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Alcohol and Drug Screening Facilities Near Me


Alcohol and drugs misuse have many profound adverse effects on health and relationships with family, work, and the general public. Specifically, the prevailing use of alcohol has significantly impacted safety on roads and workplaces. According to the National Drug Research Institute study, alcohol and drug-related incidents cost the economy $67 billion a year. Additionally, people have consumed more alcohol over the past year due to their affordability. As such, stricter road laws and workplace policies are critical in deterring alcohol and drug use. Therefore, if your workplace has experienced substance-related accidents, it is high time to establish a procedure to prevent it from happening again. There are a lot of testing facilities that offer alcohol and drug tests for the workplace. You can begin by searching for “alcohol and drug screening facilities near me” online. 

Substance impairment has cost companies billions of dollars every year due to hospitalisation expenses and revenue loss. Furthermore, it results in lost productivity and several setbacks. Implementing a workplace program can overcome low output and manage risks effectively. Looking for “Alcohol and drug screening facilities near me” helps you narrow down your choices. Looking for available facilities by area is the most efficient way to access alcohol and drug services. Mainly, screening tests involve analysing the blood, urine, saliva, or breath sample for illicit substances. In particular, an alcohol breath test through a breathalyser is cost-efficient to detect alcohol use or intoxication. The breathalyser that many companies in Australia trust are the BACtrack breathalysers. 

Options for Alcohol and Drug Screening

Alcohol and drug screening facilities near me, what do they use? There are several methods to test for alcohol and drugs. First, there are home test kits that you purchase in pharmacies. However, home test kits can only determine the presence of alcohol or drugs but not how much are present. If you think someone is abusing prescription or illicit drugs, you can use these tests. Note that many factors can affect the accuracy of these tests, such as actual testing procedure, handling and storing. If the results are positive, you can take a confirmatory test with a laboratory to get the exact results. Testing facilities will process specimen samples for commonly used drugs like cocaine, cannabis, ecstasy, hallucinogens, and inhalants. In addition, different drugs stay in the body for different times. There are several options on how to screen for drugs or alcohol:

  • Blood sampling
  • Urine sampling
  • Sweat sampling
  • Saliva sampling
  • Hair sampling


Screening Facilities and Standards

Alcohol and Drug Screening facilities near me, how to choose? Selecting a testing facility should not be hard as long as you know what you need. Every state in Australia has local or national testing centres that you can choose from. Firstly, the accuracy and validity of the results are essential in conducting alcohol and drug tests. You can verify the laboratory if they meet the federal requirements to perform a drug and alcohol test safely. Moreover, credited laboratories meeting the Australian and international standards must have AS 4308 and AS 4760 for urinary and oral fluid drug screening. The standards ensure that they follow strict protocols in collecting, storing, handling, and disposal of specimens. Only a certified collector or technician can obtain the samples.

Breath Alcohol Screening

How do alcohol and drug screening facilities near me check alcohol content? The blood alcohol content (BAC) determines the person’s level of intoxication. It is the volume of alcohol (in grams) for every 100ml of blood or 210L of breath. The more you consume alcohol, the higher the BAC is. For alcohol screening, a breathalyser device efficiently captures the breath sample for analysis. Screening facilities use fuel cell sensor breathalysers for the most precise BAC readings. The BACtrack professional breathalysers have police-grade accuracy using Xtend fuel cell sensor technology. They rely on an electrochemical process to oxidise alcohol in the breath. Lastly, the oxidisation process produces small electrical currents based on alcohol concentration to determine the BAC.

Can I have the breathalysers that alcohol and drug screening facilities near me use? Breathalysers are portable devices and are available for consumers’ use nationwide. In addition, they have high sensitivity to ethanol and do not react with other substances in the breath like acetone. They also maintain their accuracy and consistency over a more extended period before recalibration. As a result, people with diabetes or a low-calorie diet need not worry about getting false-positive results. In particular, the BACtrack Trace Pro, S80 Pro and S80 Gen2 have the largest fuel cell sensors giving the most consistent BAC results after repeated tests. Furthermore, the enhanced linear response can measure trace concentrations of alcohol from 0.00% to 0.400%. The BACtrack pro breathalysers can detect the precise alcohol level at a low BAC range.

Alcohol and Drug Screening Services

What services can I expect from alcohol and drug screening facilities near me? You can walk in and choose from the available tests for immediate testing right away. Most centres have basic or bundled services for individuals or corporate clients. The bundled services are available for different test types according to your needs. Furthermore, companies needing alcohol and drug screening services for their employees can request an on-site visit. The testing facility can set up a mobile unit near the worksite to collect samples securely. Most alcohol and drug screening facilities would have the following services:

  • On-site test – The specimens are obtained in the workplace for convenience. A mobile set-up can analyse the samples right away to get instant results. 
  • Post-incident test – A post-incident test confirms if alcohol or illicit substances contribute to an accident. In addition, accidents can happen anytime and outside normal business hours. Testing centres are available on call 24/7 to administer screening tests. 
  • Pre-employment test – Some companies require pre-employment alcohol and drug tests as part of the hiring process. It helps employers identify possible substance abuse that can endanger the work environment. 
  • Reasonable suspicion test – If an employee shows symptoms of impairment, it is best to conduct an alcohol or drug test and pull them out before a serious injury occurs.


Information on Alcohol and Drug Screening

Where can I get information on alcohol and drug screening facilities near me? You can check for the near testing facilities online. You may also contact or visit them directly to inquire or set an appointment. Additionally, you may ask for a referral from a doctor on which to choose. Reducing substance use can help improve workplace safety and productivity and improve employee health. Moreover, for alcohol screening, you can use BACtrack personal or workplace breathalysers from Breathalysers Australia. Breathalysers are the least intrusive out of all the methods and provide quick results. Additionally, BACtrack breathalysers can deliver BAC results in 10 to 15 seconds. Visit Breathalysers Australia online for comprehensive alcohol testers.

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