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What is a BAC Tester?


Alcohol in moderation is enjoyable and pleasing. Most people consume alcohol during social events and gatherings. Some people also consume alcohol to feel at ease and relaxed after a long day at work. Regardless of the purpose, alcohol consumption is better if you conclude it with an alcohol breath test. Your blood alcohol content (BAC) indicates how much alcohol is in your system and how intoxicated you are. A BAC tester can help objectively determine your alcohol or impairment level. Knowing your exact BAC level instead of just guessing could drastically help improve your safety after alcohol consumption. Furthermore, you can make better and more informed decisions based on your BAC and intoxication level. 

A BAC tester is an instrument that analyses the breath sample to estimate the blood alcohol concentration in your system. The concentration of alcohol in your breath can determine the concentration of alcohol within your blood. A breath alcohol tester calculates and translates your breath alcohol level into a corresponding Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level. Law enforcers use BAC testers or breathalysers to apprehend impaired drivers. Police officers may ask you to blow a breath sample if they believe you are driving under the influence (DUI). Similarly, people and would-be drivers can use personal breathalysers to help control their alcohol intake. Controlling your intake can help prevent you from going over the legal limits of driving (0.05% BAC in Australia). BACtrack personal breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia are the leading alcohol breath testers for personal and workplace use. 

Breath Tests with a BACtrack BAC tester

When performing breath tests with your breathalyser, make sure to wait about 15 minutes after your last or latest drink. This waiting period gives enough time for our bodies to metabolise and process the alcohol from our latest drink fully. Giving enough time for your body to process everything you’ve consumed can allow for more accurate tests. Your BAC results would tend to be more reliable and precise when you follow the proper steps for breath tests. When taking a BACtrack BAC tester test, you should also let the device warm up first. The countdown period for its warmup (about 10 to 20 seconds) starts when you turn on the device. Moreover, BACtrack devices provide audible notifications once the warmup period is complete. 

Providing an adequate breath sample is another factor that can affect our breath test results. When using a BACtrack BAC tester, blowing a breath sample in the device for about 5 seconds is crucial. You should provide a firm blow directly into the mouthpiece of the breathalyser. Moreover, when given an adequate breath sample, the BACtrack device would provide another audible notification for a successful sample. The BACtrack breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia are highly accurate and reliable devices. Following these simple device usage steps could drastically improve the overall accuracy of your breath alcohol tests. 


Why use a BACtrack BAC Tester Over Other Devices?

A BACtrack BAC tester has plenty of features that make it a better option over other devices. Firstly, BACtrack personal breathalysers are highly accurate. This accuracy is mainly due to the sensor technology most BACtrack devices use. Most BACtrack personal and workplace breathalysers use fuel cell sensors to measure your BAC accurately. These are the same sensors you would find in a police officer’s breathalyser. Using BACtrack devices ensures users get professional-grade results, like during roadside screenings. Furthermore, fuel cell sensors are only sensitive to ethanol (alcohol), making them less likely to provide false-positive results. This feature can ascertain users that no other external factor can affect their BAC results. Users with diabetes or those under a low-calorie diet can significantly benefit from this feature. 

A Breath test can be quick and easy through a personal BAC tester from Breathalysers Australia. BACtrack devices have one-button operations. This feature allows users to immediately begin their alcohol breath test with just a push of a button. All you must do is turn on the BACtrack device and wait for it to warm up. You can immediately start your test once the device indicates (beeps) that its warmup period is complete. Moreover, BACtrack breathalysers can quickly process your breath samples. BACtrack machines only take 10 to 15 seconds to process your breath sample. Having this feature can help you consistently do more tests. Having the option to do more tests can drastically help improve your safety and consumption monitoring. 

Why Do You Need A BAC tester?

You can use a BAC tester to help you moderate your alcohol consumption. When moderating your consumption, it is essential to know your exact BAC. Knowing your BAC can help you determine when to stop or slow down. Effectively controlling your intake can significantly help improve your safety and prevent unwanted trouble with the law. The legal driving limit in Australia is 0.05% BAC. Before driving, a breath test can help you determine what you should do next. You can never really assess your BAC only based on the number of drinks you’ve had. Several factors can affect your BAC, and these are your: 

  • Age 
  • Weight 
  • Height 
  • Food before consumption 
  • Metabolism rate 


Devices You Can Buy

BACtrack breathalysers have a wide range of alcohol testers to suit specific needs. For instance, the BACtrack keychain BAC tester is a budget-friendly option suitable for personal testing. Additionally, these devices have a compact size and are easily attachable to the keyrings of your house or car keys. On the other hand, some highly innovative BACtrack devices are also available. BACtrack smartphone breathalysers can accurately measure your BAC and show your results either on their screen or your smartphone’s screen. You can use the smartphone breathalysers either on their “smartphone mode” or “standalone mode”. Smartphone breathalysers also have ZeroLine technology in them. This technology can help determine when and how long it would take for your BAC to return to 0.00%. This feature can drastically help drivers under the zero-alcohol tolerance policy (beginner and probationary drivers). 

Furthermore, there are also devices available that have more specific features. The BACtrack S80 Pro from Breathalysers Australia is a highly accurate, standalone device. This device is perfect for users that prefer a more straightforward approach to alcohol breath testing. Employers can use the S80 Pro Gen2 for high-volume workplace testing for workplace testing. BACtrack devices have removable mouthpieces so group testing can remain hygienic. Moreover, employers can save more money by using a workplace BAC tester instead of hiring testing services. 

The Driving Limit in Australia

Going over the driving limit (0.05% BAC) may have dire consequences. Nowadays, drivers would instead invest in an accurate personal BAC tester rather than paying a fine. Without a doubt, BACtrack devices can help prevent drivers from acquiring charges like: 

  • Hefty fines 
  • License confiscation 
  • Interlock programs 
  • Vehicle confiscation 
  • Imprisonment (for drivers with a very high BAC test and other offences) 
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