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Are Breathalyzers 100 % Accurate?


A breathalyzer is a portable breath alcohol testing device that can measure the breath alcohol concentration (BAC) or the alcohol level in one’s blood. It takes a few breath samples on a small device to know one’s BAC within seconds. People use breathalyzers for a variety of reasons. Some people use it to confirm alcohol consumption on others, while others use it to assess their current state. With the rising popularity of portable breath alcohol testers, many people now ask: are breathalyzers 100 % accurate?

Results from different breathalyzers vary despite drinking the same amount of alcohol. It is essential to know how breathalyzers work to gauge their effectiveness and reliability. How are breathalyzers 100 % accurate? Devices like BACtrack breathalyzers use alcohol testers’ most advanced sensor technology to give the most accurate BAC readings. Moreover, the process involves oxidizing the alcohol in the breath sample into a chemical reaction that determines the BAC or the corresponding amount of alcohol in one’s blood. Breathalyzers that use fuel cell sensor technology offer the most accurate BAC results. The fuel cell sensor is sensitive to ethyl alcohol. Therefore, it does not pick up other types of alcohol in the breath and would not give false-positive results.

Are Breathalyzers 100 % Accurate: Factors affecting accuracy

Are breathalyzers 100 % accurate after several uses? Breathalyzers are sensitive devices. Different factors can affect a breathalyzer’s accuracy:

  • Poor calibration – The sensor may build up alcohol residue after several applications. The residue can affect the quality of BAC readings of new tests. Furthermore, the unit must be regularly calibrated and properly maintained (every 6-12 months, depending on usage)
  • Chemical substances – Some substances in the mouth may contain alcohol, such as mouthwash or breath fresheners. A breathalyzer can trace alcohol even when it is in the surroundings. Paint fumes or varnish in the room may interfere with the breath test (Mostly for semiconductor units).
  • Health conditions – Certain health conditions increase the level of acetone in the body. Having diabetes, in particular, can give a false-positive result in a breathalyzer (Mostly on semiconductor units).

How are breathalyzers 100 % accurate if it uses different technology? Each BACtrack unit gets rigorous testing before being approved to ensure the highest quality and most accurate results. BACtrack is fully compliant with Australian alcohol testing standards as a safe and effective breath alcohol screening device. The fuel cell sensors in most BACtrack devices is the most accurate sensor you could find in a breath tester. Additionally, it is the same sensor technology that law enforcers use in their breathalyzers. Without a doubt, you can use breathalyzers to help you make better decisions after alcohol consumption.

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