not.  

With the BAC set very low and the penalties made more severe, having a device like the BACtrack S80 Professional breathalyzer in Australia can be of good use. Those who like to enjoy an occasional drink could be some of the few people that could benefit from a professional-grade breathalyzer in their pockets. Despite being small and compact, the accuracy and consistency of the BACtrack devices are not impacted at all. Having a fuel cell sensor, like those used in hospitals, clinics, and law enforcement, ensures the reliability of the results. Results from a personal breathalyzer as accurate as the official breathalyzer used by professionals can effectively prevent any possible DUI charges; with constant self-monitoring before driving.  

Why the BACtrack S80 Professional Breathalyzer in Australia?

The BACtrack S80 Professional breathalyzer in Australia also offers some major vital features to help individuals have an easier time performing tests. It’s a straightforward and easy-to-use device that can be operated optimally by almost anyone. It is a one-touch operation type of device that be used within seconds of powering it up. It also has an audible alarm set to the Australian BAC driving limit; which could inform would-be DUI drivers to wait for their BAC to drop or book a taxi home. This further ensures the safety of the user as well as the others on the road.  

With significantly more severe penalties present; having a device that complies with the Department of Transportation (DOT) federal alcohol screening requirements can help prevent any hindrances caused by hard punishments. Penalties like ignition interlocks and impounding of the vehicles can be prevented; especially when one has a BACtrack S80 Professional Breathalyzer in Australia to aid with constant BAC tests. 


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